Does Sarah Palin And Her Family Deserve Security Protection From Liberal Fanatics?


May 29, 2010
With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety? A man shot his tv and held his wife at gunpoint the other day over Bristol and she was sent a powdery substance in fan mail that was intent for her. Palins episode of this weeks Sarah Palins Alaska will show them fishing and hunting wild game and skinning them. That will surely make liberal pacifist animal activist go wildly insane. That's face it. Since Liberalism is a disease, Liberals are fanatically livid and wouldn't mind seeing the Palin's harmed if it will stop their success and possibly Palins rise to the presidency. The Palins are under the liberal microscope so much that if they as much as don't hold their fork right when will be reported as front page news. So with all the liberal crazies coming out, does Sarah Palin and her family need security protection right now? After all, Sarah Palin is a patriotic asset to the United States and we can't afford any harm that comes to her or her family.
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Dear insane, pathetic, racist pretend USArmyRetard....

take meds.

sincerely yours,

Clearly they need it. Not too sure about the "Deserve" thing though. The Left has definitely encouraged their nutters to attack Palin and her Family. The Left has no shame at this point. Unfortunately i think it's only a matter of time before one of their deranged nutters is successful in hurting Palin or her children. The Left and especially the Left MSM has created a very hateful & violent environment when it comes to Sarah Palin and her family. It's only a matter of time before that comes to a head. So i suggest Palin get that security for her and her family. The Left loonies are out of control.
I don't know that she deserves it, but if she wants protection she can certainly afford it.
With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety? A man shot his tv and held his wife at gunpoint the other day over Bristol and she was sent a powdery substance in fan mail that was intent for her. Palins episode of this weeks Sarah Palins Alaska will show them fishing and hunting wild game and skinning them. That will surely make liberal pacifist animal activist go wildly insane. That's face it. Since Liberalism is a disease, Liberals are fanatically livid and wouldn't mind seeing the Palin's harmed if it will stop their success and possibly Palins rise to the presidency. The Palins are under the liberal microscope so much that if they as much as don't hold their fork right when will be reported as front page news. So with all the liberal crazies coming out, does Sarah Palin and her family need security protection right now? After all, Sarah Palin is a patriotic asset to the United States and we can't afford any harm that comes to her or her family.

she has plenty of security, plus she's probably carrying a heater. she would never go to a place as dangerous as hollywod's "dancing of the stars" without a ton of security, i think jesse venture might be the head of her detail, or the conspiricy theory, i forget which one.
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Dear insane, pathetic, racist pretend USArmyRetard....

take meds.

sincerely yours,


jillian you go take meds, i think this guy makes good posts, at least good enough to bring you running everytime, and other bashers, give the guy a fuckin' break, it's an opinion forum, you're not that special, you're like a pack of little anklebiting coyotes. what's your objective here, to discuss ? or to throw lefist personal bombs at the poster, then cut and run. you called me racist trash this morning, and i called you on it, i know you read my post, because people like you always go back to check your hadiwork. try not following the guy for awhile, or me for that matter. army retired was defending your country when you were still in diapers. your cute ass and avatar don't fool me, like i said, you ain't nobody. what say you ??

sincerely, washingtonamerica
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With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety?
Yeah....Liberals, laughing-at-her ('til they damned-near puke), is a heavy-duty threat.

Bristol doesn't seem like that bad a person, certainly compared to her mother.

I just wonder if Bristol is intelligent and sensitive enough to feel any sort of well justified embarassment that the only reason she is still on DWTS is the support she's getting from the loons in her mother's cult.
Dear insane, pathetic, racist pretend USArmyRetard....

take meds.

sincerely yours,


jillian you take meds, i think this guy makes good posts, at least good enough to bring you running everytime, and other bashers, give the guy a fuckin' break, it's an opinion forum, you're not that special


pretty funny darrell, have you ever had a post less than 1000 x2 pixels, do you know what a pixel is ? vermont used to be a nice state till the libs fucked it up.... no not really, they mostly live in burlington, where the t.s.a..... wait... what?
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jillian you go take meds, i think this guy makes good posts, at least good enough to bring you running everytime, and other bashers, give the guy a fuckin' break, it's an opinion forum, you're not that special, you're like a pack of little anlebiting coyotees. what's your objective here, to discuss ? or to throw lefist personal bombs at the poster, then cut and run. you called me racist trash this morning, and i called you on it, i know you read my post, because people like you always go back. try not following the guy for awhile, or me for that matter. army retired was defending your country when you were still in diapers. your cute ass and avatar don't fool me, like i said, you ain't nobody. what say you ??

sincerely, washingtonamerica[/SIZE]

what say I? I say this board was waaaaaaay better before the rightwingnut losers; brigade showed up.

and no, i don't go back most of the time and you haven't a clue as to what i am. but i can promise i've never lied about what i am unlike the pretend usarmyretard and his ilk.

btw, i have a life... if i happen to notice a thread i recognize come up, i look... if not, i don't.

i'm sorry your feelings were hurt. *sniff*

and i guarantee he wasn't defending anything... i've never met a racist military guy.. .never. and, fwiw, my grandfather, father, all my uncles defended this country before you were born.

