Does Officer Wilson Have a Civil Case Against News Media

That might bring in outside independent agencies to examine what little evidence there was. It also might bring in witnesses that were dismissed because Mr. Wilson's investigators deemed them liars. It might also uncover additional video and/or additional witnesses. It could bring in Mr. Wilson's past history. And, it could further show embarrassing actions by the Ferguson police department.
so did Obama's.
Obama's what ???
What investigators are you talking about? And, how does it relate to Mr. Obama?
the one's that Eric Holder brought in. The medical examiner all of them. The ones that weren't provided by the state of MO. Those.
Were they independent examiners? They were not on the government payroll? Surprising. What were their names, and who did they work for? Thanks.
I have explained it in this thread. Please scroll this thread until you see it. There're just a few comments so far, so it shouldn't be difficult to find what I have already said.
no you didn't, why was it easy for him? he only lost his job, had his life threatened, had to move. just how is that easy? please, I'm sorry, he was merely doing what he was paid to do and a low life challenges him and loses.
That's a matter of opinion. Obviously we see it differently.
oh, I see, you feel that as a reward, he ought lose his job, his home, his life when the facts backed him.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
What investigators are you talking about? And, how does it relate to Mr. Obama?
the one's that Eric Holder brought in. The medical examiner all of them. The ones that weren't provided by the state of MO. Those.
Were they independent examiners? They were not on the government payroll? Surprising. What were their names, and who did they work for? Thanks.
Eric Holder, you know of him? He works for Obama, heard of him?
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
no it was personal. That's all he has to prove.

Well that answers that....If a republican could prove that they wouldnt spend so much time lying about it
I have explained it in this thread. Please scroll this thread until you see it. There're just a few comments so far, so it shouldn't be difficult to find what I have already said.
no you didn't, why was it easy for him? he only lost his job, had his life threatened, had to move. just how is that easy? please, I'm sorry, he was merely doing what he was paid to do and a low life challenges him and loses.
That's a matter of opinion. Obviously we see it differently.
oh, I see, you feel that as a reward, he ought lose his job, his home, his life when the facts backed him.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
What investigators are you talking about? And, how does it relate to Mr. Obama?
the one's that Eric Holder brought in. The medical examiner all of them. The ones that weren't provided by the state of MO. Those.
Were they independent examiners? They were not on the government payroll? Surprising. What were their names, and who did they work for? Thanks.
Eric Holder, you know of him? He works for Obama, heard of him?
Sure, he works for the government. He's NOT an independent agency, nor an outside source. Eric Holder is the head of the justice department. He is paid by the government. His pay checks come from you and I. He's on the government payroll, and not an independent outside source.
no you didn't, why was it easy for him? he only lost his job, had his life threatened, had to move. just how is that easy? please, I'm sorry, he was merely doing what he was paid to do and a low life challenges him and loses.
That's a matter of opinion. Obviously we see it differently.
oh, I see, you feel that as a reward, he ought lose his job, his home, his life when the facts backed him.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
In your post number 3 you claimed he got off easy and should be happy with it.
A local investigation as well as a DoJ investigation that included 40 FBI agents and he was found to have acted appropriately.

Yet you claim he got off easy and he should keep his mouth shut.

That makes you pathetic and a racially biased dick.
That's a matter of opinion. Obviously we see it differently.
oh, I see, you feel that as a reward, he ought lose his job, his home, his life when the facts backed him.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
In your post number 3 you claimed he got off easy and should be happy with it.
A local investigation as well as a DoJ investigation that included 40 FBI agents and he was found to have acted appropriately.

Yet you claim he got off easy and he should keep his mouth shut.

That makes you pathetic and a racially biased dick.
Yes, he got off very easy. The only one that could've disputed his claims is dead and can't give an opposing side of the story. The only witnesses that were considered as creditable, were those that backed Mr. Wilson's account of what happened. All other witnesses were considered to be liars. And, since there was no video, or actual eye witnesses that could see inside the patrol car, we really don't know for sure that Mr. Brown was trying to get the officer's weapon. Not all witness saw the same things. Not all witnesses told the same story. But, the witnesses that backed up Mr. Wilson's side of the story, were believed and quoted. Also, NO independent outside sources were used during the investigation. Every single one of them had ties to a law enforcement agency. And since there was no trial where a defense lawyer could cross examine so-called witnesses, and independent outside sources weren't allowed to examine any evidence, it leaves a degree of doubt, implying bias and injustice.

Also, calling me a biased dick is silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Your age? Name calling and personal attacks do NOT give merit, nor credit, to what you have to say. There's absolutely no reason to do anything other than discuss this issue in a civil and adult manner.
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oh, I see, you feel that as a reward, he ought lose his job, his home, his life when the facts backed him.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
In your post number 3 you claimed he got off easy and should be happy with it.
A local investigation as well as a DoJ investigation that included 40 FBI agents and he was found to have acted appropriately.

