Does our government deserve a little bit more credit than it gets?

originally, no

And now?

pledge allegiance to the republic for which it stands,

As long as it isn't forced or coerced and the Individual understands he has to defer to another he may not agree with, no, I don't have a problem with one- when it usurps its authority, makes up rules in its favor and sides with one side or another, then yes I do. Do you have a problem with that?

You're a reasonable dude. Is the 50 star flag the icon of the fed or no?
The modern equivalent of the golden calf, to be worshipped unquestionably

Bull fuckin' shit. That flag is a symbol of what this country stands for, it's people and it's values. But the word "worshipped" implies reverence for a deity, which in this case is totally not true. There are quite a number of actions and decisions that the US Gov't has taken since it's inception that were and are not worthy of reverence or honor, which is why when somebody pledges allegiance to that flag it sure as hell is not to the US Gov't. And you can stick your golden calf analogy up your ass.
Which nations would do better at the helm with all the stresses and pressures of being the most powerful force on Earth? It's got to be a short list. We could hold the entire world hostage if we wanted to. We could bully any nation, steal any resource, but we don't. We have the ring but we manage to stick to limited evil. On top of that it's really not that bad living in the USA. Is there no credit due?

yes. Credit is deserved but not for the reasons you submit. We spent 20 years in Afghanistan for example and are still there; are we dominating them?
No....It deserves no credit for anything but fucking everything up that it comes into contact with.

Government is where losers who can't get a real job go to sponge off taxpayers.

Yep, all those nurses taking care of our Vets at all the VA medical centers are nothing but losers.
The ones that shuffled the paperwork and kept people from getting appointments for months? Those ones?

Those are not the nurses, the nurses are the ones that keep you alive the 23.5 hours a day that the doctor is not around.
The federal government and the 50 state Republic are different entities?

"We the People of the United States
, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Why do right wingers fly 50 star flags so often and so proudly when they hate the federal government so much? The U.S flag is the icon of our federal government. Maybe fly your state flag instead.
It is NOT the icon of the FedGov. It is the icon of THE PEOPLE. The FedGov is an abomination in its current form. Way too much government.

Why do certain factions, who are apparently ignorant of history, think The United States of America doesn't get credit?
Bull fuckin' shit. That flag is a symbol of what this country stands for, it's people and it's values. But the word "worshipped" implies reverence for a deity, which in this case is totally not true. There are quite a number of actions and decisions that the US Gov't has taken since it's inception that were and are not worthy of reverence or honor, which is why when somebody pledges allegiance to that flag it sure as hell is not to the US Gov't. And you can stick your golden calf analogy up your ass.
A little touchy eh? The flag represents what the US stood for, except originally it was to represent the 13 original colonies in the revolution- which is not the example the world sees- and try not taking your hat off when the national anthem is played- or turning your back on the flag- or kneeling at a foot ball game- the gov't has morphed into a religion and has acolytes just like religion who are every bit as zealous as religious nuts- the fed gov't demand compliance- that was not the original intent- religion claims do as told or suffer the consequences- later, but suffer none the less- thus the golden calf.
PEOPLE of those states united for protection and a common economy.

I'm amazed that y'all don't see that the flag is the icon of our government. It's the same with every nation. Flag loving is more about nationalism than patriotism in my opinion.
When I think of FedZilla and all its wasteful bureaucracies and the worthless shits working those jobs, wastefully controlling the FUCK out of me at my expense, I don't think of the flag. Does not happen.

No....It deserves no credit for anything but fucking everything up that it comes into contact with.

Government is where losers who can't get a real job go to sponge off taxpayers.

Yep, all those nurses taking care of our Vets at all the VA medical centers are nothing but losers.
The ones that shuffled the paperwork and kept people from getting appointments for months? Those ones?

Those are not the nurses, the nurses are the ones that keep you alive the 23.5 hours a day that the doctor is not around.
They’re also the ones that have no control over the government controlling their jobs. They are simply puppets in the government machine. They will fill out whatever they are told to in order to keep that job. Are they the villains here? Not necessarily but they sure as hell don’t have the power to buck the system. Especially when that system resides in DC and those people making the rules are thousands of miles away from the consequences to the patient or even give a shit.

The next time you need a doctors appointment and you need to run it through the DC machine should terrify you. There is no comfort in them taking care of you or even giving a shit.

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