Does anyone still care about Hillary?

Time for a fundraiser. Highest bidder gets to stick the fork in Hillary's back.

I'll open with a grand.
its also time for the "Draw Hillary In A Bikini Contest". but what should we give the winner this year?
Speaking of Hillary's bikini, saw a pic somewhere yesterday of Chelsea and hubbby vacationing on some wealthy guy's yacht. It's clear Chelsea is her mother's daughter. She inherited Hillary's lack of fashion sense as she sported the ugliest bikini I've ever seen, which unfortunately revealed the kid's got her mommy's hefty thighs.
There are plenty of establishment Dems who still care about Hillary because they put all of their eggs in her basket long ago. She has the vast campaign organization and the support of many major donors. The Dems have reached the point of No Return; it's too late for any other candidate to build the national organization needed to run against the GOP candidate. This is why the press has not gone for her jugular.
I care. I want her to go to jail.

I really love how she wore an ORANGE PANTSUIT for her presser yesterday.

Retards: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1991.™

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