Does anyone think Trump can turn his campaign around

As others pointed out, the Media needs ratings and they won't let this race be a foregone conclusion. He'll get some help tightening things.

As for can he win? We're still pretty far out from the election. If he can find some discipline within himself he could probably close and take a narrow lead. Hillary may be the worst candidate I've seen. She's easily as bad as Kerry and Romney, probably worse. She's had her share of bad headlines that have gone no where because Trump is running in the general like he did in the primaries. His strategy is to make sure the press is focused on him at all times. In the primaries he won because the other hundred guys running (slight exaggeration) couldn't get any media time. But in the general the game is different. He figures that out before the end of September he's got a chance. If he doesn't, then it's all over.
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.

Trump might be trained to STFU and only read what his handlers put in front of him, but when he speaks from the heart, he will still be Donald Trump. Thus he can fool some of the people, all of the time, but not the rest of use - ever.
It's stuff like this that shows how fake Hillary is:
The debates are Trumps best chance, assuming Hillary makes it to the debates
IIRC, and I could be wrong, Clinton sealed her victory in the New York senate races by baiting her opponent until he looked like a bully. Trump likely won't be that much harder to bait given how he's behaved so far. If that happens, the debates will be a disaster for Trump. There's already a narrative of him as a misogynistic racist bully. Him blowing up in a debate would just play into that.

Even with that said, there's enough in Hillary's record that a disciplined even handed line of attack in the debates could sink her. The discipline is the tough part.
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.
We still have the debates to go.

Trump can turn it around in the debates.

He needs to do well in 2 out of 3 of them.

Not chicken after 1 or 2.
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.

Trump might be trained to STFU and only read what his handlers put in front of him, but when he speaks from the heart, he will still be Donald Trump. Thus he can fool some of the people, all of the time, but not the rest of use - ever.
Uh-Huh, the "rest of use" have been fooled by the Queen of Corruption and the Democrat Crime Family....

The United States apparently has an endless supply of partisan fools who love nothing better than criticizing other partisan fools.

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump
The short answer is "no," only a meltdown by Hillary can put Trump in the White House, which is hardly impossible given what a sick monster Hillary is...
I doubt if Trump has the fortitude to fight till the end

Hillary has opened a YUUUGE lead and Trump will need to make some serious changes in his campaign and start putting out a major effort to win back swing states

I suspect he will coast to the finish and take his beating, while he brings down the downticket Republicans with him
I believe Trump has the stubbornness and narcissism to stay until the very end.

And he won't concede on election night. He'll wait for every vote to be cast.
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.
He could hire more establishment types who know what they're doing, but there's always going to be the problem of his mouth. I don't think there's a cork big enough.

That's sort of to the heart of my question. If all he does is hire more establishment types, won't he sound establishment? Essentially, that's what he's trying now - he's playing Charlie McCarthy to Manafort's Edgar Bergen. Scarborough said it was too late for that because all the establishment types have decided to never vote for him. (that works for me, as I generally vote gop and will never vote Trump now)

But, initially, what was intriguing about him was his independence and appeal to the middle class. Unfortunately his racism and just mean spiritedness came to the top. I just wonder if there's any chance for him to change the tone. I suspect that unlike JFK and Reagan and even HW and W .... he really is an ass9ole who only cares about himself.
Anybody can be president and even be moderately successful at it. Reagan proved that.

But to get elected you need to be lovable.

Now Nixon was not lovable but by then everyone hated LBJ and Humphries.

Humphries was not lovable either so it was a wash.

Carter was lovable just inept.

Reagan was lovable just comatose.

GHW Bush was not lovable but he was a 3rd Reagan term.

Hillary will be a 3rd BHO term and also a 3rd Bill Clinton term.
Trump is right where he wants to be ... losing.
It is a fascinating conspiracy theory that Trump is in this really to get Hillary elected.

What if Bernie were running?

Bernie could easily beat Trump even on one of Trump's good days (which are few and far between these days).
All that matters is the turnout on election day.
This is where the Dims will have the advantage, as most of them don't work and have ample time to vote.
BUT - When conservatives get off work, votes begin to swing Trumps way...
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.

Trump might be trained to STFU and only read what his handlers put in front of him, but when he speaks from the heart, he will still be Donald Trump. Thus he can fool some of the people, all of the time, but not the rest of use - ever.

Trump has broken through 50% albeit briefly in polls. I don't think Clinton has yet. That is a problem for her campaign. I'm not Hillary/I'm not Donald is working better for him over time. Whether it is enough, who knows, but him forcing Hillary into the "I'm not Trump" position seems to be working for him. It is keeping her off her policy arguments and keeping her contained in the polling to not getting a majority. She really needs to step back (they both do) for a breather, and then come out with policy policy policy instead of Trump, Trump, Trump.
Trump is right where he wants to be ... losing.
It is a fascinating conspiracy theory that Trump is in this really to get Hillary elected.

What if Bernie were running?

Bernie could easily beat Trump even on one of Trump's good days (which are few and far between these days).

The plan was designed for Clinton, but it could have easily worked for Sanders had he been the nominee .. which was always a long shot.
and if they do, what will it look like. His campaign de jour looks like what Jeb would do.
We still have the debates to go.

Trump can turn it around in the debates.

He needs to do well in 2 out of 3 of them.

Not chicken after 1 or 2.

I really don't know what to make of the debates. Trump is isolationist to nuke them now given the time of the day. His "cred" such as it was was on economics. Redoing trade to bring back no skills jobs will not end the middle class drain. There are things wrong with the pacific trade deal, specifically letting quasi-govt entities tell us what our internal tax policies must be. But that is nothing Trump's ever discussed. But Hillary's job training is not much better. We spent something like 7.5 trillion dollars post-9-11 on the 'war on terror," and the mortgage debacle drained something like 2.5 trillion in real dollars from value in the economy. We could elect Jesus Christ, and the economy would still be limping along until we get some handle on spending and deficits ... of course we'd have to kill him too.
All that matters is the turnout on election day.
This is where the Dims will have the advantage, as most of them don't work and have ample time to vote.
BUT - When conservatives get off work, votes begin to swing Trumps way...
Sorry, but that excuse is lame. With early voting "can't get off work on election day" is past the boards.
I doubt if Trump has the fortitude to fight till the end

Hillary has opened a YUUUGE lead and Trump will need to make some serious changes in his campaign and start putting out a major effort to win back swing states

I suspect he will coast to the finish and take his beating, while he brings down the downticket Republicans with him
I believe Trump has the stubbornness and narcissism to stay until the very end.

And he won't concede on election night. He'll wait for every vote to be cast.

I think Trump will stay to the end, but his heart won't be in it once Hillary opens an insurmountable lead
He will pout, claim he really won, accuse Hillary and the media of cheating him

But his campaign is toast
I doubt if Trump has the fortitude to fight till the end

Hillary has opened a YUUUGE lead and Trump will need to make some serious changes in his campaign and start putting out a major effort to win back swing states

I suspect he will coast to the finish and take his beating, while he brings down the downticket Republicans with him
I believe Trump has the stubbornness and narcissism to stay until the very end.

And he won't concede on election night. He'll wait for every vote to be cast.

I think Trump will stay to the end, but his heart won't be in it once Hillary opens an insurmountable lead
He will pout, claim he really won, accuse Hillary and the media of cheating him

But his campaign is toast
Think again. Polls of likely voters show Clinton has only a slight lead over Trump. In fact, the latest LA Times poll, 7/31 to 8/6, of likely voters shows it as only 1%.

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