Does David Dorn’s Life Matter? Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Unedited video at 14:18 of this podcast

George Floyd died, so we are going to have dozens killed by the end of this insurrection?

Sounds reasonable.

What about the 7,000 black on black murders every year? Why doesn’t black community address that?
Liberals, all you have to do it say, “Wow, that is awful. What a senseless tragedy. These riots need to stop.”

But you won’t because you really don’t care about the lives of black people. They are political pawns to you sick fucks.
Has this murder been widely covered by the corporate media?

Is DAVID DORN being paid tribute to 24/7 on all liberal media platforms?

Why is that? Why isn’t this murder a big deal to the media and why doesn’t this black life matter?
About 94 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty so far in 2020. Lest we forget the 17 Military KIA in Afghanistan during the same time span.
The criminals that are doing, aiding abetting and defending this revolting acts towards innocent, hard working people, are as guilty or even more guilty than all these thugs!

May justice be served! I pray!
Notice how not one left wing asshole on the board has anything g to say about the murder of David Dorn?

They are sick and evil soulless ghouls.

They have not one word about their endorsed mob murdering a 77 year old man over a television.

Their silence is deafening and shows their character.

By contrast, EVERY CONSERVATIVE has denounced the cop for killing Floyd and we want justice served. The cop was fired, arrested, and charged with second degree murder. THIS IS GREAT. THIS IS OUR LEGAL SYSTEM.

Lefties don’t give a shit about this old black man being murdered over a TV because they are inherently racist.
Hey lefties....this 77 year old black man was murdered over a TV.


He had 5 kids and 10 grandkids, you soulless fucks.

If you don’t denounce it you support it as if you murdered him yourself. You are all murderers in my eyes.
You sick disgusting POS fuckheads who support these riots, claiming they are for George Floyd....what was the point of killing a retired black cop?

Explain to me in great detail.

I'm just curious as to why a retired cop was responding to an alarm.
Now that’s police brutality. A black retired cop murdered by the black deadly forces that roam the streets of every hood in America doing the same thing every day of the year. Adds up to thousands and thousands each year, but never a protest against black brutality.

Any of the resident race pimps wanna tell us why all those thousands murdered every year somehow don’t matter but others do? It’s a bit perplexing to us rational folks.

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