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Does Pornography Harm Children Who View It?

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You don't have to repress sexual pleasure, there is a time and place for it and it's a beautiful thing. I'm not much interested though in the ideas of a weirdo bisexual, thanks anyway.
If bans of it results in increased sex crimes then that should tell you that porn is addicting.

Faulty logic. It's more like when people can't enduldge their fantasies via porn and masturbation, they seek the real thing.

In Denmark in the mid 70s full blown child pornography was legal. Once it got banned, sex crimes against children spiked upwards.

So you're an advocate of the illegal?

Silly question. Of course I'm not. But if it were legal I wouldn't then be an advocate of something illegal. Get it? :) Shoulda said 'immoral' or something like that.

I'm an advocate and proponent of whatever works. Banning pornograhy results in more, not less, sex crimes against women and children. So I'm naturally against that. Study after scientific study shows that making pornography available results in less sex crime. Insofar as child pornography goes by it's very nature it's victimizing children so that can't ever be 'good.' But with modern CGI, fake children can be depicted without involving actual people at all. If a pedophile can satisfy themselves via such media let them. Better that than having em perv kids in bathing suits and the like on so-called 'non-nude preteen' sites. Where such 'replacement stimulation' is available, sex crimes directed at children decline. If it works, do it. At least try it and watch the statistics, if they go down let it stand, if not re-ban it and come up with something else. But the current trend of restricting anything those in power don't like regardless of the facts and statistical evidence to the contrary is simply insuring more women and children become victims. The point's supposed to be reducing victimization and crime, not making more of it.
If bans of it results in increased sex crimes then that should tell you that porn is addicting.

Faulty logic. It's more like when people can't enduldge their fantasies via porn and masturbation, they seek the real thing.

In Denmark in the mid 70s full blown child pornography was legal. Once it got banned, sex crimes against children spiked upwards.

So you're an advocate of the illegal?

There it is again -

A really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?
In my opinion porn is boring and much of it is more about power and control than about mutual pleasure and shared intimacy. Of course, soap operas and much of what is on the TV (the truth be told much of what is posted on the USMB is boring, hackneyed and insipid). is boring too.

Friends with benefits isn't just the stuff of fiction. It's too bad the pious and usually self righteous hypocrites make sexual experience with a willing partner out to be 'sinful'. It can be fun, educational and the stuff of long term non judgmental relationships. Even after the 'benefits' have ended, the intimacy - in the sexual sense have long past - and friendship can be lifelong even when both have married others and raised families.
So you're an advocate of the illegal?

Silly question. Of course I'm not. But if it were legal I wouldn't then be an advocate of something illegal. Get it? :) Shoulda said 'immoral' or something like that.

I'm an advocate and proponent of whatever works. Banning pornograhy results in more, not less, sex crimes against women and children. So I'm naturally against that. Study after scientific study shows that making pornography available results in less sex crime. Insofar as child pornography goes by it's very nature it's victimizing children so that can't ever be 'good.' But with modern CGI, fake children can be depicted without involving actual people at all. If a pedophile can satisfy themselves via such media let them. Better that than having em perv kids in bathing suits and the like on so-called 'non-nude preteen' sites. Where such 'replacement stimulation' is available, sex crimes directed at children decline. If it works, do it. At least try it and watch the statistics, if they go down let it stand, if not re-ban it and come up with something else. But the current trend of restricting anything those in power don't like regardless of the facts and statistical evidence to the contrary is simply insuring more women and children become victims. The point's supposed to be reducing victimization and crime, not making more of it.

So are you going to become a sex offender because you aren't getting that which is illegal?

You really are the lowest kind of scum.
Porn is poison; it objectifies the human body, removing any sense of emotional attachment to the act of sex. Sex is not simply a physical exercise; it is a highly stimulative engagement that encompasses deep physical and emotional sensors.

Sex as sport destroys people, and the continued use of pornography as a stimulant dulls the senses, requiring greater and greater heights of debauchery to gain pleasure, and leads to deviant lifestyles and a perverse attitude about perversions. Break down the walls of decency, and nothing is off limits, including the sick notion of porn being good for kids.

Facts don't support your assertions. In countries where sex is acceptable as pleasure, and porn isn't restricted (at least not to the extent it is here in the US,) porn doesn't have negative impacts or consequences. Quite the opposite. It results in people viewing one another as potential friends and lovers, not potential threats.

I study a great deal about the origin of violence and how sexuality plays a role in criminal behaviours. In cultures that celebrate sexuality instead of repressing it (like in the US) there's FAR less violent crime. More a country represses 'feel-good' activities like sex, the more violent they tend to be as evidenced by statistics. In other words, the most sexually liberal nations are also the least violent, whereas the most sexually repressive countries are also the most violent.