so don't defend a lying loser troll like him. it only makes you look sad and pathetic.

thanks for posting on the other thread, though. :cheers2:
With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety? A man shot his tv and held his wife at gunpoint the other day over Bristol and she was sent a powdery substance in fan mail that was intent for her. Palins episode of this weeks Sarah Palins Alaska will show them fishing and hunting wild game and skinning them. That will surely make liberal pacifist animal activist go wildly insane. That's face it. Since Liberalism is a disease, Liberals are fanatically livid and wouldn't mind seeing the Palin's harmed if it will stop their success and possibly Palins rise to the presidency. The Palins are under the liberal microscope so much that if they as much as don't hold their fork right when will be reported as front page news. So with all the liberal crazies coming out, does Sarah Palin and her family need security protection right now? After all, Sarah Palin is a patriotic asset to the United States and we can't afford any harm that comes to her or her family.
She might need protection from you...your obsession with her is a tad scary.
Clearly they need it. Not too sure about the "Deserve" thing though. The Left has definitely encouraged their nutters to attack Palin and her Family. The Left has no shame at this point. Unfortunately i think it's only a matter of time before one of their deranged nutters is successful in hurting Palin or her children. The Left and especially the Left MSM has created a very hateful & violent environment when it comes to Sarah Palin and her family. It's only a matter of time before that comes to a head. So i suggest Palin get that security for her and her family. The Left loonies are out of control.

I see that gleam in your eye.
jillian you go take meds, i think this guy makes good posts, at least good enough to bring you running everytime, and other bashers, give the guy a fuckin' break, it's an opinion forum, you're not that special, you're like a pack of little anlebiting coyotees. what's your objective here, to discuss ? or to throw lefist personal bombs at the poster, then cut and run. you called me racist trash this morning, and i called you on it, i know you read my post, because people like you always go back. try not following the guy for awhile, or me for that matter. army retired was defending your country when you were still in diapers. your cute ass and avatar don't fool me, like i said, you ain't nobody. what say you ??

sincerely, washingtonamerica[/SIZE]

what say I? I say this board was waaaaaaay better before the rightwingnut losers; brigade showed up.

and no, i don't go back most of the time and you haven't a clue as to what i am. but i can promise i've never lied about what i am unlike the pretend usarmyretard and his ilk.

btw, i have a life... if i happen to notice a thread i recognize come up, i look... if not, i don't.

i'm sorry your feelings were hurt. *sniff*

and i guarantee he wasn't defending anything... i've never met a racist military guy.. .never. and, fwiw, my grandfather, father, all my uncles defended this country before you were born.

so don't defend a lying loser troll like him. it only makes you look sad and pathetic.

thanks for posting on the other thread, though. :cheers2:

ok that's cool, i appreciate the response, but the board needs both sides, otherwise it would be a dull sausageboard, so a little respect, you're smarter than just repetative name calling, i'd like to see that part. jimmy fallon rocks. thank's j.
With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety? A man shot his tv and held his wife at gunpoint the other day over Bristol and she was sent a powdery substance in fan mail that was intent for her. Palins episode of this weeks Sarah Palins Alaska will show them fishing and hunting wild game and skinning them. That will surely make liberal pacifist animal activist go wildly insane. That's face it. Since Liberalism is a disease, Liberals are fanatically livid and wouldn't mind seeing the Palin's harmed if it will stop their success and possibly Palins rise to the presidency. The Palins are under the liberal microscope so much that if they as much as don't hold their fork right when will be reported as front page news. So with all the liberal crazies coming out, does Sarah Palin and her family need security protection right now? After all, Sarah Palin is a patriotic asset to the United States and we can't afford any harm that comes to her or her family.

You must be kidding? The presidential losers reverted back to being private citizens immediately following the election. Anyone who chose to get out there and remain controversial must provide his/her own security.

She CHOOSES to put her family out there. Apparently it is easier to do that than find a real job in Wasilla or wherever in the Alaska she "loves" so much. The country doesn't owe her a thing--perhaps the tea people want to ante up for her protection?
With all the liberals going bonkers over Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol being in the finals on DWTS, should they deserve security protection to ensure their safety? A man shot his tv and held his wife at gunpoint the other day over Bristol and she was sent a powdery substance in fan mail that was intent for her. Palins episode of this weeks Sarah Palins Alaska will show them fishing and hunting wild game and skinning them. That will surely make liberal pacifist animal activist go wildly insane. That's face it. Since Liberalism is a disease, Liberals are fanatically livid and wouldn't mind seeing the Palin's harmed if it will stop their success and possibly Palins rise to the presidency. The Palins are under the liberal microscope so much that if they as much as don't hold their fork right when will be reported as front page news. So with all the liberal crazies coming out, does Sarah Palin and her family need security protection right now? After all, Sarah Palin is a patriotic asset to the United States and we can't afford any harm that comes to her or her family.
She might need protection from you...your obsession with her is a tad scary.

one thing you guys cannot tolerate, when we're more "fair" than you
Most people you consider to be "liberal" would not be caught dead watching mindless pap such as DWTS. I know I never would...

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