Yet you claim he got off easy and he should keep his mouth shut.

That makes you pathetic and a racially biased dick.
Yes, he got off very easy. The only one that could've disputed his claims is dead and can't give an opposing side of the story. The only witnesses that were considered as creditable, were those that backed Mr. Wilson's account of what happened. All other witnesses were considered to be liars. And, since there was no video, or actual eye witnesses that could see inside the patrol car, we really don't know for sure that Mr. Brown was trying to get the officer's weapon. Not all witness saw the same things. Not all witnesses told the same story. But, the witnesses that backed up Mr. Wilson's side of the story, were believed and quoted. Also, NO independent outside sources were used during the investigation. Every single one of them had tied to a law enforcement agency. And since there was no trial where a defense lawyer could cross examine so-called witnesses, and independent outside sources weren't allowed to examine any evidence, it leaves a degree of doubt, implying bias and injustice.

Also, calling me a biased dick is silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Your age? Name calling and personal attacks do NOT give merit, nor credit, to what you have to say. There's absolutely no reason to do anything other than discuss this issue in a civil and adult manner.
Uh.....I will not debate this with someone who takes facts and spins them to support his narrative.

The only witnesses that were deemed as credible were those that backed Mr. Wilsons account of what happened...and the ones that did not support his account were deemed as not credible.

Well.....HELLO......only one side can be deemed credible.

So when you have conflicting sides, you look at other evidence...such as forensic evidence...and it was the forensic evidence that supported the accounts of those that agreed with the Officers was the forensic evidence that helped the DoJ determine that the other accounts were not credible.

So, that being said, all you have is your opinion. You were not there. And your opinion is in contradiction of the fidnings of over 40 FBI agents.

I was not my opinion is based on the forensic evidence and the findings of 40 FBI agents.

DO yourself a favor. Get off it. We don't hate you for your color. We hate you for your insisting on seeing racism only...even if racism is just one of many possibilities.

We don't give a fuck what color you are.
I have never said nor implied such. Those are your words, not mine. I stated my case and opinion in this thread, and directed you to it. I have stated my opinion in detail, and I stand by it. But, never did I ever say that Mr. Wilson should lose his job, his family, nor his home. The way I understand it, Mr. Wilson resigned, moved, and did so freely.
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
In your post number 3 you claimed he got off easy and should be happy with it.
A local investigation as well as a DoJ investigation that included 40 FBI agents and he was found to have acted appropriately.

Yet you claim he got off easy and he should keep his mouth shut.

That makes you pathetic and a racially biased dick.
Yes, he got off very easy. The only one that could've disputed his claims is dead and can't give an opposing side of the story. The only witnesses that were considered as creditable, were those that backed Mr. Wilson's account of what happened. All other witnesses were considered to be liars. And, since there was no video, or actual eye witnesses that could see inside the patrol car, we really don't know for sure that Mr. Brown was trying to get the officer's weapon. Not all witness saw the same things. Not all witnesses told the same story. But, the witnesses that backed up Mr. Wilson's side of the story, were believed and quoted. Also, NO independent outside sources were used during the investigation. Every single one of them had tied to a law enforcement agency. And since there was no trial where a defense lawyer could cross examine so-called witnesses, and independent outside sources weren't allowed to examine any evidence, it leaves a degree of doubt, implying bias and injustice.

Also, calling me a biased dick is silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Your age? Name calling and personal attacks do NOT give merit, nor credit, to what you have to say. There's absolutely no reason to do anything other than discuss this issue in a civil and adult manner.
Uh.....I will not debate this with someone who takes facts and spins them to support his narrative.

The only witnesses that were deemed as credible were those that backed Mr. Wilsons account of what happened...and the ones that did not support his account were deemed as not credible.

Well.....HELLO......only one side can be deemed credible.

So when you have conflicting sides, you look at other evidence...such as forensic evidence...and it was the forensic evidence that supported the accounts of those that agreed with the Officers was the forensic evidence that helped the DoJ determine that the other accounts were not credible.

So, that being said, all you have is your opinion. You were not there. And your opinion is in contradiction of the fidnings of over 40 FBI agents.

I was not my opinion is based on the forensic evidence and the findings of 40 FBI agents.

DO yourself a favor. Get off it. We don't hate you for your color. We hate you for your insisting on seeing racism only...even if racism is just one of many possibilities.

