Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

Well, I ain't a religious guy, but too, do not dismiss others faiths or the peculiar tics within their adherents.
But, having said that, I can see the pragmatism of a big gun, and an ugly face.

Versus, say......a rosary. No?
I totally hear what you and others are saying. My point is that the rosary just provides me extra strength as it does for over 1 billion other Catholics in the entire world.

I’m cool with non-Catholics I have a lot of respect for Buddhists for Muslims you name it.

I wasn’t even thinking about a gun in the original post. But that obviously makes sense. That’s an equalizer when its one man versus nine or 10 gangbangers who wanna rob your shoes.
But we used to feel safe walking through malls or going to movies and concerts.

Now? Ya never know when some nut with a gun might act out.

Hell school kids get "active shooter" drills.
Yup. Gun free zones are bullet magnets.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
In the city where I grew up there was I private university founded over 100 years ago. Since then the area around the university has changed, and not always for the better. When the university would expand, they would do so on the "poor side" where politicians in their pocket would help them force homeowners to sell their property. Not surprisingly, the students tried to avoid being on that side of campus because that's where the muggers would be.
You just dont get it. There is no fear when you are able to bring instant death to some idiot bent out of shape and wants to do you bodily harm. It is the pussy progressive pajama boys who will shit their pants at the first sign of a black guy scowling at them.....
If you can't leave the house without a firearm, that's fear.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
What kinda question is this? Some asshole who has a bad day may shoot you anywhere.
"Some" white supremacists... Vs. All mathematicians... While I'm not a statistician by trade... Lol.

My son is a theoretical mathematics doctoral student and gets paid by the government to do supercomputer level stuff. Sucker please. Cut your bullshit.
Well, when some people think that they are constantly victimized by another race, then of course there will be a superiority feeling towards those people. Do you think a professional football linebacker is intimidated when a punter decides to put his shoulder down and try to mow him over. Hell no, the football player will end up heading to the sideline or slide not to be crushed.
Thats a level twelve on the stupid scale.
That is the consensus of urban voters across the nation, consistently and repeatedly, in free and fair elections.
So, the rest of the country is subservient to urban voters? That’s tyranny.
What kinda question is this? Some asshole who has a bad day may shoot you anywhere.
The question is what it is, and you pretty much answered it in your own fashion… thank you. I’m asking folks what their own experiences are. People are going to answer the question differently. All I ask folks to do is answer it however they want.

Others would say that the inner cities are the most dangerous parts or major cities in America are the most dangerous part of the country…and by a wide margin.
No there was NEVER any crime in the U.S. before 1960, right?

You apparently had a very protected childhood...

and that's without really trying...
The stats show that there was less violent crime in the 60s compared to today. And nobody has said that there wasn’t any crime in the American past.

But here is the point that has been made by probably hundreds of millions of Americans that would tell you this. There are things today that exist today in America like crack cocaine , new weed products like “ dabbing “ a sort of nastyrude subculture that did not exist in the American past.

Some of what we see in America today. The drug culture the crack culture, the various subculture is in our country where people dress like slobs in public. This did not occur in the American past. In the 1960s if you went to a Ny Mets game, you would see men wearing suits and women wearing a dress. you go to a sports arena today and you can see some people wearing pajamas.

And I said this point about 30 times, and other people in this thread have made the same point. It is an undeniable fact that the inner cities today are home to dilapidated housing, potholes all over the place dirty neighborhoods, long stretches of areas where there’s nothing but weeds growing and there’s no housing where there used to be beautiful homes. Unique diverse, beautiful neighborhoods in the inner cities existed in the American past.

I don’t think there’s any more need for me to reiterate myself anymore than I have in this thread
New York is a beautiful state. I grew up in the southern tier, a bicycle ride from Letchworth state park. But by the time I turned 18 I knew I had to GTFO. The laws were draconian then. And they've only gotten worse. I still have boat loads of family up there, but I would never even entertain the notion of living there. Unless...
They had a Complete regime change, and the laws were what they are here in sweet home Alabama. If that happened; I'd move back in a New York minute.
That’s awesome. I have a few friends in the Alexander/Attica area. Much of this area are Trump supporters so things are better there compared to the city of Buffalo or any of the inner cities.

Many would agree with you, New York State, including upstate New York, has changed for the worse.

In the greater Buffalo area, there’s a general negative connotation toward the west side and east side of Buffalo. People say “don’t go down there at night you’ll get shot you’ll get robbed. They’ll take your shoes.”

The inner city neighborhoods of used to have tons of Polish, German, Italian Americans there. And they’re still there, but in lower numbers.

I was born in South Buffalo. I will say this much. South Buffalo, including the city of Lackawanna is as working class is it gets. There are many Arabs here and there’s more and more black folks coming ….there doing a lot of great things in South Buffalo. The people in South Buffalo are pretty tough minded and you’ll be hard-pressed to see some thug on the east side or west side try and mess with anybody from South Buffalo. The gang bangers and criminals in the inner cities target white liberal weak people from the suburbs , they also target blacks that they think they can get over on.

There’s a lot of working class people on the west side and east side of Buffalo as well that are fed up with the criminal element in their area …and of course the politicians of Buffalo that don’t give a darn about the inner city

all it takes are a small number of knuckleheads in the inner cities to cause problems and weak politicians that don’t do anything about it. That’s why the struggles continue on in inner cities.
So, the rest of the country is subservient to urban voters? That’s tyranny.
Urban voters, in their self-interests, choose their political leaders democratically. Please respect their right to do so.

Voters in states also have a right to choose their political leaders, even if the gun carnage in those states makes them feel unsafe:

The states with the highest rates of firearm deaths in the US are:
  • 1. Mississippi
  • 2. Louisiana
  • 3. Wyoming
  • 4. Missouri
  • 5. Alabama
  • 6. Alaska
  • 7. New Mexico
  • 8. Arkansas
The states with the lowest rates of firearm deaths are:
  1. Massachusetts
  2. New York
  3. New Jersey
  4. Hawaii
  5. Rhode Island
Urban voters, in their self-interests, choose their political leaders democratically. Please respect their right to do so.

Voters in states also have a right to choose their political leaders, even if the gun carnage in those states makes them feel unsafe:

The states with the highest rates of firearm deaths in the US are:
  • 1. Mississippi
  • 2. Louisiana
  • 3. Wyoming
  • 4. Missouri
  • 5. Alabama
  • 6. Alaska
  • 7. New Mexico
  • 8. Arkansas
The states with the lowest rates of firearm deaths are:
  1. Massachusetts
  2. New York
  3. New Jersey
  4. Hawaii
  5. Rhode Island
Red states don't fare too well.
Thats a level twelve on the stupid scale.
Still not as low as a Joe Biden Voter.

Biden voter.jpg

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