Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

Ah, stinkwarrior, try walking down a Marxist inner city at night. See if Russia is a safer place than those.
I have walked down the Berkeley of East many times. Thats how I got married. Walking on date with new girlfriend, due came out of an alleyway and backtracked after the (later wife) said I growled at him. :)
Back when Buffalo wasn't a run down shithole it had a huge and productive polish community...
We are the city of good neighbors. We will bring Buffalo back brother. You said it right we had the steel industry. We had the auto industry during World War II we employed 300,000 men and women to support the Allied war effort against the axis powers. We Helped to save the free world

My grandfather had a black boss in the 1950s working at a factory making great money. There was a sense of camaraderie. It was amazing nobody on the far left will tear down that historic unity.
Your defense of Russia is entertaining.
I do not defend Russia but i do not like how Joe Biteme is continuing a war, that never should of happened in the first place. When the brown turd Obammy gave up Crimea to Russia, when Obammy wanted to suck Putin's dick, then when President Trump came in, no actions at all were taking place other than peace agreements in the middle east. Once the brown turd Obammy's VP stole the 2020 election Putin, the Obammy dick suckee, then invaded Ukraine and billions of dollars are wasted for it. Want to continue to play there Stinkworrier?

I do not defend Russia but i do not like how Joe Biteme is continuing a war, that never should of happened in the first place. When the brown turd Obammy gave up Crimea to Russia, when Obammy wanted to suck Putin's dick, then when President Trump came in, no actions at all were taking place other than peace agreements in the middle east. Once the brown turd Obammy's VP stole the 2020 election Putin, the Obammy dick suckee, then invaded Ukraine and billions of dollars are wasted for it. Want to continue to play there Stinkworrier?

Id put that person on ignore. They have a habit of drive by posts and making things up about people.
Hahahahaha you've got to be kidding? There have always been places in America where certain Americans do not feel safe, even us white folks. Why my first trip to downtown Houston in 1978.......

Well, not here for sarcasm or jokes. Always appreciate your posts and your point of view brother

The bottom line is if you talk with any older Americans here in Buffalo, black or white they’re all gonna tell you the east side of Buffalo was a beautiful neighborhood back in the day… you had Polish people , the Italian Americans, the Germans, the African Americans. They were working the middle class jobs. Many of those jobs were sent overseas.

And now today the east side is a rundown area, pot holes all over the place, crackheads, crack dealers , heroin dealers, smoke shops they’re selling the marijuana “ dabbing “ poison to children. OK that’s not your regular flower weed product from the 1960s it’s this oil productwho knows what they’re putting in it …it’s lethal and very expensive. It Turns young people in zombies makes a Man into a weakling

Buffalo was a much better place in the middle of the 20th century. A safer community with hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs to offer. The writings on the wall the evidence is undeniable. Here in Buffalo if you had a kid who went to a middle school you could just walk into the school in the 1950s take the kid out to the doctors office and then bring him back without having to go through some ridiculous security check.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
I walk around with a hog leg in my pocket. So I walk with Smith and Wesson. Only the deadbeat thugs get scared.
that rosary wont do shit to protect you if someone was going to shoot you....many priest around the world have been victims of violence.....
Many people are on the world, including priests are victims of violence.

God knows when it’s time for someone to go. Sometimes there’s tragedies. Somethings are unexplainable. Note this is what many of our fellow Christians in Africa and Europe say…. “walk with Jesus you walk without fear”. When the criminal gang isil attempted to force Christians to convert to Islam…. The Christians refused bravely and heroically to give up their religion. They were beheaded. And they go right to heaven

I walk around with a hog leg in my pocket. So I walk with Smith and Wesson. Only the deadbeat thugs get scared.
I wish I didn’t live in this state of New York, at least in the sense that the gun laws are totalitarian. It’s not right at all an American citizen without a criminal record ought to be able to buy a pistol without having to wait a bunch of time to get some permit or to have to spend hundreds of dollars on a class. Other people in different states don’t have to deal with that. God bless them for that. I really admire what Texas has done.

Also, it’s not right that a senior citizen someone perhaps over the age of 95 have to worry about walking down the street and getting attacked by somebody. They might not be able to use a gun physically. So there’s that this was not an issue in the American past.
Maybe not so much unsafe as disgusted. I'm sure it's unsafe to step on a dirty needle but it's traumatic for a kid to see some drunken junkie shitting on the streets. Degenerates have taken over the once beautiful parks in Northwest states and ocean front roads in L.A. and city streets in San Francisco and NY subways. Who ya gonna call?
I wish I didn’t live in this state of New York, at least in the sense that the gun laws are totalitarian. It’s not right at all an American citizen without a criminal record ought to be able to buy a pistol without having to wait a bunch of time to get some permit or to have to spend hundreds of dollars on a class. Other people in different states don’t have to deal with that. God bless them for that. I really admire what Texas has done.

Also, it’s not right that a senior citizen someone perhaps over the age of 95 have to worry about walking down the street and getting attacked by somebody. They might not be able to use a gun physically. So there’s that this was not an issue in the American past.
New York is a beautiful state. I grew up in the southern tier, a bicycle ride from Letchworth state park. But by the time I turned 18 I knew I had to GTFO. The laws were draconian then. And they've only gotten worse. I still have boat loads of family up there, but I would never even entertain the notion of living there. Unless...
They had a Complete regime change, and the laws were what they are here in sweet home Alabama. If that happened; I'd move back in a New York minute.
I wish I didn’t live in this state of New York, at least in the sense that the gun laws are totalitarian. It’s not right at all an American citizen without a criminal record ought to be able to buy a pistol without having to wait a bunch of time to get some permit or to have to spend hundreds of dollars on a class. Other people in different states don’t have to deal with that. God bless them for that. I really admire what Texas has done.

Also, it’s not right that a senior citizen someone perhaps over the age of 95 have to worry about walking down the street and getting attacked by somebody. They might not be able to use a gun physically. So there’s that this was not an issue in the American past.
Of course you can always use the Supreme Court decision that states that the gun laws cannot infringe upon your right.
Stinkworrier usually identified as a Mod, but i see his title isnt with him right now. It is okay, i love giving history lessons to morons about what his side has done to make the world a very dangerous place.
He is not denying he is a Russobot.
Id put that person on ignore. They have a habit of drive by posts and making things up about people.
You are a Russobot. Deny it.
Many people are on the world, including priests are victims of violence.

God knows when it’s time for someone to go. Sometimes there’s tragedies. Somethings are unexplainable. Note this is what many of our fellow Christians in Africa and Europe say…. “walk with Jesus you walk without fear”. When the criminal gang isil attempted to force Christians to convert to Islam…. The Christians refused bravely and heroically to give up their religion. They were beheaded. And they go right to heaven

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