Does anyone utter the works "I don't know" or "I'm wrong" on this site..?

The only thing I will not answer is a question that will betray a confidence. I may be guilty of closely doing that.
um hm. So instead you start a thread pinwheel swinging.

I don't know what that means... pinwheel swinging?
Swinging wildly.

that was not my original intent.. it turned that way yes.
You need to do the same thing I told ol BP Perv to do. Think before posting. Take a walk. Watch a movie. Web surf. Read news articles. Look at pics of landscapes. THEN come back and post. Otherwise, keep lots of ointment handy cuz not all of us are dumb, ya know.

Again, ask me a question. People seem to be incapable of that.........
Ok. Here's the question:
When you stir a hot boiling pot furiously, does it not splash on you if not careful?

Go put ointment on. You burned yourself.

it's happened. Will happen again - many times. It's the price you pay for being transparent....
You think you are transparent? Or someone else is? Bad spot to be in either way.
Put the spoon down and quit making hot boiling porridge.
I'm done. Too much drama last night and today as well. Did The Learning Channel take over usmb or sumthin?
... another thing ... I actually agree with Gracie. People should think before they type because they can come across in a way the don't mean to.

As for me, one of the reasons I post here is BECAUSE I don't HAVE to watch what I say. I do in real life.
Can't learn anything unless you at least consider you might be wrong.........
ok I will consider that "you might be wrong". I feel like I have learned something already:woohoo::party:
... another thing ... I actually agree with Gracie. People should think before they type because they can come across in a way the don't mean to.

As for me, one of the reasons I post here is BECAUSE I don't HAVE to watch what I say. I do in real life.

Even throwing in a emoticon is no guarantee.
well that means no one has ever said it if you don't know............
and if you don't believe what anyone says on here - why are you here?
I've been on internet forums since the days of dial-ups and free ISPs, and I've come with a lot of opinions and information about a lot of things, and every once in a great while someone succeeds in changing my understanding or opinion about something.

And every once in a while, I succeed in changing someone else's opinion or understanding.

I have been on line since the late 80's and early 90's - people were much more forthcoming and brazenly honest.
Now it's more like high school and immature foolishness

Tell me about it. I do not recall myself using nasty and dirty language but here I am. A lot of time I get angry at myself lowering that level. And I didn't know Internet is this brutal.
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I admit when I'm wrong or when I don't know something.

I also sincerely and openly apologize when I do something wrong or when I hurt someone.
If I'm wrong I admit it then apologize end of the story. I did this at least 3 times since I joined USMB. Or sometimes I just back off if they know more than me.
A good example of that is with Tynidancer regarding XL pipeline. Although I sell products to Canada and very familiar with NAFTA but she knows more than me about XL pipeline. So I just back off.
But when you try to disagree with people opinions then here comes all the cursing or harsh language. When I know he or she don't know what they are talking about.

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