Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

There’s a great point and I’m sorry to hear that about North Cincinnati. Do you think there’s going to be a time in the future where you or anybody can walk around North Cincinnati safely.?

We got to get to the point where American cities are safe, beautiful and glorious like they used to be. The other poster Mike was talking about the architecture and he’s 100% right. The architecture is dull and very disturbing in America today. We need better buildings. We need more positivity from the politicians and the media.

Just as the other posters pointed out the American past people left their doors unlocked. My older relatives and friends tell me This is how it was in Buffalo decades ago in the inner cities… the homes were beautiful. People had middle class jobs. They left the doors unlocked. They could just walk right into a school and get their kid and take them to a doctor. The neighborhoods were beautiful. The blacks and whites were doing great. Now it’s degradation. It’s pot holes all over the roads its dilapidated homes, crack dealers all over the place , liquor stores, smoke shops, fast food restaurants.

I’m staying positive and so many people in Buffalo are… we’re gonna bring the city back
The only time cities in the United States become safe again, is when you make sure all the Marxists/Demofascists are at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Then the world would be a better place.

I'd move out of the city to some place like Orchard Park, or East Aroura...

I live in South Buffalo I’m from the working class. But even here in South Buffalo, we’re having issues we’re seeing people begging for money on the streets. We’re seeing some of the stores closing early because of theft. But we’re not going to allow this to continue to happen. Like I said, I’m staying positive. I think the future will be good.
Those who whine about America's major cities cherry-pick only those that are socially unstable, refusing to acknowledge that the most successful ones are also under Democratic administrations.

Why are Republicans so unelectable in large cities? Of the nation's twenty most populous, only one, Fort Worth, Texas (13), has a Republican mayor.

[Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities]

According to the most recent data from the FBI, the total crime rate in Fort Worth is 39.56% higher than the national rate of 2,346.0 per 100,000 people and 21.65% higher than the Texas total crime rate of 2,691.5 per 100,000 people.

[Fort Worth, TX Crime Report, 2022]
Don’t troll or make things up about other posters , people can see through your dishonesty … do you feel unsafe anywhere in America?

Because the bottom line is nobody can deny this, there are Americans who feel unsafe to walk in certain areas in the country.
I feel safer than walking in Russia. I don't feel safe near construction sites and I can't stand tight crowds - so I feel unsafe in sporting events, concerts, etc. Definitely felt unsafe in the Permian Basin, and NorthEast Texas.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
Won’t stray too far in Texas. Mass shooters abound and no infrastructure to mitigate it is even considered.
Those who whine about America's major cities cherry-pick only those that are socially unstable, refusing to acknowledge that the most successful ones are also under Democratic administrations.

Why are Republicans so unelectable in large cities? Of the nation's twenty most populous, only one, Fort Worth, Texas (13), has a Republican mayor.

[Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities]

According to the most recent data from the FBI, the total crime rate in Fort Worth is 39.56% higher than the national rate of 2,346.0 per 100,000 people and 21.65% higher than the Texas total crime rate of 2,691.5 per 100,000 people.
[Fort Worth, TX Crime Report, 2022]
That’s a good question, why is it, do you suppose that decades of failure, and broken promises, that Democrats keep getting elected in these large population centers?
Yes, but not in the USA. Crime in most American cities 100 years ago was almost nonexistent.

I read an old article in the Detroit News from the 1920s. They surveyed Detroiters and found most never locked their home’s doors and many didn’t even have a lock on their doors. I’m betting this was true throughout American cities at that time.
Yep. No organized crime surrounding prohibition. No murders at all.
No golden age of bank robbery.
No crimes at all with fully automatic weapons. :rolleyes:

It was all peaches 100 years ago.
Cops carry at least two, I was jealous. Besides that one lonely magazine in my two pocket Kydex magazine carrier kept whining that he wanted a Bubbie to play with.
:beer: Under a jacket?

I just converted to an M&P 2.0 compact which is pretty equivalent to your 19, with POMs spray, and a spare mag if ushering at church.

Pro-tip, red dots are awesome for bad eyes. With the new M&P I have a red dot and can actually see targets again. I like trying for head shots at 25 yards now. FUN!
I live in South Buffalo I’m from the working class. But even here in South Buffalo, we’re having issues we’re seeing people begging for money on the streets. We’re seeing some of the stores closing early because of theft. But we’re not going to allow this to continue to happen. Like I said, I’m staying positive. I think the future will be good.

In 50 years, they'll be these the Good Old Days.
Exhibit A on this issue is "school mass shootings." The Media have created a perception of imminent danger in our schools, and some people "feel"that their kids are unsafe.

And yet, statistically, the kids are much more likely to be seriously injured or killed while riding in the family car. The chances of YOUR KID being killed by a crazy gunman in school are so slight as to be unworthy of consideration.
You’re out of date.

Guns have become the leading cause of death for American kids​

Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
It's not safe, especially in the big cities. And, it's not because of guns, it's because leftards let criminals run around loose.

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