Does Kamala Inspire you?

Question for the real and fake black USMB posters: does Kamala's story inspire you?

Are you going to tell your wives, sisters and daughters that their best career path in the democrat Party is to serve sexual favors to Establishment males?

I would be inspired if she expired.
Ther oonly"inspiring" person is Jesus. In my 84 years on this Earth I have never been "inspired" by one, electedofficial in this nation. Leaders cannot "inspire" as it comes from within. The closest inspiring people are the middle and lower class workers who get up everyday and work their butts off. They never complain, produce mightily likeno other in the world, to maintain. Those are the closest we have.
The guy outside on the left sure got inspired.

Nothing wrong with the 1%, just as long as that 1% don't use their wealth against us.

Eh, that's what defines the 1% (0.01% actually). Remember how all the too big to fail/jail criminals got $trillions so they wouldn't miss their well deserved bonusses while the peasants got screwed?
The attacks on the so called 1% is just another bunch of political bullcrap that is used because most know that the 1% won't come to their own defence, and this is because the 1% has to much wealth to get bogged down in a bunch of bullcrap created out of well a bunch of bullcrap to score political points.

I'm not sure if that's intended as sarcasm... I hope so...

Blanketly labeling or saying those who are in a wealthy top percent of the nation are all bad is unfair, and ridiculous.

We need the wealth builders and stewards of wealth to use their wealth to invest back into America, and into Americans who have helped them to generate their wealth.

The ideals or bad habbits that have surrounded greed, abusive servitude tactics or behavior's, and modern day slavery should always be looked for in the characters of men or women who control large amounts of the nations wealth.

If find these things, then the person or group that is found to be bad should be outed, and then all of them stripped of their wealth by the nation boycotting them or cutting them off.

Simple stuff really.
...Hopefully, the ~ 40% to 50% of eligible voters who don't usually bother casting a ballot will wake up in 2020 and vote for someone who doesn't serve the interests of the richest one percent of all citizens...

That's a nice thought but unfortunately that's not an option since both parties serve the 1%.

That's a nice thought but unfortunately that's not an option since both parties serve the 1%
What economic calamity would have to occur before US voters realize both major parties have served the same 10% of voters since 1945?

"With President Trump causing extreme chaos and consternation to Europe once again by threatening them with economic sanctions if they continue to trade with Iran, on Aug. 21 the Foreign Minister of Germany proposed that the EU begin plans to disconnect from the U.S. and dollar hegemony by creating its own alternative to SWIFT."
End of dollar hegemony ramping up as Germany's Foreign Minister calls for independent EU alternative to SWIFT ~ Shotgun Economics
"Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, the latest candidate to join the 2020 race, has a history of squaring off with the banking industry. But she has also been criticized for not going far enough.
  • Harris made waves in 2011 as California attorney general after pulling her state out of national negotiations with big banks, later negotiating a $25 billion settlement for foreclosed households.
  • Still, critics point to her refusal to prosecute OneWest Bank's then-CEO Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud."
Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race

Cornel West enraged many Democrats when he (accurately) referred to Obama as "Wall Street's black mascot."

Harris may serve Silicon Valley interests in a similar fashion?

Kamala Harris’ rapid rise confounds California
Actually she'll probably let the media spin her sexual proclivities ,allowing her association with banksters little to no attention at all

'below waist' politics , the elixir of the ignorati....

Actually she'll probably let the media spin her sexual proclivities ,allowing her association with banksters little to no attention at all

'below waist' politics , the elixir of the ignorati....
Imho, Harris will find it much easier to dismiss her sexual proclivities than she will her "tough on crime" bonafides earned as a prosecutor with her unwillingness to prosecute Steven Mnuchin for his allegedly fraudulent activities at OneWest Bank in 2013?

"Harris, of California, has a history of squaring off with the banking industry. The senator, who is under fire from the left over her track record on criminal justice matters, has also been criticized for not going far enough against Wall Street.

"With the Democratic base moving further to the left since President Donald Trump's election, the party's 2020 presidential candidates' relationship with big business and Wall Street are being subjected to intense scrutiny.

"'There is definitely a group of caucus-goers and New Hampshire primary voters that are always going to have an issue when they hear "Wall Street",' said Gillian Rosenberg Armour, a Democratic political strategist who worked on Barack Obama's 2008 campaign."

Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race
"Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, the latest candidate to join the 2020 race, has a history of squaring off with the banking industry. But she has also been criticized for not going far enough.
  • Harris made waves in 2011 as California attorney general after pulling her state out of national negotiations with big banks, later negotiating a $25 billion settlement for foreclosed households.
  • Still, critics point to her refusal to prosecute OneWest Bank's then-CEO Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud."
Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race

Cornel West enraged many Democrats when he (accurately) referred to Obama as "Wall Street's black mascot."

Harris may serve Silicon Valley interests in a similar fashion?

Kamala Harris’ rapid rise confounds California
THANK YOU, George, for focusing on substance instead of cheap sex shots.
"Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, the latest candidate to join the 2020 race, has a history of squaring off with the banking industry. But she has also been criticized for not going far enough.
  • Harris made waves in 2011 as California attorney general after pulling her state out of national negotiations with big banks, later negotiating a $25 billion settlement for foreclosed households.
  • Still, critics point to her refusal to prosecute OneWest Bank's then-CEO Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud."
Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race

Cornel West enraged many Democrats when he (accurately) referred to Obama as "Wall Street's black mascot."

Harris may serve Silicon Valley interests in a similar fashion?

Kamala Harris’ rapid rise confounds California
Actually she'll probably let the media spin her sexual proclivities ,allowing her association with banksters little to no attention at all

'below waist' politics , the elixir of the ignorati....

I don't understand banking stuff at all, but anything that moves the discussion off her dating Brown is so welcome.
"Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race
  • Sen. Kamala Harris, the latest candidate to join the 2020 race, has a history of squaring off with the banking industry. But she has also been criticized for not going far enough.
  • Harris made waves in 2011 as California attorney general after pulling her state out of national negotiations with big banks, later negotiating a $25 billion settlement for foreclosed households.
  • Still, critics point to her refusal to prosecute OneWest Bank's then-CEO Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud."
Kamala Harris' complicated history with Wall Street will come under scrutiny in the 2020 race

Cornel West enraged many Democrats when he (accurately) referred to Obama as "Wall Street's black mascot."

Harris may serve Silicon Valley interests in a similar fashion?

Kamala Harris’ rapid rise confounds California
Actually she'll probably let the media spin her sexual proclivities ,allowing her association with banksters little to no attention at all

'below waist' politics , the elixir of the ignorati....

I don't understand banking stuff at all, but anything that moves the discussion off her dating Brown is so welcome.
I don't understand banking stuff at all, but anything that moves the discussion off her dating Brown is so welcome.
Harris seems to have bigger problems (like name recognition) than her dating practices:

Kamala Harris’ rapid rise confounds California

"Her approval ratings are solid, but not stratospheric.

"And 28 percent of California voters say they don’t know or have no opinion about Harris, according to a recent Morning Consult poll — placing her in the bottom 10 of name recognition among U.S. senators in their home states.

"A Berkeley IGS Poll in September found California voters — by a more than 2-to-1 margin, 49 percent to 22 percent — would rather Harris stay in the Senate than run for president in 2020.

"That disconnect could be a problem with California preparing to host an early presidential primary just after Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina."

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