Does Covid-19 kill Capitalism, Middle Class and Human Society?

Does Covid-19 kill Capitalism, Middle Class and Human Society?

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The answer is unfortunately YES.

1. Seeing how easy and quick governments worldwide abolished existing constitutions and laws only very dumb entrepreneurs will continue to run their businesses. It is understandable many of them are trying to sell and to quit if they have any.Today a Fake Virus, tomorrow probably faked invasion from Mars, a day after tomorrow something else. In any case governments can destroy your life-work within a couple of days. Who will invest money in time again?

2. The Middle Class disappears. It will be 99% extremely poor and 1% of extremely well off ( commies, libs, NWO & Co ). Only a couple of international monopaolists like Amazon, Microsoft etc. will flourish.

3. Who will hug you, shake your hand, go close to you after COVID-19? Probably after a generation dies, but not before.

Welcome not to 1984, not to an Orwell society, but to a cemetery.

The design certainly is to bring back serfdom.

Whether it succeeds is a question of whether today's snowflake generation really does like being told what to do, what to think, where to live and to bend over on command.

Seems they do.

But the did in the past in some countries.

In others....not so much.

But those others had schools that educated; not indoctrinated.

It does look somewhat bleak.
The answer is unfortunately YES.

1. Seeing how easy and quick governments worldwide abolished existing constitutions and laws only very dumb entrepreneurs will continue to run their businesses. It is understandable many of them are trying to sell and to quit if they have any.Today a Fake Virus, tomorrow probably faked invasion from Mars, a day after tomorrow something else. In any case governments can destroy your life-work within a couple of days. Who will invest money in time again?

2. The Middle Class disappears. It will be 99% extremely poor and 1% of extremely well off ( commies, libs, NWO & Co ). Only a couple of international monopaolists like Amazon, Microsoft etc. will flourish.

3. Who will hug you, shake your hand, go close to you after COVID-19? Probably after a generation dies, but not before.

Welcome not to 1984, not to an Orwell society, but to a cemetery.

Not necessarily, but I've noticed it DOES tend to kill a LOT of people living in Dem ruled, rat infested sh*tholes. The statistics prove this.....
I think so because after we leave our house, a new world awaits us we will pay and pay again and again and all those who have already lost a lot will lose even more without forgetting all that will follow, violence, starvation, etc. I do not wish but that is what I believe
The design certainly is to bring back serfdom.

Whether it succeeds is a question of whether today's snowflake generation really does like being told what to do, what to think, where to live and to bend over on command.

Seems they do.

But the did in the past in some countries.

In others....not so much.

But those others had schools that educated; not indoctrinated.

It does look somewhat bleak.

Serfdom = Socialism

The answer is unfortunately YES.

1. Seeing how easy and quick governments worldwide abolished existing constitutions and laws only very dumb entrepreneurs will continue to run their businesses. It is understandable many of them are trying to sell and to quit if they have any.Today a Fake Virus, tomorrow probably faked invasion from Mars, a day after tomorrow something else. In any case governments can destroy your life-work within a couple of days. Who will invest money in time again?

2. The Middle Class disappears. It will be 99% extremely poor and 1% of extremely well off ( commies, libs, NWO & Co ). Only a couple of international monopaolists like Amazon, Microsoft etc. will flourish.

3. Who will hug you, shake your hand, go close to you after COVID-19? Probably after a generation dies, but not before.

Welcome not to 1984, not to an Orwell society, but to a cemetery.

Not necessarily, but I've noticed it DOES tend to kill a LOT of people living in Dem ruled, rat infested sh*tholes. The statistics prove this.....

Socialism kills
I think the answer is NO; capitalism, the Middle Class, and human society will take some hits but be okay. COVID-19 is not going to last forever, and the country and the economy will recover. It could take awhile, longer if the democrats win in November, but we'll make a comeback sooner or later. Hopefully we'll be better prepared for the next pandemic, and there will be a next one. And the Middle Class will reappear and small businesses will startup again
I think the answer is NO; capitalism, the Middle Class, and human society will take some hits but be okay. COVID-19 is not going to last forever, and the country and the economy will recover. It could take awhile, longer if the democrats win in November, but we'll make a comeback sooner or later. Hopefully we'll be better prepared for the next pandemic, and there will be a next one. And the Middle Class will reappear and small businesses will startup again
The problem is that many countries have make work the money board and try to reassure everyone and people are left with nothing some are on unemployment insurance but after it is finished a lot of companies will have put the key under the door it won't have much work for people and it is those who have continued to work to fight against the virus who will not lose too much because it continued to work they have a lot of bonuses$$$ because they also risk their lives like some of my relatives.
I think the answer is NO; capitalism, the Middle Class, and human society will take some hits but be okay. COVID-19 is not going to last forever, and the country and the economy will recover. It could take awhile, longer if the democrats win in November, but we'll make a comeback sooner or later. Hopefully we'll be better prepared for the next pandemic, and there will be a next one. And the Middle Class will reappear and small businesses will startup again
If we don't the Western Hemisphere may become a cesspool.

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