Does terrorism ever actually work?

Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
Oh bullshit. Liberals respect PEOPLE.

The fact that you want to stir up hatred is YOUR issue

And in answer to the original question..terrorism has limited goals. CAUSING this kind of division is one of them.GETTING assholes like our Russian friend here to attack Muslims was one of the goals of 9/11. And it worked.

Getting the US to attack an Islamic country was also a goal of 9/11. That worked as well. Starting a worldwide war between US /European countries and the Islamic world was the goal and that also worked.

I'm pretty sure they didn't expect to get their asses beat though.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

9/11 worked perfectly from the terrorist standpoint. They fundamentally changed our nation, which is what they were going for.

The result of 9/11 was the creation of one of the largest bureaucracy in the history of the government, a bill ironically named the PATRIOT act which gave the government the right to spy on us to keep us safe, a right the government wasted no time in using and is still using today. We all comply to being groped if we wish to fly.

Congress gave up its power to wage war to the executive branch.

We gave the executive branch the power to ignore the constitution and imprison anyone that wish, including citizens, for as long as they wish without the right to trial or lawyer.

We invaded a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 which cost the lives of far more Americans than the terrorist killed and injured 10 times as many.

We are a different country than we were before 9/11, I would say they got the desired effect.
Oh please...

Still defending Saddam? After all these years?

Is there any enemy of America that Progs won't suck up to?

you should not post when you are drunk, it just makes you look even more stupid than you really are.
Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
Oh bullshit. Liberals respect PEOPLE.

The fact that you want to stir up hatred is YOUR issue

And in answer to the original question..terrorism has limited goals. CAUSING this kind of division is one of them.GETTING assholes like our Russian friend here to attack Muslims was one of the goals of 9/11. And it worked.

Getting the US to attack an Islamic country was also a goal of 9/11. That worked as well. Starting a worldwide war between US /European countries and the Islamic world was the goal and that also worked.

I'm pretty sure they didn't expect to get their asses beat though.

of course they did.

They knew we would do what we did.

We have spent trillions of dollars and lost over 7000 US service members and have more than 10 times that many wounded and the cost just keep coming as the VA deals with the aftermath of the war.

not to mention the freedoms and rights we have cheerfully given up in the name of "security"
Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
Oh bullshit. Liberals respect PEOPLE.

The fact that you want to stir up hatred is YOUR issue

And in answer to the original question..terrorism has limited goals. CAUSING this kind of division is one of them.GETTING assholes like our Russian friend here to attack Muslims was one of the goals of 9/11. And it worked.

Getting the US to attack an Islamic country was also a goal of 9/11. That worked as well. Starting a worldwide war between US /European countries and the Islamic world was the goal and that also worked.

I'm pretty sure they didn't expect to get their asses beat though.

of course they did.

They knew we would do what we did.

We have spent trillions of dollars and lost over 7000 US service members and have more than 10 times that many wounded and the cost just keep coming as the VA deals with the aftermath of the war.

not to mention the freedoms and rights we have cheerfully given up in the name of "security"

You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

the government can now detain you indefinitely without charge or legal defense. How much blind trust and faith do you have in the government not to abuse this power?
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?
You think their goal was to get us to spend money and kill a few Americans? Trade hundreds of thousands of theirs for 7,000 of ours? Hmm. That's pretty mundane. I'd have expected a little more ambition, to be honest.

We haven't really given up that many freedoms. My life hasn't been affected at all. Yours likely hasn't been either. You can still go to the ball game, go to the festival, watch porn all day if you please ... no one is stopping you from doing pretty much whatever you want. Same as before.

you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?

Only if they bummed me a cigarette first. Then, sure. The most interesting thing they would find is my exquisite collection of erotic art. Not a whole lot else.
you have given up far more than you realize. but you are safe so you do not care.

Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?

Only if they bummed me a cigarette first. Then, sure. The most interesting thing they would find is my exquisite collection of erotic art. Not a whole lot else.

people like you are the problem. you assume the government is begin and is acting in your best interest. every freedom and right you give up now for "security" against the latest boogieman is one that will never come back. Then once you are comfortable with these, more will go away.

I hope you do not claim to support the Constitution.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Nuking Japan worked on a couple levels so ridiculous violence does work.

