Zone1 Does our soul have a personality?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If we earn our way to heaven, will we maintain our personality? Will we still have our sense of humour, our memories and morality? The process of transfer to another world in another vehicle (no longer our body) would be challenging.enough, not knowing ourselves would be confusing. Surely we maintain our history, right?
If we earn our way to heaven, will we maintain our personality? Will we still have our sense of humour, our memories and morality? The process of transfer to another world in another vehicle (no longer our body) would be challenging.enough, not knowing ourselves would be confusing. Surely we maintain our history, right?

Christians do not believe one can "earn" their way to Heaven. We could never be good enough for long enough to match God's standard, which is perfection. Only Jesus could, and that's why He died in our place. The way we "earn" our way to Heaven is believing this, and then making that faith a lifestyle.

That's first.

Second, all Biblical accounts of Heaven that I can think of seem to make clear that we retain our "selves". The Bible talks of casting down our crowns--that is, what we accomplished for Christ in this life. So that right there would imply that a "self" is acknowledged and retained. The Judgment Seat, same--we are called to account for what we did in this life, good or bad. (Those won't earn our way into Heaven, but they do give us rewards in Heaven...."crowns".)
If we earn our way to heaven, will we maintain our personality? Will we still have our sense of humour, our memories and morality? The process of transfer to another world in another vehicle (no longer our body) would be challenging.enough, not knowing ourselves would be confusing. Surely we maintain our history, right?
Like Paul, working on our salvation with awe and trembling?

I believe our essential self will remain. However, are we the same 'self' that we were when we were three, thirteen, twenty-three--or have we grown and matured throughout our life? I do not believe that the afterlife is a place where we will remain stagnant, dwelling on the past, but will be developing into an even stronger version of who we are and who we may become.
Enjoy your life now, there is no afterlife, life is natural and kinda interesting too. One aspect that fascinates me is just how many versions of what comes after life exist. When the mind shuts down in sleep that is analogous to death. But imagine if you lived forever, what would you do, who would you be? Best belief system is reincarnation as that offers opportunity galore. Otherwise you'd want to come back to earth and try again to be what your dreams are.

There is no soul

Your personality is largely influenced by genetics and upbringing.

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