Does anyone want to pray the rosary with me everyday?

Matthew 23:9--- Do not call any man Father on this earth. This is speaking about a spiritual teacher, not a Dad. Simple bible milk yet your religion has had over 1700 years and cannot understand simple bible milk. The Pope elevates himself into the position of God by having himself being called the Holy Father. I wont pray the rosary with you because God wants from the heart not a written prayer. I will however pray on your behalf so your eyes can be opened to Facts.

And what will all of your answer be to Jesus at judgement when he asks--Why are your churches and homes filled with graven images, icons and statues since the bible condemns the usage of all 3?

Think about these things.
The Pope is fresh air and Father means the priests and don't knock the rosary you obviously don't know nothing about.
Which is why I reject every interpretation you make.
Then you have to teach God has a God. Jesus is 100% clear-He has a God like we do-his Father( John 20:17, Rev 3:12)--Its Jesus you are refusing to believe, not me. I share his truth.
The Pope is fresh air and Father means the priests and don't knock the rosary you obviously don't know nothing about.
I know Gods written word very well. It condemns the usage of statues, icons and graven images. Have seen any of those things?
Then you have to teach God has a God. Jesus is 100% clear-He has a God like we do-his Father( John 20:17, Rev 3:12)--Its Jesus you are refusing to believe, not me. I share his truth.
No. You are here because you need to validate your belief by attacking the beliefs of others. I have no such need.
No. You are here because you need to validate your belief by attacking the beliefs of others. I have no such need.
I share bible truth and Jesus truth. You reject those truths and are standing in opposition to them. THUS cannot obey Jesus. Prove my error out of the bible. I have exposed yours as false even out of your own translation. I am sure you pray the Lords prayer. Its all about the Father. Jesus tells you in that prayer-It all belongs to the Father. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father. The Father is ones destination. To do this daily-John 4:22-24--But you allready know these truths-your teachers have made sure you listen to Jesus and have learned every utterance from God. Jesus real teachers do just that, Its the only way one can obey Jesus( John 14: 15-24)--Those who do not obey Jesus have 0 chance of entering Gods kingdom. God told you and your teachers and all when he spoke from heaven at Jesus baptism---This is my son the beloved in whom i am well pleased-LISTEN TO HIM.
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I share bible truth and Jesus truth. You reject those truths and are standing in opposition to them. THUS cannot obey Jesus. Prove my error out of the bible. I have exposed yours as false even out of your own translation. I am sure you pray the Lords prayer. Its all about the Father. Jesus tells you in that prayer-It all belongs to the Father. One must go through Jesus to get to the Father. The Father is ones destination. To do this daily-John 4:22-24--But you allready know these truths-your teachers have made sure you listen to Jesus and have learned every utterance from God. Jesus real teachers do just that.
I've already addressed this.
I know Gods written word very well. It condemns the usage of statues, icons and graven images. Have seen any of those things?
Yes it does, but Jesus never said anything about it, why is the God of jews instead of our Jesus so imp. to you!

is you church full of charlatans who want money; are all of the Christian preachers like to have a fat wallet? I also know the bible and the 10 commandments are jewish.

We have one commandment.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
My Dad gave me another one, Integrity is all a man has and that is one I live by.
Yes it does, but Jesus never said anything about it, why is the God of jews instead of our Jesus so imp. to you!

is you church full of charlatans who want money; are all of the Christian preachers like to have a fat wallet? I also know the bible and the 10 commandments are jewish.

We have one commandment.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
My Dad gave me another one, Integrity is all a man has and that is one I live by.