We don't give a fuck what color you are.
Very silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Again, your age? No, I wasn't there, and neither were you. I gave my opinion as I saw what happened and what didn't happen. I was given the same information that you and everyone else got. I don't believe that justice was served, and I stand by what I have said and stand by my opinion. After all, an opinion is all you have also. Calling me names and acting immature doesn't give credit to your opinion, and makes you look foolish. What does my color have to do with anything? Why bring color into this conversation? Do you think it adds anything of value to the discussion? If so, what exactly? But, just so you'll know how silly your comment is, I'm white, not black. Does that surprise you? Does one have to be black to see injustice? Can't a white man see injustice also? Pleeeeeeease.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
But was it malicious by the liberal news media to push a political agenda?
i'd go get all of the IP addresses from the hate related posts off of internet sites and add them all to the suit.
Yeah, doesn't work that way when you become a Public Figure. I can call Sarah Palin a useless moron-producing slut-making ******-fucking **** all day long, and there's not a thing she can do about it.
What does that make Melissa Harris Perry, Mika Brzezinski,Valerie Jarrett,Hillary Clinton or the whole cast of clownesses at the State Department?
What about the CNN anchors with "hand-up don't shoot" on television?
sure you did, you mouthed off all kinds of stuff you can't back up. Loser.
Well, please show exactly where I said those things, please. Can you? Will you? I can back up anything that I've said. What can't I back up? Please tell me. Thanks.
In your post number 3 you claimed he got off easy and should be happy with it.
A local investigation as well as a DoJ investigation that included 40 FBI agents and he was found to have acted appropriately.

Yet you claim he got off easy and he should keep his mouth shut.

That makes you pathetic and a racially biased dick.
Yes, he got off very easy. The only one that could've disputed his claims is dead and can't give an opposing side of the story. The only witnesses that were considered as creditable, were those that backed Mr. Wilson's account of what happened. All other witnesses were considered to be liars. And, since there was no video, or actual eye witnesses that could see inside the patrol car, we really don't know for sure that Mr. Brown was trying to get the officer's weapon. Not all witness saw the same things. Not all witnesses told the same story. But, the witnesses that backed up Mr. Wilson's side of the story, were believed and quoted. Also, NO independent outside sources were used during the investigation. Every single one of them had tied to a law enforcement agency. And since there was no trial where a defense lawyer could cross examine so-called witnesses, and independent outside sources weren't allowed to examine any evidence, it leaves a degree of doubt, implying bias and injustice.

Also, calling me a biased dick is silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Your age? Name calling and personal attacks do NOT give merit, nor credit, to what you have to say. There's absolutely no reason to do anything other than discuss this issue in a civil and adult manner.
Uh.....I will not debate this with someone who takes facts and spins them to support his narrative.

The only witnesses that were deemed as credible were those that backed Mr. Wilsons account of what happened...and the ones that did not support his account were deemed as not credible.

Well.....HELLO......only one side can be deemed credible.

So when you have conflicting sides, you look at other evidence...such as forensic evidence...and it was the forensic evidence that supported the accounts of those that agreed with the Officers was the forensic evidence that helped the DoJ determine that the other accounts were not credible.

So, that being said, all you have is your opinion. You were not there. And your opinion is in contradiction of the fidnings of over 40 FBI agents.

I was not my opinion is based on the forensic evidence and the findings of 40 FBI agents.

DO yourself a favor. Get off it. We don't hate you for your color. We hate you for your insisting on seeing racism only...even if racism is just one of many possibilities.

We don't give a fuck what color you are.
Very silly, childish, and totally uncalled for. Again, your age? No, I wasn't there, and neither were you. I gave my opinion as I saw what happened and what didn't happen. I was given the same information that you and everyone else got. I don't believe that justice was served, and I stand by what I have said and stand by my opinion. After all, an opinion is all you have also. Calling me names and acting immature doesn't give credit to your opinion, and makes you look foolish. What does my color have to do with anything? Why bring color into this conversation? Do you think it adds anything of value to the discussion? If so, what exactly? But, just so you'll know how silly your comment is, I'm white, not black. Does that surprise you? Does one have to be black to see injustice? Can't a white man see injustice also? Pleeeeeeease.
Excuse me....

I explained how I formed my opinion. I did not take a position on this until the facts were released. The facts released showed me, 40 FBI agents and countless other non biased officials that the account of Officer Wilson was supported and the accounts of those that saw otherwise were refuted.

You, on the other hand, refuse to accept those facts, and instead going STRICLTY by what you saw on the news and heard through the advocates. You opted to ignore forensic evidence and, instead, opted to go with emotion. And we all know that the media often reports based on emotion before the facts are uncovered and we know for sure that advocates work strictly with emotion.

I brought your color into it because you and I have had a few conversations on here and you always trend toward the excuse of "White Americans are racist by nature"...although you may have never used those exact words, but that is your position....and you are entitled to have it. But I am wise enough to know that when one has that opinion, much of what they support is based on that opinion.

So, in this case, I have no doubt that your refusal to accept the facts and insistence on claiming that the officer was wrong in his actions is based on the fact that you believe that any altercation between a white man and a black man is based on the racial tendencies of the white man.

As for my age....I am old enough to know when I am interacting with a stubborn, hateful racist. You are, by all means, one of them.

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