Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

What does the public record say? Does Donald Trump really care about others?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • no

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • can you link to the public record to help me

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
your president is a pussy grabber who also took out 2 full page ads in the 'failing' NYT declaring the central ( another small 'c' for 'colored') park 5 guilty & for them to face the death penalty without 'due process' like he demanded for his SC pick & fellow pussy grabber kavanaugh... huh.... imagine that.

& even when they were cleared of all charges - it mattered not to your racist president. he said they had to have been guilty of something.

& that is a fact jack.

So what?

Did it matter to you that former President Bill Clinton was a rapist? Probably not.

Who's pussy did President Donald Trump grab and so what? This was from a couple of guys sitting around shooting the bull.

Your desperation is duly noted! :D

Why do you hate all the great things being done for our country by President Donald Trump?

ummm i didn't vote for slick willy. nice try though. what is also nice is the fact that trump's sick reputation has been around for decades... i know & remember very well just what kind of 'man' he is. you' would have had to be a howard stern fan to know who he grabbed... when he grabbed it & how he bragged about grabbing it & how he disrespects women. 'shooting the bull'? lol.... trump had the iron clad rep of being the NYC man whore back in the day for a very good reason.

what exactly has he done for this country you ask? passed tax cuts? <pffft> you got ripped off if you think they are gonna help you in the long run. deregulation? sorry... but i really enjoy clean air & clean water.... why don't you? i also want every female to have complete control over her own healthcare.... why do you think we shouldn't? those are just a few things on a long list of why he's bringing us back to the 19th century & even earlier...

what desperation is - is a foolish orange hued man baby/wanna be dictator that will be spending millions of your tax dollars on some circus act & to stroke his own very fragile ego by sending US troops to help the already sent national guard at the border - to do what exactly? clear brush? cause them thar military dudes & dudettes cannot enforce US law on US soil.

it's a farce & just for show to keep feeding you & the other deplorables the red meat you all crave that keeps you duped & voting against your best interest... why? cause if the (D)s get the house, then subpoenas will start flying & one of the first things on the list will be donny's tax returns.

JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back
by Jim Hoft November 2, 2018

Obama told the crowd the manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back.

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exectly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

President Trump continues to add manufacturing jobs back in to the economy at an amazing rate.

In October the Trump economy added 32,000 new manufacturing jobs.
The total manufacturing jobs added under this president is over 430,000 thousand in less than two years.

JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back

Show us all where these figures are NOT accurate. Please.

where did i say they weren't? oh i know a few that aren't, but should have been the first....

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.

& don't get me started on the fact that he is a stone cold pathological liar ( he's up to about 6000 lies now)

& a treasonous ankle grabbing puppet for vladamir putin who mueller will be taking care of soon enough. first will be rger stone & perhaps his spawn, the traitor tot donny jr....

lol.... tick tock.... :popcorn:
your president is a pussy grabber who also took out 2 full page ads in the 'failing' NYT declaring the central ( another small 'c' for 'colored') park 5 guilty & for them to face the death penalty without 'due process' like he demanded for his SC pick & fellow pussy grabber kavanaugh... huh.... imagine that.

& even when they were cleared of all charges - it mattered not to your racist president. he said they had to have been guilty of something.

& that is a fact jack.

So what?

Did it matter to you that former President Bill Clinton was a rapist? Probably not.

Who's pussy did President Donald Trump grab and so what? This was from a couple of guys sitting around shooting the bull.

Your desperation is duly noted! :D

Why do you hate all the great things being done for our country by President Donald Trump?
Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

No grown man shoots the bull like that. We all know Trump is a bullshit artists, but we also know he is a disgusting degenerate too Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

Donald Trump can be heard making inappropriate remarks to a young girl in a video from a 1992 Entertainment Tonight Christmas special, given to CBS News. The holiday show was filmed at Trump Tower and includes a group of young girls. Trump asks one if she is going up the escalator. When she tells him she is, he says: ‘I am going to be dating her in 10 years’
JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back
by Jim Hoft November 2, 2018

Obama told the crowd the manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back.

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

President Trump continues to add manufacturing jobs back in to the economy at an amazing rate.

In October the Trump economy added 32,000 new manufacturing jobs.
The total manufacturing jobs added under this president is over 430,000 thousand in less than two years.

JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back

Show us all where these figures are NOT accurate. Please.

Let us all not lie through omission or misrepresentation. What President Obama actually said on June 2016 about the Carrier Corp jobs in Indiana was

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

and Carrier jobs? Carrier plant Trump pledge to save save lays off another 215 workers whose jobs are going to Mexico

At Carrier, the Factory Trump Saved, Morale Is Through the Floor

Be clear: There are still jobs at the fan-coil assembly plant in Indianapolis. The workers who survived the layoffs, the senior-most members of Carrier’s Indianapolis assembly process, are there. These are the jobs President Trump claims to have saved. About 700. “There were five production lines there before the announcement,” the local union head says. “There are three now.” - The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved
Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

There's a list of women who have said that Bill Clinton raped or sexually assaulted them. That's a well-known fact.