These are undeniable FACTS--- From Moses on up until this very day, While serving the true God the Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) thus-when Jesus attended those places of worship was taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) as was every single bible writer. Every trinity scholar on earth knows it is FACT. They as well know--At the first council of Nicea in the year 325 no trinity god was being taught served or worshipped, it was added later. In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering god being a trinity-Why? Because the early christians served a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) -- The 100% real reason Jesus teaches all---- he has a God just like us-John 20:17, Rev 3:12)-- the real reason why Jesus has to hand back the kingdom to his God and Father and subject himself( 1Corinthians 15:24-28)--- fact-- God does not have a God--God is in subjection to no one.
These are undeniable FACTS--- From Moses on up until this very day, While serving the true God the Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) thus-when Jesus attended those places of worship was taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) as was every single bible writer. Every trinity scholar on earth knows it is FACT. They as well know--At the first council of Nicea in the year 325 no trinity god was being taught served or worshipped, it was added later. In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering god being a trinity-Why? Because the early christians served a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) -- The 100% real reason Jesus teaches all---- he has a God just like us-John 20:17, Rev 3:12)-- the real reason why Jesus has to hand back the kingdom to his God and Father and subject himself( 1Corinthians 15:24-28)--- fact-- God does not have a God--God is in subjection to no one.
7 and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi. 8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students.[b] 9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father—the one in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.[c] 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.

do you call other people father on earth, who is in heaven, rabbi, instructor?? Of course, you do.

You seem to be all over the bible, thats why you take it so literally.

The RCC brought us Christianity.
You have addressed 0. Do it with Gods written word--You dont because you cannot-You do not know the utterances like Jesus told you to do.
Again... I have no need to validate my beliefs by arguing with you over your beliefs. I couldn't care less what you believe.
7 and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi. 8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students.[b] 9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father—the one in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah.[c] 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.

do you call other people father on earth, who is in heaven, rabbi, instructor?? Of course, you do.

You seem to be all over the bible, thats why you take it so literally.

The RCC brought us Christianity.
They as well brought you false council teachings that are unbiblical, not to mention the pagan false god worship additives off the table of demons to both holidays they try to hand to Jesus-The encyclopedias share these FACTS. Did your teachers miss this important truth? 1Corinthians 10:21--One CANNOT partake of the table of God and the table of demons.
Calling one Father is about-spiritual teachers, not Dads. No trinity god was taught by the Israelites ever while serving the true God or the early christians. At the council of Nicea-in the year 325 no trinity god was taught. It was added later. It does not exist. these are Facts.
Again... I have no need to validate my beliefs by arguing with you over your beliefs. I couldn't care less what you believe.
So then you are saying your teachers have failed to listen to Jesus and failed you because you dont know every utterance because you didnt bother to learn. If you dont think Jesus meant every word he said. You are fooling yourself. I will pray on your behalf.
You might want to read the encyclopedias about the pagan false god worship practices your religion added in to both holidays they try to hand to Jesus. Did they miss this truth-1Corinthians 10:21--One CANNOT partake off of Gods table and the table of demons.
If you want to let me know. 2 praying together every morning would be beautiful.
In many American cities there are Catholic radio stations on which The Rosary is offered, typically in early evening. With any good fortune a web search would find one within your listening range. I know many who join in daily and find great pleasure in joining with others.

If you'd like help finding one please send me a PM including no more than the name of the state where you live and I'll pull together a list of possibilities. Some are streaming - so if there are none in your area it MAY be possible to find one that would work for you.
So then you are saying your teachers have failed to listen to Jesus and failed you because you dont know every utterance because you didnt bother to learn. If you dont think Jesus meant every word he said. You are fooling yourself. I will pray on your behalf.
You might want to read the encyclopedias about the pagan false god worship practices your religion added in to both holidays they try to hand to Jesus. Did they miss this truth-1Corinthians 10:21--One CANNOT partake off of Gods table and the table of demons.
You might be worse than breezwood and hobelim.
You might be worse than breezwood and hobelim.
The blind guides in Jesus day probably thought the same about him. They however had him murdered they hated truth, as is today. I will pray on your behalf.
The blind guides in Jesus day probably thought the same about him. They however had him murdered they hated truth, as is today. I will pray on your behalf.
You are like a robot.
HenryBHough Thanks I've got a few good Catholic programs I can turn to now and I think Utah has at least 4 Catholic churches in the entire State not sure. I have a lot of Catholic online stuff though. Thanks much.

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