Does Biden have COVID19?

He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

Ali Alexander, really??! Not sure we can count this as a reliable source. This is the guy who takes credit for ending Harris’s presidential bid by.....trolling. So his medical diagnosis on anyone’s health maybe just a little suspect. But I love the generosity of your sediment.
He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

If he has all three main symptoms then yes he does, but the MSM will cover up for him like they are covering up he obviously has Senile Dementia.

Anyone who's dealt with dementia/Alzheimer's recognizes it.
He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

If he has all three main symptoms then yes he does, but the MSM will cover up for him like they are covering up he obviously has Senile Dementia.

They are now blaming his incoherent ramblings to a “stuttering disorder”. They will make ANY excuse for their guy being a complete empty head that rambles incoherently. But if President Trump misspeaks at one of his many public speeches, they bring up the 25th Amendment and say he is “not mentally fit” to hold office.

He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

If he has all three main symptoms then yes he does, but the MSM will cover up for him like they are covering up he obviously has Senile Dementia.

Anyone who's dealt with dementia/Alzheimer's recognizes it.

Yes and anyone who points out that Joe Biden displays the symptoms of Senile Dementia (possible Lewy body dementia) is of course called by Leftists and the MSM SLUGS a Conspiracy Theorist and yet the SAME Leftists and MSM SLUGS are literally now pushing a NEW Trump Conspiracy Theory that Trump's Doctors are lying about his condition.

What TOTAL human FILTH this crowd are.
He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

If he has all three main symptoms then yes he does, but the MSM will cover up for him like they are covering up he obviously has Senile Dementia.

They are now blaming his incoherent ramblings to a “stuttering disorder”. They will make ANY excuse for their guy being a complete empty head that rambles incoherently. But if President Trump misspeaks at one of his many public speeches, they bring up the 25th Amendment and say he is “not mentally fit” to hold office.

These human SLUGS are pushing the 25th Amendment thing now with the COVID-19 thing, saying if The Donald recovers then perhaps the 25th Amendment thing should be brought in because he will never be the same and they have Joe Biden a TOTAL DEMENTIA case who cannot coherently put a sentence together unless he reads what is written FOR him by OTHERS from a Teleprompter and many times he even fucks up reading that.

Remember: Alinsky Rules For Radicals - ACCUSE the OPPOSITION of what YOU are DOING.

So in this case Joe Biden is UNFIT to be President because of his obvious Senile Dementia and so PROJECT this onto The Donald saying HE is UNFIT to be President because he got COVID-19.
So far, no one is reporting anything of the sort. Why would I listen to some douchebag on Twitter?

Well tons of douchebag's aka Leftists aka Communists on Twitter are helping push the MSM SLUGS New Conspiracy Theory that The Donald's Doctors are lying about his condition.

Fucking MANIACS, get them OUT of society, either throw them out of choppers or put them in Lunatic Asylums, that way ALL NORMAL PEOPLES in the WORLD can get some fucking peace.
He has the apparent symptoms.

I am praying for him along with half the RNC and white House staff plus Trump and his family.

Biden has other issues----------dementia is often a sign of blood circulatory problems meaning he is likely to die if he caught this. I hope not------but I have trouble accepting that the dems ever intended Biden to be the real nominee and don't care if he lives or die. He is just a tool for their real agenda.

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