I make no apologies for the great success of President Donald Trump. Yes, he's a bit rough around the edges, he is NOT a politician tiptoeing around so as to be perfectly politically correct.

I never have, nor will I ever pay much attention to what anyone, ANYONE says. I do pay attention to what they do. President Donald Trump has far exceeded all expectations and will continue to do so.

JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back
by Jim Hoft November 2, 2018

Obama told the crowd the manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back.

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

President Trump continues to add manufacturing jobs back in to the economy at an amazing rate.

In October the Trump economy added 32,000 new manufacturing jobs.
The total manufacturing jobs added under this president is over 430,000 thousand in less than two years.

JOBS MIRACLE: Trump Creates 434,000 Manufacturing Jobs That Obama Said Were Never Coming Back

Show us all where these figures are NOT accurate. Please.

Let us all not lie through omission or misrepresentation. What President Obama actually said on June 2016 about the Carrier Corp jobs in Indiana was

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

and Carrier jobs? Carrier plant Trump pledge to save save lays off another 215 workers whose jobs are going to Mexico

At Carrier, the Factory Trump Saved, Morale Is Through the Floor

Be clear: There are still jobs at the fan-coil assembly plant in Indianapolis. The workers who survived the layoffs, the senior-most members of Carrier’s Indianapolis assembly process, are there. These are the jobs President Trump claims to have saved. About 700. “There were five production lines there before the announcement,” the local union head says. “There are three now.” - The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved

Bottom line!

Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

There's a list of women who have said that Bill Clinton raped or sexually assaulted them. That's a well-known fact.

I make no apologies for the great success of President Donald Trump. Yes, he's a bit rough around the edges, he is NOT a politician tiptoeing around so as to be perfectly politically correct.

I never have, nor will I ever pay much attention to what anyone, ANYONE says. I do pay attention to what they do. President Donald Trump has far exceeded all expectations and will continue to do so.
So you cannot provide the names of any women who are supposed to have accused Bill of rape? Trump is a politician. get over the myths and bs

Ivana Trump speaks out on allegations Donald Trump raped her

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all
It’s out in the open. And it’s a huge deal.
Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

6 promises Trump has made about health care

Trump did say this:
Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video
Bottom line!

bottom lines in place of facts?

Let us all not lie through omission or misrepresentation. What President Obama actually said on June 2016 about the Carrier Corp jobs in Indiana was

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

and Carrier jobs? Carrier plant Trump pledge to save save lays off another 215 workers whose jobs are going to Mexico

At Carrier, the Factory Trump Saved, Morale Is Through the Floor

Be clear: There are still jobs at the fan-coil assembly plant in Indianapolis. The workers who survived the layoffs, the senior-most members of Carrier’s Indianapolis assembly process, are there. These are the jobs President Trump claims to have saved. About 700. “There were five production lines there before the announcement,” the local union head says. “There are three now.” - The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved
Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

There's a list of women who have said that Bill Clinton raped or sexually assaulted them. That's a well-known fact.

I make no apologies for the great success of President Donald Trump. Yes, he's a bit rough around the edges, he is NOT a politician tiptoeing around so as to be perfectly politically correct.

I never have, nor will I ever pay much attention to what anyone, ANYONE says. I do pay attention to what they do. President Donald Trump has far exceeded all expectations and will continue to do so.
So you cannot provide the names of any women who are supposed to have accused Bill of rape? Trump is a politician. get over the myths and bs

Ivana Trump speaks out on allegations Donald Trump raped her

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all
It’s out in the open. And it’s a huge deal.
Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

6 promises Trump has made about health care

Trump did say this:
Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

President Donald Trump has at least six years remaining to accomplish his goals. So far he's doing a GREAT job!

What politician could accomplish this much in such a short period of time?

Bottom line!

bottom lines in place of facts?

Let us all not lie through omission or misrepresentation. What President Obama actually said on June 2016 about the Carrier Corp jobs in Indiana was

“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.

and Carrier jobs? Carrier plant Trump pledge to save save lays off another 215 workers whose jobs are going to Mexico

At Carrier, the Factory Trump Saved, Morale Is Through the Floor

Be clear: There are still jobs at the fan-coil assembly plant in Indianapolis. The workers who survived the layoffs, the senior-most members of Carrier’s Indianapolis assembly process, are there. These are the jobs President Trump claims to have saved. About 700. “There were five production lines there before the announcement,” the local union head says. “There are three now.” - The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved

I posted his actual remarks.

Thank you!
Does Donald Trump really care about others? Serious question.

I ask because people like Trump have been in the public spotlight for ages. Their exists a public record on people like him.

What does the public record say?

It wasn’t a serious question no matter how you want to play it. You didn’t want the question answered, you set the criteria based on information you already had. So you are another dishonest left wing nut who doesn’t want the truth or be serious, you just want to rip up Trump.

