Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

I am not the one with the neo Nazi avatar.
Non Sequiter. You were a mod once. Have you forgotten the rules so quickly? What of your "contributions" to this thread have anything to do with the OP? None... Best you not be allowed that mantle again.
Non Sequiter. You were a mod once. Have you forgotten the rules so quickly? What of your "contributions" to this thread have anything to do with the OP? None... Best you not be allowed that mantle again.
You have a Neo Nazi symbol as an avatar.
You have a Neo Nazi symbol as an avatar.
What part of the OP, or intended discussion has to deal with my "Avatar"? Or... How you perceive it..? Being a Uke fan, one would think you'd find it quite fashionable given your self assessed interpretation...
Seriously? Your primary school was nuked by Russia?

Did you get the rest of the day off?
Wait. You think there was not a reasonable fear that we might have a nuclear war in the 60s??

Where you born in 1980? Have you read no history?

Newsflash the Cuban Missile crisis was a real deal dickwad
Wait. You think there was not a reasonable fear that we might have a nuclear war in the 60s??

Where you born in 1980? Have you read no history?

Newsflash the Cuban Missile crisis was a real deal dickwad

And yet ... we didn't. In the 70s and 80s I was part of the nuclear deterrent force and there was never a moment where we even came close to it.

The chance was never zero ... but having six-year-olds hide under the desks once a month while sirens went off to prepare for the infinitesimal chance we might have been subject to a full nuclear attack could be seen as unreasonable, yes.

The level of fear and apprehension that many experienced during the Cold War Era was vastly disproportionate the actual risk.
And yet ... we didn't. In the 70s and 80s I was part of the nuclear deterrent force and there was never a moment where we even came close to it.
A. We were talking about the 60s dope

B. There WAS an incident in the early 80s that almost ended up in a war. How did you not know that?

C. You're an idiot
Then what's the deal with the fear?
You just dont get it. There is no fear when you are able to bring instant death to some idiot bent out of shape and wants to do you bodily harm. It is the pussy progressive pajama boys who will shit their pants at the first sign of a black guy scowling at them.....
Well, when some people think that they are constantly victimized by another race, then of course there will be a superiority feeling towards those people. Do you think a professional football linebacker is intimidated when a punter decides to put his shoulder down and try to mow him over. Hell no, the football player will end up heading to the sideline or slide not to be crushed.
I look like I might beat a motherfucker's ass. No one has ever really messed with me even when I lived in a crack infested neighborhood in South Florida.
Good for you…. You are one motherfuckin’ datapoint that people don’t fuck with.
I kind of wonder what world are far left wing Democrats living in. How would they like to go up to a corner store and then there’s 15 guys literally loitering around the store hanging out. This happens on the east side of Buffalo. They’re smoking dope outside the stores. What does that happen in the suburbs…. Which you know the wealthy suburbs were the BLM leaders have her mansions while they steal money from the working class.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
I carry a gun.
i have 35 rounds of 9mm Critical Defense Max, so unless there are 36 or more, i am not concerned...
I look like I might beat a motherfucker's ass.
Well, I ain't a religious guy, but too, do not dismiss others faiths or the peculiar tics within their adherents.
But, having said that, I can see the pragmatism of a big gun, and an ugly face.

Versus, say......a rosary. No?

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

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