Bit of a read, and this is actually the short verion of it, but,
Article: Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

Shows how cultures which suppress/repress pleasure whether sexual or innocent physical contact are the most violent, and vice-versa.

Delta4: In countries where sex is acceptable as pleasure, and porn isn't restricted (at least not to the extent it is here in the US,) porn doesn't have negative impacts or consequences. Quite the opposite. It results in people viewing one another as potential friends and lovers, not potential threats.

You Mean like in the Afghanistan

For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it. ...... Addressing the loathsome mistreatment of Afghan women remains a primary goal for coalition governments, as it should be. ................But what about the boys, thousands upon thousands of little boys who are victims of serial rape over many years, destroying their lives - and Afghan society........ Cardinalli said. "I'm continually haunted by what I saw." .... As one boy, in tow of a man he called "my lord," told the Reuters reporter: "Once I grow up, I will be an owner, and I will have my own boys."

Afghanistan's dirty little secret - SFGate

Just Curious Delta - you claim to have a military background - is that correct ? Did you ever serve in Afghanistan ?

Afganistan was after my stint in the US Navy.
Faulty logic. It's more like when people can't enduldge their fantasies via porn and masturbation, they seek the real thing.

In Denmark in the mid 70s full blown child pornography was legal. Once it got banned, sex crimes against children spiked upwards.

So you're an advocate of the illegal?

There it is again -

A really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?

It's ok, not like I expected a meeting of the minds or anything online. But I always hope what people read from me will worm its' way into their minds and they'll then spend some time thinking of things in new ways.

Could just accept things and not bother, but then I'd feel guilty for not doing what I could.

Prolly knows better than level accusations overtly, seem to recall something about that in the Rules. :) ...Oh! Unless you were trying tog et him to break it? :)

Leave it to a "christian" to introduce LIES about another poster.

You equate a simple question to a "lie?" The phrase "you seem" is a statement of fact? You really are an idiot!

This is what I hate about the phony christians here. They wave their bibles around but have no honesty and no integrity.

Call this one out on a lie and, instead of doing the honorable thing - apologizing for his disgusting post - he resorts to name calling.

Interestingly, you didn't deny my initial inquiry. All I'm saying is that your posts SEEM (look the word up) to indicate that you are in agreement with the OP. If you are then there's something wrong with you. If not ... then there's hope.
So you're an advocate of the illegal?

There it is again -

A really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?

It's ok, not like I expected a meeting of the minds or anything online. But I always hope what people read from me will worm its' way into their minds and they'll then spend some time thinking of things in new ways.

Could just accept things and not bother, but then I'd feel guilty for not doing what I could.

Prolly knows better than level accusations overtly, seem to recall something about that in the Rules. :) ...Oh! Unless you were trying tog et him to break it? :)

They both have already broken the rules. They did that with their first accusation. Just below your post, notice how Drifting Sand does it again with his nasty little inference that since I didn't say what he thinks I should have, I'm guilty of something.

This is why I hate these phony christians with their bible thumping and lies.
Only thing wrong here is claiming my OP is wrong. Statistics are on my side if you ever bothered to look at them. Go ahead an google "does porn harm children who view it?" Results include:

"Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography
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We’re well aware that the availability of pornography is at an all time high these days. What might be less obvious is that the level of sexual crime is falling, falling like a stone actually, and has been for well over a decade. Economists posit that there’s a link between these two things: that the technology of the internet has made the porn more available and this has led to a reduction in the level of meatspace sexual violence. In the jargon the question is whether porn and sexual violence are complements or substitutes. Does the first encourage the second or does it in some manner replace it?

The truth is always going to be complex: for some people will undoubtedly act out what they see while for others the fantasy replaces the real world activity. What we’d like to know is what is the overall effect? Or if you prefer, which effect predominates? The general supposition (backed by good evidence) is that porn is a substitute for the sexual violence, even while it may in certain cases prompt it. So far so good, this is reasonably well known."
Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography - Forbes

Does pornography harm young people?
"Our survey shows that age of first exposure to pornography does not correlate with negative attitudes towards women."
Does pornography harm young people? | QUT ePrints

"Substance Abuse and Exposure to Pornography
While there is strong research to support the association between violent crime and alcohol use, the association between sexual offending and substance abuse is not fully established...
...Other Characteristics Common to Sexually Abusive Youth
Sexually abusive youth share other common characteristics, including:

# high rates of learning disabilities and academic dysfunction (30 to 60 percent) (Awad and Saunders, 1991, Hunter and Goodwin, 1992, Epps, 1991);
# the presence of other behavioral health problems, including substance abuse and conduct disorders (up to 80 percent have the same diagnosable psychiatric disorder) (Kavoussi et al, 1988); and
# observed difficulties with impulse control and judgment (Smith et al, 1987, Epps, 1991, Vizard et al, 1995)."
CSOM Publications
There it is again -

A really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?

