Does Anyone Remember How The Left Tried To Get Rush Fired For Calling A Woman A Hooker?

Remember these ?
Anti-Hillary Economy Exploding in Merch, Movies and Books ...
Aug 3, 2016 - Sexist T-shirts — for instance, one with caricatures of Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky that read, "Hillary Sucks, But Not Like Monica" ...
Roger Stone Is at the RNC in a Bill Clinton 'RAPE' T-Shirt | Time › Ideas › politics
Jul 21, 2016 - Anti-Hillary Clinton merchandise is everywhere at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, including a Bill Clinton "rape"shirt.
Standing up for the Clintons… You are a fucking fool
I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened.

Of course that was rubbish, the Maha Rushdie was just implying that Fluke was lying.

Fluke testified that the average broad at Georgetown was paying $3000 a year for contraception.

El Rushbo pointed out the absurdity of it by dividing $3000 by the cost of a prophylactic, and just wondered out loud what kind of broad would need that many rubbers.
Remember these ?
Anti-Hillary Economy Exploding in Merch, Movies and Books ...
Aug 3, 2016 - Sexist T-shirts — for instance, one with caricatures of Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky that read, "Hillary Sucks, But Not Like Monica" ...
Roger Stone Is at the RNC in a Bill Clinton 'RAPE' T-Shirt | Time › Ideas › politics
Jul 21, 2016 - Anti-Hillary Clinton merchandise is everywhere at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, including a Bill Clinton "rape"shirt.
Standing up for the Clintons… You are a fucking fool
Maybe BUT a bigger fool is one who stands up for the Trumps,,,,,,,a con man all his life and now he conned you
Fluke wanted the government to give her $3000 per year for birth control.
Keep those Limbaugh Lies coming!
She wanted the health insurance SHE was paying for to cover birth control pills.
DittoTards have been programed to pretend to not know the difference between the government and an insurance company.
Someone who asks to get paid to have sex - not a slut.

Someone who is successfully rising children - a slut.

Welcome to the leftist abusrdo world.

People seem to forget that this horrible woman is working for her worthless, totally un-family-friendly father and actually being sent abroad as a purported representative of all of us, the entire American People. Yet she publishes a picture of herself as some cutesy Madonna Champion of Motherhood type to try to polish her public image. That's pretty trashy.

Sandra Fluke never asked to be paid for sex, idiot.
Says a Clinton fan..
No only does hypocrisy runs wild in your life... you’re just a fucking fool.
I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened.

Of course that was rubbish, the Maha Rushdie was just implying that Fluke was lying.

Fluke testified that the average broad at Georgetown was paying $3000 a year for contraception.

El Rushbo pointed out the absurdity of it by dividing $3000 by the cost of a prophylactic, and just wondered out loud what kind of broad would need that many rubbers.
Get back to the 2000 board You're way over your head here lol
Remember these ?
Anti-Hillary Economy Exploding in Merch, Movies and Books ...
Aug 3, 2016 - Sexist T-shirts — for instance, one with caricatures of Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky that read, "Hillary Sucks, But Not Like Monica" ...
Roger Stone Is at the RNC in a Bill Clinton 'RAPE' T-Shirt | Time › Ideas › politics
Jul 21, 2016 - Anti-Hillary Clinton merchandise is everywhere at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, including a Bill Clinton "rape"shirt.
Standing up for the Clintons… You are a fucking fool
Maybe BUT a bigger fool is one who stands up for the Trumps,,,,,,,a con man all his life and now he conned you
Na, There are no lower life forms then a career politician like the Clinton’s...
remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.
Of course, she NEVER "demanded to be paid for sex." But you knew that already. That was just another "Limbaugh Lie" parroted by mindless morons like you who can't think for themselves.
No.....she just demanded that you and I pay for her BC, which was in all practical purposes the same thing.
Some want their cash money up front, and other's want their money in the form of a check that they can cash every month.
Funny stuff, Everything that the progressives are “outraged about”… The Clintons been there done that
Guess the trump fers don't remember at trumps campaigns many walking arount with the word **** on their T shirts referring to hillary Lousy pos don't like it when their shit blows back in their face
Yeah I remember it.

I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened.

Of course that was rubbish, the Maha Rushdie was just implying that Fluke was lying.

Fluke testified that the average broad at Georgetown was paying $3000 a year for contraception.

El Rushbo pointed out the absurdity of it by dividing $3000 by the cost of a prophylactic, and just wondered out loud what kind of broad would need that many rubbers.
Well, maybe she was going through a dozen rubbers every Friday night?
Guess the trump fers don't remember at trumps campaigns many walking arount with the word **** on their T shirts referring to hillary Lousy pos don't like it when their shit blows back in their face
Yeah I remember it.

Hey, all you need to do is find out where he works and get him fired.
Oh, shit....he's a Hillary supporter planted in a Trump rally.
Maybe we should try to respect peoples freedom of speech.

