Does anyone here feel unsafe to walk anywhere in America?

I live in South Buffalo I’m from the working class. But even here in South Buffalo, we’re having issues we’re seeing people begging for money on the streets. We’re seeing some of the stores closing early because of theft. But we’re not going to allow this to continue to happen. Like I said, I’m staying positive. I think the future will be good.
Buffalo? You’re afraid in Buffalo? :rolleyes:
That’s a good question, why is it, do you suppose that decades of failure, and broken promises, that Democrats keep getting elected in these large population centers?
The alternate is worse.
A Black in the US would be a million times safer attending a KKK rally in Mississippi than he or she would be walking down the street in South Chicago after dark.
was 104 this weekend. If you want to light a cigar just go outside and hold it in your hand. The air will light it for you.
The extreme heat is just as bad as the cold during winter. Stuck inside either way or suffer.
I feel like the climate is a bigger problem than crime. Heat indexes of 130 is almost uninhabitable.
Those who whine about America's major cities cherry-pick only those that are socially unstable, refusing to acknowledge that the most successful ones are also under Democratic administrations.

Why are Republicans so unelectable in large cities? Of the nation's twenty most populous, only one, Fort Worth, Texas (13), has a Republican mayor.

[Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities]

According to the most recent data from the FBI, the total crime rate in Fort Worth is 39.56% higher than the national rate of 2,346.0 per 100,000 people and 21.65% higher than the Texas total crime rate of 2,691.5 per 100,000 people.
[Fort Worth, TX Crime Report, 2022]
Get back to us when a 10 year old son of yours or relative is shot in a gang shooting gone wrong. That’s what happened to a 10 year old kid who was a student at the Islamic school I used to work at

Happened on the east side of Buffalo. He was a good kid and his life ended way to early. He got killed by some crack dealer selling drugs shooting each other.

It’s disgusting. This kind of garbage did not occur in the 1950s. We pay homage to the black men in the white man who built this country who made our neighborhoods beautiful in the past. To hell with the far left and the neocon enemies of America we’re gonna vote them out of office.
Get back to us when a 10 year old son of yours or relative is shot in a gang shooting gone wrong. That’s what happened to a 10 year old kid who was a student at the Islamic school I used to work at

Happened on the east side of Buffalo. He was a good kid and his life ended way to early. He got killed by some crack dealer selling drugs shooting each other.

It’s disgusting. This kind of garbage did not occur in the 1950s. We pay homage to the black men in the white man who built this country who made our neighborhoods beautiful in the past. To hell with the far left and the neocon enemies of America we’re gonna vote them out of office.
Back when Buffalo wasn't a run down shithole it had a huge and productive polish community...
People, through no fault of their own, that walk, look, and act like marks, have never been safe walking city streets after midnight.

I can.
Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country?


We have passed the point of no return.

Many young and not-so-young people no longer know their lane.

Look at the idiots at concerts who are throwing objects at performers on the stage.

Look at the idiots who use something called paintball guns to shoot pedestrians.

Our last peaceful decade was the 1950s. (When I was a teenager.)
I appreciate the response. How could this happen in our country brother. How did we get to this point where we have some number of Americans that feel unsafe ..this includes black and white folks. They feel unsafe to walk around major cities. I think that the greatest country in the world, the most strongest country in the world, which is the United States… should not have this problem so hopefully God willing we get back to the days of glory in America. I’m staying positive.

Back in the day a parent could walk right into a middle school and get their kid take him to the doctor and then take him back to the school. They could walk right into the school and right out of the school without even being asked. We don’t have it anymore.
I don't take the bus and have to be practically dropped out right in front of their house. Parents are encouraged to be there when they arrive standing outside waiting for them. But getting the kid out of school usually had to be a parent.
When I was a kid, I walked home every day and spent most of the time playing outdoors with no supervision. When the lights came on from the darkness you had to be home or at least call home to tell them where you were.

But I've been overseas and things have changed because they shifted all of the manufacturing to that's where the money went.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
that rosary wont do shit to protect you if someone was going to shoot you....many priest around the world have been victims of violence.....
With so many people being armed you would think than causing trouble would be less likely.. In Toronto there are daily shootings and knifing attacks. None of the victims are armed

My friend in Manitoba says citizens carrying weapons is a felony. You can't even carry a pen or pencil in your pocket, because the "police" can claim it can be a weapon.

Apparently the ONLY people allowed to carry weapons in Canada, besides the piggies and the mounties, are the illegals/criminals that Trudumb is funneling into the country.
Like in any major city of the country? Any area in Detroit or Chicago? It’s mostly left-wing politics, but also some Republicans they have led to this sort of negative image of major cities, and the idea of people feeling unsafe in America. It’s really unthinkable the greatest country in the world, the most powerful country in the world and yet we have people who feel unsafe in America.

There are good Americans who do feel unsafe to walk in certain places in the country. There are crime issues there are shootings in America. There are ruthless, drug dealers. These are real things.

It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America. The US government has got to do a better job. ..Whether it is a man or a woman any individual should be able to walk anywhere in America and feel safe….

I walk around with a rosary in my pocket, so I walk with Jesus. I have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

That being said, there are people in this country that feel unsafe to walk around major cities.

There are gangs, drug dealers and shootings in major cities. sometimes it only takes a few knuckleheads to make things bad. But most of the people in these areas are good hard-working individuals. In some ways it is the media that is looking for attention that is looking for money and they are portraying a negative image of the inner-city. They’re out there every day creating propaganda trying to divide people by race. It wasn’t like this in the American past.

What a better time it was in much of the American past where people walked wherever they wanted to without any issue. Back in those days we had a more honest media, and we had a better society as well. We didn’t have the drug issues we have in the modern era. Starting in the 1980s with the introduction of crack cocaine, the rise of heroin, the rise of powder cocaine things started to change. And there was negative images that were spreading. But even amid this, there has always been many Christians, so many great people who are fighting against the drug dealers and other criminals.

So what’s it going to be for the future of America for the future of American cities.? Will we get to a point where every American feels safe to walk anywhere in this country? I think Through hard work and determination we will get there. We will get there. It’s gonna be a great time. A lot of positive things happening. People are waking up all over the country and realizing that positive change can and will happen. Americans are learning from their ancestors.
Must be the latest rant from Trump's goon squad on Fox News who WANT you afraid as they blow smoke up your ass from their Ivory Towers.
Apparently Unkotare doesn't watch Canadian tv programs.
Canadian citizens interviewed on the streets even say they can't bear arms without the fear of being put in prison for life.

I always feel good, when I do my research. Makes me feel so much better I actually know whats happening, and the dingbats don' they just post "fake news".
It is unacceptable for anybody to feel unsafe in America.
Hahahahaha you've got to be kidding? There have always been places in America where certain Americans do not feel safe, even us white folks. Why my first trip to downtown Houston in 1978.......
I feel safer than walking in Russia. I don't feel safe near construction sites and I can't stand tight crowds - so I feel unsafe in sporting events, concerts, etc. Definitely felt unsafe in the Permian Basin, and NorthEast Texas.
Ah, stinkwarrior, try walking down a Marxist inner city at night. See if Russia is a safer place than those.
That’s a good question, why is it, do you suppose that decades of failure, and broken promises, that Democrats keep getting elected in these large population centers?
Because the Marxists are very good at what they do?


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