It's ok, not like I expected a meeting of the minds or anything online. But I always hope what people read from me will worm its' way into their minds and they'll then spend some time thinking of things in new ways.

Could just accept things and not bother, but then I'd feel guilty for not doing what I could.

Prolly knows better than level accusations overtly, seem to recall something about that in the Rules. :) ...Oh! Unless you were trying tog et him to break it? :)

They both have already broken the rules. They did that with their first accusation. Just below your post, notice how Drifting Sand does it again with his nasty little inference that since I didn't say what he thinks I should have, I'm guilty of something.

This is why I hate these phony christians with their bible thumping and lies.

Didn't see the infraction, but I started skipping over a couple people since being a weird bisexual nothing I say is gonna convince them so not much reason reading them any more :)
there it is again -

a really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?

it's ok, not like i expected a meeting of the minds or anything online. But i always hope what people read from me will worm its' way into their minds and they'll then spend some time thinking of things in new ways.

Could just accept things and not bother, but then i'd feel guilty for not doing what i could.

Prolly knows better than level accusations overtly, seem to recall something about that in the rules. :) ...oh! Unless you were trying tog et him to break it? :)

they both have already broken the rules. They did that with their first accusation. Just below your post, notice how drifting sand does it again with his nasty little inference that since i didn't say what he thinks i should have, i'm guilty of something.

This is why i hate these phony christians with their bible thumping and lies.

they might as well give the forum back to jimnyc.

Only thing wrong here is claiming my OP is wrong. Statistics are on my side if you ever bothered to look at them. Go ahead an google "does porn harm children who view it?" Results include:

"Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography
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We’re well aware that the availability of pornography is at an all time high these days. What might be less obvious is that the level of sexual crime is falling, falling like a stone actually, and has been for well over a decade. Economists posit that there’s a link between these two things: that the technology of the internet has made the porn more available and this has led to a reduction in the level of meatspace sexual violence. In the jargon the question is whether porn and sexual violence are complements or substitutes. Does the first encourage the second or does it in some manner replace it?

The truth is always going to be complex: for some people will undoubtedly act out what they see while for others the fantasy replaces the real world activity. What we’d like to know is what is the overall effect? Or if you prefer, which effect predominates? The general supposition (backed by good evidence) is that porn is a substitute for the sexual violence, even while it may in certain cases prompt it. So far so good, this is reasonably well known."
Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography - Forbes

Does pornography harm young people?
"Our survey shows that age of first exposure to pornography does not correlate with negative attitudes towards women."
Does pornography harm young people? | QUT ePrints

"Substance Abuse and Exposure to Pornography
While there is strong research to support the association between violent crime and alcohol use, the association between sexual offending and substance abuse is not fully established...
...Other Characteristics Common to Sexually Abusive Youth
Sexually abusive youth share other common characteristics, including:

# high rates of learning disabilities and academic dysfunction (30 to 60 percent) (Awad and Saunders, 1991, Hunter and Goodwin, 1992, Epps, 1991);
# the presence of other behavioral health problems, including substance abuse and conduct disorders (up to 80 percent have the same diagnosable psychiatric disorder) (Kavoussi et al, 1988); and
# observed difficulties with impulse control and judgment (Smith et al, 1987, Epps, 1991, Vizard et al, 1995)."
CSOM Publications

Your mistake was in introducing facts and expecting an adult discussion.

The weirdos, like Drifting and Chuck get their facts from the likes of Westboro. Not surprising, their lies have caught on in two other threads.
Only thing wrong here is claiming my OP is wrong. Statistics are on my side if you ever bothered to look at them. Go ahead an google "does porn harm children who view it?" Results include:

"Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography
32 comments, 14 called-out
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Comment Now
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We’re well aware that the availability of pornography is at an all time high these days. What might be less obvious is that the level of sexual crime is falling, falling like a stone actually, and has been for well over a decade. Economists posit that there’s a link between these two things: that the technology of the internet has made the porn more available and this has led to a reduction in the level of meatspace sexual violence. In the jargon the question is whether porn and sexual violence are complements or substitutes. Does the first encourage the second or does it in some manner replace it?