Next time try being honest.
By any reasonable standard he is not doing "a good job".

We're trying to be gracious. You're right, he's not doing a good job, he's doing a FANTASTIC job!


Came from you? Really?

Can you be honest once in a while?

Then show us which one did not happen. Go for it! :D

Most of those are NOT an accomplishment. Like withdrawing from Paris accord, battle ms-13 this is an on going fight,,,, unemployment, hiring, mortgages .... are the results from Obama administration efforts.
Ended war on coal.... how? when coal industry still dying....
Weakened did and frank .... that is designed to protect you against his cronies.
Promoted buying and hiring Americans.... his Maralago and vineyards workers are foreigners, his products are made in China.

Most of those accomplishments are just pure bullshit which benefits the fews. And of course you knew that.
That lousy lying bull shit list of accomplishments came from his LAP DOG.... Hannity. LMAO.
Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

There's a list of women who have said that Bill Clinton raped or sexually assaulted them. That's a well-known fact.

I make no apologies for the great success of President Donald Trump. Yes, he's a bit rough around the edges, he is NOT a politician tiptoeing around so as to be perfectly politically correct.

I never have, nor will I ever pay much attention to what anyone, ANYONE says. I do pay attention to what they do. President Donald Trump has far exceeded all expectations and will continue to do so.
So you cannot provide the names of any women who are supposed to have accused Bill of rape? Trump is a politician. get over the myths and bs

Ivana Trump speaks out on allegations Donald Trump raped her

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all
It’s out in the open. And it’s a huge deal.
Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

6 promises Trump has made about health care

Trump did say this:
Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

President Donald Trump has at least six years remaining to accomplish his goals. So far he's doing a GREAT job!

What politician could accomplish this much in such a short period of time?


Take#1 on the list. What's so great about installing an anti labor judge on the supreme court?
Claims that Bill raped anyone are bogus.Name a person who claimed rape? Name them

Bill was a pig, as most people who apologize for Trump's disgusting behavior must be

There's a list of women who have said that Bill Clinton raped or sexually assaulted them. That's a well-known fact.

I make no apologies for the great success of President Donald Trump. Yes, he's a bit rough around the edges, he is NOT a politician tiptoeing around so as to be perfectly politically correct.

I never have, nor will I ever pay much attention to what anyone, ANYONE says. I do pay attention to what they do. President Donald Trump has far exceeded all expectations and will continue to do so.
So you cannot provide the names of any women who are supposed to have accused Bill of rape? Trump is a politician. get over the myths and bs

Ivana Trump speaks out on allegations Donald Trump raped her

Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all
It’s out in the open. And it’s a huge deal.
Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

6 promises Trump has made about health care

Trump did say this:
Trump makes inappropriate remarks about young girl – video

President Donald Trump has at least six years remaining to accomplish his goals. So far he's doing a GREAT job!

What politician could accomplish this much in such a short period of time?


Take#1 on the list. What's so great about installing an anti labor judge on the supreme court?

Just because you dislike the agenda doesn’t mean the agenda isn’t being accomplished.

To me being required to purchase healthcare was not great, I believe it was unconstitutional, however Obama supporters thought it was an accomplishment.
By any reasonable standard he is not doing "a good job".

We're trying to be gracious. You're right, he's not doing a good job, he's doing a FANTASTIC job!


Came from you? Really?

Can you be honest once in a while?

Then show us which one did not happen. Go for it! :D

Most of those are NOT an accomplishment. Like withdrawing from Paris accord, battle ms-13 this is an on going fight,,,, unemployment, hiring, mortgages .... are the results from Obama administration efforts.
Ended war on coal.... how? when coal industry still dying....
Weakened did and frank .... that is designed to protect you against his cronies.
Promoted buying and hiring Americans.... his Maralago and vineyards workers are foreigners, his products are made in China.

Most of those accomplishments are just pure bullshit which benefits the fews. And of course you knew that.

Amusing. How has withdrawing from the Paris accord hurt the United States?

You missed ISIS. Why?

Coal, ask the industry. Now they're only fighting competition, not failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. The market is now working. Not Obama.

"No one is naïve enough to think that coal will return anytime soon to its glory days, when it fueled more than half of the nation’s electricity generation, employment reflected robust production, and coal was fetching high prices in overseas steelmaking centers such as Brazil, China, Japan and South Korea, Popovich said.

But after eight years of President Obama and environmental policies the industry considered hostile, coal leaders believe Trump is putting them back on a level playing field with natural gas and other cleaner forms of energy.

“What has happened, I think, is it has given the industry and investors the assurance that at least their government is not going to discourage production and we only have to deal with the marketplace,” Popovich said.

“Instead of having to fight natural gas, subsidized renewals and our own government, now we are at least free to compete in the marketplace. That has been the big change as far as we’re concerned.”

President Trump has yet to save the struggling coal industry, numbers show

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