Does anyone else think another WW is coming soon


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
So much unrest all over the world.. IT just seems it might be coming soon.. I hope I am wrong!
Not coming. Never again.

I hope you are right and I am wrong. I would never want to see that in my life time or my kids life time or ever again.. But so much unrest through out the world.. Not just the middle east, Russia and our country is very divided as well ..
I hope it does come soon. We need something to bring this country back together. Indiscriminately blowing up killer Muslims will do the trick.

If not a World War, we can look forward to a civil war led by the racists in the Tea Party.
I hope it does come soon. We need something to bring this country back together. Indiscriminately blowing up killer Muslims will do the trick.

If not a World War, we can look forward to a civil war led by the racists in the Tea Party.

You're an idiot... go crawl back in your hole.
So much unrest all over the world.. IT just seems it might be coming soon.. I hope I am wrong!

You might have to change your concept of WW. It doesn't have to be a conflict between every country in the world. It could be conflict IN every country in the world. In which case we are in a WW now, spreading to more countries.

Despite that obama says that the world is a more peaceful place than ever in history, the facts are much different.
LMAO Racists in the Tea party??

Oh brother. Just because they don't agree with your abject worship of that fuck who currently occupies the WH and want smaller Govt doesn't make em racist.

You however are a racist. Your racist against anything that you don't agree with. Namely the Tea Party.

Shove it up your ass you racist.
I hope it does come soon. We need something to bring this country back together. Indiscriminately blowing up killer Muslims will do the trick.

If not a World War, we can look forward to a civil war led by the racists in the Tea Party.

Bullshit. You may be looking forward to war with your fellow Americans, but the rest of us are not. As for the unrest in the world, in my 70 years of life, it has always been thus. More people today realize the price of war, and far fewer glamourize the 'glory'. Just the far left and far right. The rest of us realize the horrible price that war extracts.
LMAO Racists in the Tea party??

Oh brother. Just because they don't agree with your abject worship of that fuck who currently occupies the WH and want smaller Govt doesn't make em racist.

You however are a racist. Your racist against anything that you don't agree with. Namely the Tea Party.

Shove it up your ass you racist.

:lmao: Who said I support Obama? What an idiot.

I am a racist because I am disgusted with the racist faction of the tea party...that is classic Teaperism!
I don't see a "world war" but the Middle East in flames.

The USA doesn't have the guts to interfere. Russia and China will support some countries but let the others fight it out.

Israel will only put up so much until they let go with nukes.

The rest of the world will be so horrified that they'll be paralyzed and do nothing.

The real joker in the deck is India. It has built up a huge arsenal and what it decides to do could lead to anything.

Hold your breaths.
A world war is not inevitable as many parts of the world are suffering through a recession.

Unfortunately we have poor leadership right now in this country and the same very thing happened under Carter. I do not totally blame Carter as he was been attacked by the far left who would not support many of his initiatives.

Want the world to be a better place? Then never vote far left..
We are already in a new World War. ALL wars in history have been fought over either resources (land, water, food) or religion.

And the world is fighting for all of that right now. BUT, the difference is, the war is being fought with computers, banks and courtrooms. Victories come from those, not from tanks and bombs. A nation acquiring more wealth from a bank or court ruling. Religious groups winning or losing their wishes on society through a court. People being given, or denied, resources through a court or bank. The new "soldiers" in this war are bankers and lawyers.

And, during this next 50 year World War, most actual armed conflict will be small scale and locale, and mostly be a police situation, either done by the local police of a country, or their military acting as police (like in Brazil right now).

But make no doubt about it. Humanity all over the globe is in a big conflict over resources and religion. Globalization made the new World War inevitable.

But, its not nearly as violent, so that's good.

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