Does our government deserve a little bit more credit than it gets?

Was there a big sale on straw at the farm and fleet today?

I'm not even trying to make this a partisan issue. I think a lot of lefties are pathetic as fuck for the way they speak about the government they expect to save everybody.
You made a fake argument about "righties" are flag wavers, and how the flag is itself represents the gubmint....You couldn't be more off base if you were being paid to be.
No....It deserves no credit for anything but fucking everything up that it comes into contact with.
It is just the best system we've been able to come up with that's all. Corporations are worse. At least with government you have the law. Corporations love breaking the law and getting away with murder. Getting things well regulated is the solution. You know Democratic socialism LOL. That's what good government is despite your brainwash. Ask people in France Germany Scandinavia Holland Belgium Italy everywhere -they know the difference between socialism and communism.the last 35 years we have had a giveaway to the rich and a brainwash the rest government which does suck but certainly better than anywhere else this screwed up. LOL this too shall pass.
Does our government deserve a little bit more credit than it gets?

Credit? For what?
Which nations would do better at the helm with all the stresses and pressures of being the most powerful force on Earth? It's got to be a short list. We could hold the entire world hostage if we wanted to. We could bully any nation, steal any resource, but we don't. We have the ring but we manage to stick to limited evil. On top of that it's really not that bad living in the USA. Is there no credit due?

You deserve a great deal more credit than you receive.

Canada was like you are today in the 1980's. That was our peek. You were probably better in the 1980's also, but Trump has returned that attitude.

Americans by a long shot are the most giving in terms of charity and love of others. You innovate and desire the best for your country. From all corners of the world new immigrants come to America because they love what you stand for.

Trump is a big reason for this, no question. The attitude that "we want to win and we want citizens to pursue their dreams". Believe me, MANY more want what you have. It often starts with government, but in your country, it ends with citizens. In other countries it starts and ends with government.
Which star on the flag represents the federal gov't? I want to know so I can take it off of mine.

All of them. 50 stars represents the fed's governance over the 50 states. It's a flag to recognize the legitimacy and authority of the federal government. How is this not obvious?

Why do right wingers fly 50 star flags so often and so proudly when they hate the federal government so much? The U.S flag is the icon of our federal government. Maybe fly your state flag instead.

Which star on the flag represents the federal gov't? I want to know so I can take it off of mine.
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union....

You have a problem with perfect unions ??

Why do right wingers fly 50 star flags so often and so proudly when they hate the federal government so much? The U.S flag is the icon of our federal government. Maybe fly your state flag instead.

Which star on the flag represents the federal gov't? I want to know so I can take it off of mine.
We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union....

You have a problem with perfect unions ??

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