The truth is always going to be complex: for some people will undoubtedly act out what they see while for others the fantasy replaces the real world activity. What we’d like to know is what is the overall effect? Or if you prefer, which effect predominates? The general supposition (backed by good evidence) is that porn is a substitute for the sexual violence, even while it may in certain cases prompt it. So far so good, this is reasonably well known."
Outrage As Judge Tells The Truth About Child Pornography - Forbes

Does pornography harm young people?
"Our survey shows that age of first exposure to pornography does not correlate with negative attitudes towards women."
Does pornography harm young people? | QUT ePrints

"Substance Abuse and Exposure to Pornography
While there is strong research to support the association between violent crime and alcohol use, the association between sexual offending and substance abuse is not fully established...
...Other Characteristics Common to Sexually Abusive Youth
Sexually abusive youth share other common characteristics, including:

# high rates of learning disabilities and academic dysfunction (30 to 60 percent) (Awad and Saunders, 1991, Hunter and Goodwin, 1992, Epps, 1991);
# the presence of other behavioral health problems, including substance abuse and conduct disorders (up to 80 percent have the same diagnosable psychiatric disorder) (Kavoussi et al, 1988); and
# observed difficulties with impulse control and judgment (Smith et al, 1987, Epps, 1991, Vizard et al, 1995)."
CSOM Publications

Your mistake was in introducing facts and expecting an adult discussion.

The weirdos, like Drifting and Chuck get their facts from the likes of Westboro. Not surprising, their lies have caught on in two other threads.

And the trolls are allowed to send an intelligent conversation in a no trolling section of the forum into troll hell.
While I may be a bit idealistic, I'm not naive. I don't expect to change people's minds or anything, but getting things out there and into the public sphere when they can be discussed, even if nothing seems to come of it, something does. I think for a lot of subjects we come to accept whatever the dominant opinions is and if it's not something that interests us let it remain thus. Like 'is smoking bad for ya' in my other threads, and this one. Challenging the status quo is worth doing I think. As with my own religious faith, I find they get refined and improved upon the more I argue with people who don't agree with me. :)
Porn is poison; it objectifies the human body, removing any sense of emotional attachment to the act of sex. Sex is not simply a physical exercise; it is a highly stimulative engagement that encompasses deep physical and emotional sensors.

Sex as sport destroys people, and the continued use of pornography as a stimulant dulls the senses, requiring greater and greater heights of debauchery to gain pleasure, and leads to deviant lifestyles and a perverse attitude about perversions. Break down the walls of decency, and nothing is off limits, including the sick notion of porn being good for kids.

Why do people believe that sex must always be about "emotional attachment" rather than something to be used to for physical pleasure?

Only an ignorant, indoctrinated fool believes that they "have to love" every person they choose to fuck. So many extremely stimulating and exciting sensations can be experienced through sex... and many are more enjoyable when you do not "love" the person you are sexually exploring with.

What you are teaching yourselves and others is that you can get something for nothing from people. I knew some women who said they couldn't do that to a guy (because there are emotional attachments) from sex.

When you have sex with someone and then meet that person who measures up to be a spouse, what happens if they never measure up sexually to those you messed with? You end up either marrying or not marrying and damaging that person because he or she isn't enough sexually.

Before I say "yes" to a commited relationship, I have to know that the person is mentally, physically, spiritually, and sexually capable of impressing and satisfying me, which saves me the trouble of ripping out his heart and shoving it down his throat.
Suggesting that introducing CGI children into porn for pedophiles is the most fucked up Idea I have ever heard of, what will happen when the pedos get bored with the fake children? Go out and try it on a real one? I think yes.
As to this side-discussion about casual sex or whatever it's actually about, I think if relationships begin with sex then that's all they'll ever be about. You instantly loose you objectivity since now the person's a sex toy of sorts, not someone who's long-term ambitions mean anything to you. Why it's better for aspiring long-term relationships to put sex and physical intimacies off until much later. Figure out if their taste in music is gonna have you fantasizing about taking a baseball bat to their stereo or not first. :) Pleanty of time for sex later on. But apure fuck buddy can work so long as that's all you expect of each other. Trying tog o from that to actual relationship isn't likely to work. ...imo.
There it is again -

A really vile accusation couched as an innocent question.

Are you going to accuse him of being a child predator too?

It's ok, not like I expected a meeting of the minds or anything online. But I always hope what people read from me will worm its' way into their minds and they'll then spend some time thinking of things in new ways.

Could just accept things and not bother, but then I'd feel guilty for not doing what I could.

Prolly knows better than level accusations overtly, seem to recall something about that in the Rules. :) ...Oh! Unless you were trying tog et him to break it? :)

They both have already broken the rules. They did that with their first accusation. Just below your post, notice how Drifting Sand does it again with his nasty little inference that since I didn't say what he thinks I should have, I'm guilty of something.

This is why I hate these phony christians with their bible thumping and lies.

There were no rules broken. They asked legitimate questions. It was you and delta that realized no matter how you answered the questions, you were going to acquire much ire.
Listen, luddy, I am no Christian, but discussions about Porn and Children are going to get people upset. The two dont mix well with normal people.
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