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Does anyone else think the modern struggle between conservative and liberal ideology. . .

Is Conservatism vs. Liberalism a war of Good vs. Evil?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • Maybe so.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • I'm burning for liberal ideology

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
See, Money tortured Bruce Reimer for years, not because he wanted to help the boy, no, rather because Money wanted to prove a damn fu**ing theory;

Some sadistic doctor does not cement political stripe ,all though you man want it to Nightson

As to your good/evil Q then.....

both Conservative and Liberal are no more than labels descriptive of socio-political ideologies.

They are mallable , and historically one is often confused with the other

For ex, P@triot assures us our FF's were conservative

Meanwhile self proclaimed liberals proclaim what yesteryears conservatives sounded like ,....summarily branded negativism

Ring up any wedge issue history ,and your antipositivism can be seen oscillating like positive an negative electrons via factions that would be rather surprised at what lables historic revisionists grant them.

After a while, one realizes it all contrived, coerced, a grand diversion to keep the wee folk at each other's throat

THAT apsect is where the true evil lurks


See, Money tortured Bruce Reimer for years, not because he wanted to help the boy, no, rather because Money wanted to prove a damn fu**ing theory;

Some sadistic doctor does not cement political stripe ,all though you man want it to Nightson

As to your good/evil Q then.....

both Conservative and Liberal are no more than labels descriptive of socio-political ideologies.

They are mallable , and historically one is often confused with the other

For ex, P@triot assures us our FF's were conservative

Meanwhile self proclaimed liberals proclaim what yesteryears conservatives sounded like ,....summarily branded negativism

Ring up any wedge issue history ,and your antipositivism can be seen oscillating like positive an negative electrons via factions that would be rather surprised at what lables historic revisionists grant them.

After a while, one realizes it all contrived, coerced, a grand diversion to keep the wee folk at each other's throat

THAT apsect is where the true evil lurks


The terms liberal and conservative have been bastardized.

You have conservative and liberal voters, then you have their representatives.

Conservative voters want border control, but they never get it no matter how many in the GOP they send to do the job. Likewise regarding abortion. No matter how much they vote for changing such issues as abortion and border security, they always fall short.

Then there is the DNC. The voters hate wars abroad and typically vote for people who will try and slash the military so that they can have more money at home. However, just like Obama they just can't stop from all the wars. And voters for the DNC typically express outrage at how corporations rule the roost, but their voices never stop the corporate influence. However, rich fat cats like Soros continue to call the shots.

Regarding such issues, voting is futile. The Federal government from both parties will continue the status quo, preferably with Trump impeached.

I don't even think Trump can effect change with a border wall. They will never allow it.
See, Money tortured Bruce Reimer for years, not because he wanted to help the boy, no, rather because Money wanted to prove a damn fu**ing theory;

Some sadistic doctor does not cement political stripe ,all though you man want it to Nightson

As to your good/evil Q then.....

both Conservative and Liberal are no more than labels descriptive of socio-political ideologies.

They are mallable , and historically one is often confused with the other

For ex, P@triot assures us our FF's were conservative

Meanwhile self proclaimed liberals proclaim what yesteryears conservatives sounded like ,....summarily branded negativism

Ring up any wedge issue history ,and your antipositivism can be seen oscillating like positive an negative electrons via factions that would be rather surprised at what lables historic revisionists grant them.

After a while, one realizes it all contrived, coerced, a grand diversion to keep the wee folk at each other's throat

THAT apsect is where the true evil lurks


The terms liberal and conservative have been bastardized.

You have conservative and liberal voters, then you have their representatives.

Conservative voters want border control, but they never get it no matter how many in the GOP they send to do the job. Likewise regarding abortion. No matter how much they vote for changing such issues as abortion and border security, they always fall short.

Then there is the DNC. The voters hate wars abroad and typically vote for people who will try and slash the military so that they can have more money at home. However, just like Obama they just can't stop from all the wars. And voters for the DNC typically express outrage at how corporations rule the roost, but their voices never stop the corporate influence. However, rich fat cats like Soros continue to call the shots.

Regarding such issues, voting is futile. The Federal government from both parties will continue the status quo, preferably with Trump impeached.

I don't even think Trump can effect change with a border wall. They will never allow it.

While I agree with you, broadly speaking, I also think that the American status quo you illustrate can also be a distraction from the rare society-wide upheavals capable of changing the course of U.S. history--which I also believe we're on the verge of. Despite unseen masters of national finance and our economy, political structure, culture and philosophy, I think we are headed for a very definable, measurable and overt shift in governing tradition, belief systems and individual freedoms.

In my opinion, the coming shift could go either way--either drastically so, or just sharply enough to be felt on the ground level of daily life--toward acceptance of and governance by a more radical liberal philosophy of American way of life, or a possibly welcomed and called for, more authoritarian one.

Some Americans want to go even farther out onto the bridge of cultural revolution and departure from traditional norms, while others want our government and cultural dissemination masters to put on the brakes and even turn things around. Therein, I believe lies the struggle that actually applies to and will effect the average American, either negatively or positively--depending on their disposition. Clandestine backroom deities of corporate, cultural and political American power and policy, while universal in their stranglehold on the infrastructure, are I believe content to sit back and profit off whichever ideological side wins the races to manage lower political strata.
Gentlemen, i truely appreciate the enlighten posts , it really is a breath of fresh air in what is an ascii hate fest everywhere one finds oneself on this soul suckin' device.

