Does Obama Win if We Do Not Invade Iraq?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Curious about something....

If W had not invaded Iraq in a war of choice, does Obama become President? There are two main tracks that propel me to ask.

First, Obama won the DNC nomination based, in part on Hillary's yes vote on the war. Maybe he would have won anyway because, as we saw in 2016; she had a ton of baggage. Does Obama win if there is no "yes" vote? Secondly, as the war dragged on with Abu Grahib (sp?) failed nation building, terrorist attack after terrorist attack, it became less and less popular for the Bush administration. There was also the near financial collapse that lead to TARP. So did Iraq deliver the White House for Obama or would it have mattered if Clinton had won...would McCain would have prevailed against her.
Curious about something....

If W had not invaded Iraq in a war of choice, does Obama become President? There are two main tracks that propel me to ask.

First, Obama won the DNC nomination based, in part on Hillary's yes vote on the war. Maybe he would have won anyway because, as we saw in 2016; she had a ton of baggage. Does Obama win if there is no "yes" vote? Secondly, as the war dragged on with Abu Grahib (sp?) failed nation building, terrorist attack after terrorist attack, it became less and less popular for the Bush administration. There was also the near financial collapse that lead to TARP. So did Iraq deliver the White House for Obama or would it have mattered if Clinton had won...would McCain would have prevailed against her.
We won in Iraq. Then Boococki Abdullah Muhamad Obama screwed that one up big time. Just like Lybia

I wish the GD bastard was a miscarriage dropped in a toilet and flushed to the GD ocean
I think people were growing tired of the war and Obama was able to pretend he would be different. The better question is whether or not Trump wins if Obama had been the person he pretended to be? I say no.
In 2008, it wouldn't have made a difference in the General Election. The Republicans nominated a loser . If B. Hussein O can get the nomination , he was going to schlong McCain royally.
We won in Iraq. Then Boococki Abdullah Muhamad Obama screwed that one up big time. Just like Lybia

I wish the GD bastard was a miscarriage dropped in a toilet and flushed to the GD ocean

In 2008, it wouldn't have made a difference in the General Election. The Republicans nominated a loser . If B. Hussein O can get the nomination , he was going to schlong McCain royally.
McCain was the Republicans best hope (Palin did not help) but after the immensely unpopular Iraq War and an economy in free fall, America turned against Bush and all Republicans
Republicans lost at all levels in 2008.
McCain was the Republicans best hope (Palin did not help) but after the immensely unpopular Iraq War and an economy in free fall, America turned against Bush and all Republicans
Republicans lost at all levels in 2008.
Peacenik liberals didn't like the war. On 9-11 we were attacked by Muslims, we had no choice but to declare war on them.
Curious about something....

If W had not invaded Iraq in a war of choice, does Obama become President? There are two main tracks that propel me to ask.

First, Obama won the DNC nomination based, in part on Hillary's yes vote on the war. Maybe he would have won anyway because, as we saw in 2016; she had a ton of baggage. Does Obama win if there is no "yes" vote? Secondly, as the war dragged on with Abu Grahib (sp?) failed nation building, terrorist attack after terrorist attack, it became less and less popular for the Bush administration. There was also the near financial collapse that lead to TARP. So did Iraq deliver the White House for Obama or would it have mattered if Clinton had won...would McCain would have prevailed against her.
Could be. W was an awful potus. So Americans voted for O thinking he wouldn’t be like W, but he was just as bad W. A corporatist warmonger doing the bidding of the ultra rich.

We wouldn’t have had dumb Don if not for O. Now we have old Joe because of dumb Don. Funny thing is nothing changes. They are essentially all the same.
Peacenik liberals didn't like the war. On 9-11 we were attacked by Muslims, we had no choice but to declare war on them.
Where did the peacenik liberals go when O took W’s two wars and made it seven?
McCain was the Republicans best hope (Palin did not help) but after the immensely unpopular Iraq War and an economy in free fall, America turned against Bush and all Republicans
Republicans lost at all levels in 2008.

McCain stood no chance at all.

He didn't want to win, the man "suspended" his campaign in October.

Anyone would have been a better choice for the GOP in 2008.
We won in Iraq. Then Boococki Abdullah Muhamad Obama screwed that one up big time. Just like Lybia

I wish the GD bastard was a miscarriage dropped in a toilet and flushed to the GD ocean

The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring in Libya.. The Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for over 40 years.. It was inevitable. We could have kept Gaddafi in office with an occupation force of 200,000 or so.

You don't know anything about Iraq either.
At least Palin wouldn't tolerate the Democrats BS that McCain did.

Palin is dumb as a stump.. When she first ran for office in some small mayoral race, she didn't run on pot holes and school referendums.. she ran on abortion...

Remember, just before she quit as governor, she cancelled four Exxon projects.
The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring in Libya.. The Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for over 40 years.. It was inevitable. We could have kept Gaddafi in office with an occupation force of 200,000 or so.

You don't know anything about Iraq either.

Gaddafi is still in power if not for us.
Gaddafi is still in power if not for us.

Nope.. You don't know anything about Libya or Gaddafi.. The Libyan people hated him so.. I used to live there.. Gaddafi was so terrified of them that his military and body guards were all foreign nationals... mercenaries.
At least Palin wouldn't tolerate the Democrats BS that McCain did.

McCain showed class in standing up to the RW crazies who were calling Obama an Arab, Muslim, Commie….
McCain correctly said Obama was a good family man and they differed on how the country should be run

Palin threw raw meat to the RW Crazies
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Nope.. You don't know anything about Libya or Gaddafi.. The Libyan people hated him so.. I used to live there.. Gaddafi was so terrified of them that his military and body guards were all foreign nationals... mercenaries.

They may not have liked him. You know what else they didn't like? The U.S. running arms out of their country.
McCain showed class in standing up to the RW crazies who were calling Obama an Arab, Muslim, Commie….
McCain correctly said Obama was a good family man and they differed on how the country should be run

Palin threw raw meat to the RW Crazies

McCain was a natural born US citizen born in Panama.. A lot of ignorant people in Congress claimed he was not a natural born US citizen.. Obama spent about 20 minutes explaining the law to them and how McCain was a natural born US citizen before they dropped their idiot ideas.

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