Does one have to join a Christian denomination church in order to worship Christ?

I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.

Well you should know the answer.
You can't behave like a Christian in a vacuum. Sure you can isolate and think holy thoughts and there is some benefit to that in limited amounts...
But that doesn't quite work out so well in the end. You haven't actually "lived" out your faith.

Now currently there's a I can appreciate how staying physically separate away from others is only prudent.
We live in a communications and information age. We can connect with others and pray with others without actually physically being present.

So I recommend getting in touch with those with whom you used to have small group bible study with and just talk and pray and encourage them. I'm sure that they will have telephones and computers and tablets.

They are probably needing to see you as much as you are needing to see them. And watching the preacher on television? It isn't exactly a bad thing...but the focus has always been on those we connect with...God and fellow man alike.
I won't watch tv evangelists as they are only there for the $. Fake. They care not about the poor but they love their rich donors.
I'm a lifelong practicing Christian. When covid came, we had zoom services. We continue to worship via the computer as our service is streamed. Some of the parishioners are Tell Ng us we should be going back. But with the variant and our ages, we'd rather not take the risk. Thoughts? I don't think those people have one ounce of basis for their opinions.
Keep the remote feed for the (disabled) folks who can't make it to church, and everyone else can go in person, like before.
You can believe what you want, obviously. This does not make me mad. Plenty of people do not believe what I do. However what you seem to be doing is calling the Book that has all the Truth about my Savior a bunch of bunk-and you don't want to be called out on it.

Words on a page are not opinion. You can do what you like with them, but they're not opinion.

Also, if you want to be clear as to whom you're responding, you might try the reply or @ function.
I knew you were stupid but I could have been mistaken. You are more of a moron.
Believe what you want. I suggest you back off of me because I don't deal well with morons.
And yes....IF I had been referring to you in the other thread of IM2's, I would have put the @ in front of it. I didn't. Yet, you barged in attacking me and accusing me of following you around. Did I @ you? Why, no I did not. So take your own advice, you idiot.

The more you chase ME around looking for attention, the more moronic you look.

Now go thump your book and preach to someone else. I am not interested in anything you have to say.

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