Further, reading you i keep coming back to one fundametal , critical thinking.

We seem to be orbiting economy, political stripe, freedom, traditon, and how governance factors in on it all

Objectively, i can't see how they all can occupy the same ideology w/o loosing altuistic value.

Stop me if i'm showing my libertarian side, but no one can or should 'have it all' w/o a dog in the fight


. . . is a clash between good and evil?

Philosophically speaking, of course. . . .

In my opinion, philosophically, the sum total ideology of radical Leftism--excluding political or religious qualities--can be summed up best as a paradigm of evil euphemisms, each one being equally deceitful and engineered to encapsulate as means of lurid, attractive disguise, the true madness within their cores.

For example: the transgender movement. Radicalized Leftist party public relations mouthpieces would have the American people believe the transgender movement is about equality and social acceptance for all Americans. When in truth it is a two sided coin of amoral, anti-American violence against the most innocent and deletion of individual Constitutional rights.

Imagine the horror of the child who is convinced by teacher and guidance counselor or movement activist educator, that he can become a she with hormone treatment and surgery, who after said procedures now must live with a mutilated body as he ages into the realization of the terrible things done to him.

On the coin's other side, think of the woman who after working out in public at the Gym retires to its women's locker room to shower and change, only to have a biological man, pretending to be a woman in all its muscular superiority, barge in and get naked before her eyes. The euphemism for equality, civil rights and acceptance is, in fact, a euphemism for legal butchery of biological sexual identity, and removal of right and expectance of privacy and fear of being assaulted or raped.

Then, there's the molten-hot-iron Leftist-radical-feminist ideology of abortion on demand. Again we see the Leftist publicity spun euphemism for women's rights to unhindered control over their bodies, access to women's healthcare, for mercy of a child of parents with no financial means, because: death penalty and all the other common euphemistic justifications. What all of them really mean after shedding of their disguise, is: population control, child sacrifice, ultimate selfishness, utter lack of personal responsibility, blaming the unborn for the pregnancy, and a lucrative industry of death disguised as convenience and mercy.

And now, lets move "up" to the philosophical and psychological . . .

Radical Leftist philosophy includes many disturbing branches devised primarily for the purpose of removing empathy, God, sense of individualism, forgiveness and personal freedom of thought from our lives, in support of conversion of the sacredly held facts and beliefs of our forefathers into pure intellectual obedience.

For example, the concept of Antipositivism, which is the antithesis of Positivism Antipositivism is a philosophical and psychological approach to studying both the natural world and human social interaction by means of non-scientific methods such as rationalization and inference; in other words, it is a means of investigating, understanding and interacting with the world by means of simply thinking about it. On a more metaphysical level, and a completely hypocritical one in the face of atheism's desire to remove God from our minds--Antipositivism is about examination of, for and by, the higher, abstract, purely of the mind force of intellect; thought conducted on a plane of the psyche . . . and one could even argue--the religious or supernatural.

A long running psychological obsession of the radical Left is measurement, and thereby prediction, of authoritarian behaviors in the average individual. Without getting into excessive detail, more information can be found around the Web by Googling: The Authoritarian Personality and the California F-scale--which is a actual test to measure predisposition to Fascism. I'll only add that controversy over the F-scale arose over Left leaning subjects tending to score higher than Right leaning ones.

In closing, the radical Left's ideology is to me clearly one of enforced deceit, submission, loss of individuality, loss of Constitutional rights and blatant lies about governments ran by the People which are actually run by authoritarian party councils or dictators. Further, radical Leftist ideologies are about mass addiction to government enforced benefits, political correctness over free speech, the murder of the unborn, destruction of religion, enforced Party line conformity, and use of cultural violence--to name but a few of its naked realities.

So what say you?

Conservatism vs. modern Liberalism = Good vs. Evil?

Commentary from all sides welcome--along with all the vitriol this thread can eat (joking, surely).
The cosmic battle between good and evil has manifested itself in the battle between free enterprise and socialism.

While I agree, I also believe the context of the struggle is a much deeper one. It is a struggle or conflict between the godless and the faithful, however, the real primacy lies within us: a struggle between the indelible, inborn part of the Logos within us--a vessel through which we "know" the face of God, and fear and hide from it--and the rest of our being which is compelled to reject the Logos and defy or rebel against the Father. Nevertheless, your euphemistic comparison is as valid a philosophy as any other.
I wouldn't know about all that. What I do know is that we were made to create. We are happiest when we use our talents to create. Free enterprise enobles the spirit of man. Socialism destroys the spirit of man.

That and socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

It's a clash between the authoritarian, reactionary right fearful of change, diversity, and dissent and those who embrace change and celebrate diversity.

And you see a far left religious zealot comes in and proves my comments correct!

Obama did more divide the country and they celebrated it.

Obama was nominated and when elected in one fell swoop racism & hate came out of the closet. The only thing Obama contributed to this hate was his birth, his color and his middle name which he had no control over.

He didn't divide the county, the KKK and its fellow travelers were shamed that a man with African Ancestry was POTUS and many of them couldn't be hired as a volunteer. And the Republican Party, with the exception of Sen. McCain, did nothing to support President Obama in any of his efforts to bring America back from the Great Recession.


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