Sure, we hate each other but that is something we may want to consider.
You totally miss the point. This isn't an issue about freedom of speech. It most definitely is about blatant hypocrisy and a total lack of equal application of punishment. Roseanne Barr tweets some "racist" remark, spur of the moment. This Bee person presents a scripted and approved misogynist rant. Rosanne, and many other people, lose their jobs, their livelihoods. Bee is defended and even applauded for her horrific remarks. What's the difference between the two?
Why was Roseanne Barr's freedom of speech used to cancel her program, while Bee's FOS is given a pass? Seriously, the word c**t is banned on most forums, including this one.

On what world is racism "equivalent" to a vulgar word? No I don't think the post you quoted is the one missing the point here.
The only racism in this is the racism that's in you leftist's imaginations.
Anyone who sees Valerie Jarrett is reminded of the makeup used in Planet Of The Apes.
Those who can't are in denial,......which seems to be a constant among Liberals.

Sorry to burst yet another blanket strawman bullshit fantasy, Fuckwit, but I'm not even familiar with either "Valerie Jarrett" OR fucking "Planet of the Apes" --- I simply clarified what the comparison here is.

So cram your hyperfabricated bullshit right back up your ass where you got it, K?

And once you've done that, link us to this survey where you canvassed "every Liberal" so that you could wax prolific on what we "all" believe, shit-for-brains. :fu:
That's rich.
You Libbys use a strawman which is the race-card like nobody's business.
You and your herd mentality and plantation values.
Jesus, you fuckers backed slavery and Jim Crow and now you feel you have the right to call everything imaginable racist.
If you all were to just walk off the ledge of a very tall building you would solve 90% of this country's problems.

Who is "you fuckers"? Southerners? Sorry, my family comes from South Dakota, Long Island and California.

Roseanne Barr's tweet was racist. Comparing black people to apes is racist. You're a grown ass man in the United States. I should not have to be telling you that.

I remember how for months the left tried to get Rush Limbaugh fired because he implied that Sandra Fluke was a prostitute when she demanded to be paid to have sex.

Everyone on the left was up in arms. Calls for his firing were everywhere. Advertisers threatened. Nobody was willing to accept his apology.


Now we discover that Samantha Bee called Ivanka a **** simply because she was holding her son in a photo.
Not only wasn't this a spur of the moment thing, but the word **** was used with the okay of the producers of the show and that the show was recorded and played in it's normal time slot much later, giving them plenty of time to remove the disgusting expletive she used.


The offensive pic that triggered Samantha Bee

So, do you folks really believe this is about the difference between race and a hatred for women, or is is something else?
Every liberal is saying calling Ivanka a **** is mean but acceptable....but saying Valerie Jarrett looks a bit like a Simian is worth ruining lives over.

Anyone with half a brain can tell the left is trying to capitalize on their politically-correct double-standards yet again.:iagree:

Sandra Fluke was a private citizen looking to get access to birth control.

Limbaugh was so fucking stupid that be thinks when single women want birth control it means they are obviously sluts. Limbaugh also thought that you took a birth control pill every time you had sex.

It was stupid & ignorant.

As far as using the "c" word. Trump has used it & you voted for him.

One is a comment on a person's action.

The other is a racial slur.

Maybe if you Trumpettes were not a pack of rabid racists, you would know the difference.
Rush did the demonization of Fluke back in the era where what he said had impact and his voice on national radio was big news listened to by influential politicians and citizens alike. The negativity and boycott from his Fluke demonization was the beginning of the end of that era and Limbaugh's influence to where it is today, which is of course marginal and not comparable to what it was before his Fluke attack fiasco. It knocked him off the high horse or top of the heap and down to becoming just another right wing radio talking head amongst a competitive group of many. Before the fluke demonization everyone in America knew who he was. Today when his name is mentioned the likely response from average citizens is "who?".
Even worse, she is rising white children who will become republican voters.
her nanny is raising her children full time, she spends 'quality time' with them.

She is not a woman that has ever had to bust her balls, working twice as hard as men, between work at the job and work at the household to hold the home and family together, and is NOT an example of what women can look up to or be their mentor on how to succeed as a woman in a still very much ''man's world''... when you start at the very bottom with all odds against you and have to claw your way up with all the strength that you got....

She began life with a silver spoon in her mouth....with Nannies, and limo drivers to be at her beckon call...from childhood...

NOT that there is anything at all wrong with that... there isn't!

just saying she isn't some roll model or inspiration for most career or working women that they can model themselves after.... if they were not born in to it, already....

And setting that aside, I think she seems like a wonderful woman, despite her father!!
i thought he called her or implied she was a whore, a slut....(just for wanting birth control pills covered under health insurance...) not certain he said hooker too?
He implied she was a prostitute....BUT THE LEFTIST MEDIA CLAIMED HE SAID WHORE!!!

I can't believe you forgot this.
I know you were hollering about it along with the rest of them.
Here is what the worthless lying scum POS said: “[Fluck] essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.”

I don't know who are worse, worthless lying scum POS Russia Limbaugh or the mindless lying scum who make up lies to defend him!!!

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