Does printing new money to pay for things cause inflation?

Will printing money to pay for expenditures cause inflation?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It might be a contributing factor if other factors are present (i.e. possibly, but not likely)

  • It's a huge contributing factor & should be expected (i.e. probably, but not necessarily all cases)

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I wonder if there's a correlation between the people who think printing money doesn't cause inflation and those who think minimum wage laws have no negative repercussions.
Milton Friedman talked about minimum wage laws:

"Generally. Because I think the government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem and very often makes the problem worse. Take, for example, the minimum wage, which has the effect of making the poor people at the bottom of the wage scale—those it was designed to help—worse off than before."
Milton Friedman talked about minimum wage laws:

"Generally. Because I think the government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem and very often makes the problem worse. Take, for example, the minimum wage, which has the effect of making the poor people at the bottom of the wage scale—those it was designed to help—worse off than before."
If you have a large pool of unskilled workers wages will be low. It's a supply and demand thing as well as a rite of passage for entry level workers (been there, done that).
You are mixing your concepts up. When the government deficit spends it has nothing to do with the Fed. Only the Fed can create money. They can buy bonds from third parties which is paid for with printed money. Again worth noting that the extra money has slowly been withdrawn. It was essential for people so they could pay their bills.

The inflation is a result of the lack of competition in many industries. These are the sectors that are seeing the largest amount of inflation. The financial statements confirm this as most companies are massively beating their previous profits. What we need are new anti-trust laws to break up these oligopolies or regulate them. The problem is that Republicans and Democrats are obsessed with tech companies. Tech companies are not causing inflation.
i think you need to update your understanding of economics.

And possible reread my posts after having done so.

I didn't say the government creates money by having a deficit. I said there is a close correlation between the deficit as a percentage of the GDP and inflation. Correlation is not causation but the data does track.
For the last 10 years or so the increases in M1 (and artificially low interest rates) have been offset by increased productivity.

No kidding. Very convincing.......

40 years of economic evidence and history put to the lie because you said "not really."

If you can show that productivity has increased as much as M1 over the last 10 years.....go ahead.

I'll help you start.

View attachment 623058

Looks like M1 went from about $2.2 trillion on March 5, 2012
to about $20.6 trillion on Feb 28, 2022.

Let's see your offsetting increased productivity over the same period.
here you go sally...

Look closer..
Up until Trump then Biden flooded the monetary system with trillions...

Try to comprehend beyond, or not.

Look closer..

I did.

Looks like M1 went from about $2.2 trillion on March 5, 2012
to about $20.6 trillion on Feb 28, 2022.

More than an 800% increase.
How much did productivity increase in your chart?
Pretend it was 3.4% for 10 years. That's about 40%.

Is 800% really offset by 40%?
This is often discussed in a variety of ways. I remember a few years ago there was this idea floated that Obama could order the mint to create two $10 trillion coins, then have them deposited into the federal reserve to pay off the debt. The pandemic emergency payments and unemployment benefits have often brought the conversation to whether we're simply making money out of thin air.

So let's talk about it. Do you believe that printing money will will cause inflation? Why, why not?

It is sweat that gives money its value.

If it is not earned, and simply given away by increasing the debt, with a promise to pay it back in the future with the sweat of our descendants, then it devalues it.

Taken to extreme..... Let's say no one works and everyone is starving .... Print money and give it to everyone. Give everyone $1000. Now sell a sandwich to the highest bidder.

This bill is the largest denomination currency ever minted. On the day it was released, it would buy three eggs....


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