If the terrorists just wanted to change our way of living, make us spend tons of money for security and give up rights to the Patriot Act types, they won.

If they wanted to get their beef in the news, they accomplished that.

If they want to wipe Israel off the Earth, not yet.
A nuke can wipe out a city. Terrorists can only kill so many people, so they arent the same. Japan would not have surrendered if we had merely brought down 2 of their buildings.
Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
5hose who committed 9/11 are terrorists...they dont represent the 8 million muslims in the US...just like Timothy McVeigh doesnt represent all white Christians. Got it ?
Most muslims in the world agree with terrorism. Most Christians dont agree with Timothy McVeigh.
Of course terrorism works. How do you think Islam spread throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Europe in just a few hundred years?

Look how “progressives” have surrendered and joined with Muslims since 9/11.

That is silly.
Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism that was there before Mohammad?
What Mohammad did was to reform Judaism so that women no longer were considered to have no souls, rights, ability to own property, inherit, divorce, etc. Islam fixed all that, as well as bringing algebra, calculus, science, to Europe when they were still in the Dark Ages.
Almost all of civilization is owed to Islam.

No, all Muhammad did was to build a death cult that denies people from Christ. If you love Islamic culture so much, why don’t you move there?

If they happen to come up with some good ideas, they can be exchanged between cultures without mass immigration.
Such as? The government can listen to my boring phone calls? They're more than welcome to. It would serve as a nice sleep aid for them.

Patriot Act | Freedom Forum Institute

Top 10 Liberties Lost Since 9/11 - The Libertarian Republic

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?

Only if they bummed me a cigarette first. Then, sure. The most interesting thing they would find is my exquisite collection of erotic art. Not a whole lot else.

people like you are the problem. you assume the government is begin and is acting in your best interest. every freedom and right you give up now for "security" against the latest boogieman is one that will never come back. Then once you are comfortable with these, more will go away.

I hope you do not claim to support the Constitution.

I'm assuming the government will find me as uninteresting as everyone else does. It's been working out great so far.

You seem like one of those people who doesn't yet realize that the U.S. government has complete and utter control (if they choose to seize it) simply because they have the world's most powerful military at their disposal. Even if there were no Patriot Act, they could change the rules in a single day, for no reason at all. Might still makes right; we just like to dress it up first. But at the end of the day, Patriot Act or no, we are at the mercy of the man with the gun, regardless of our personal wishes.
Terrorists create the fear.

Then the so-called "moderate" Muslims show up and say, hey, we can be reasonable. Let's talk. Let's cut a deal.

People are so grateful to meet "moderate" Muslims, they don't notice that these guys are radical Jew-hating extremist assholes who beat their wives with a stick no thicker than their thumb.
I lived ina Muslim country for 23 years I have never seen a man beating his wife with a stick...that's like saying all white males are child molesters, or all Americans are dumb.

I live in Germany and see Turks treat their women like dogs. Once they are broken in and well trained, no stick required.

Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?

Only if they bummed me a cigarette first. Then, sure. The most interesting thing they would find is my exquisite collection of erotic art. Not a whole lot else.

people like you are the problem. you assume the government is begin and is acting in your best interest. every freedom and right you give up now for "security" against the latest boogieman is one that will never come back. Then once you are comfortable with these, more will go away.

I hope you do not claim to support the Constitution.

I'm assuming the government will find me as uninteresting as everyone else does. It's been working out great so far.

You seem like one of those people who doesn't yet realize that the U.S. government has complete and utter control (if they choose to seize it) simply because they have the world's most powerful military at their disposal. Even if there were no Patriot Act, they could change the rules in a single day, for no reason at all. Might still makes right; we just like to dress it up first. But at the end of the day, Patriot Act or no, we are at the mercy of the man with the gun, regardless of our personal wishes.

having been a part of the world's most powerful military for 20 years, I feel confident that the majority of them would not turn on the American people when given an unlawful order to do so. We take an oath to defend the Constitution, against all enemies.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Define works.

I mean now muslims will think twice before moving to New Zealand.

This will also increase chance christians are killed in some muslim countries.

And there will be war.

And that's what they want.

So from their point of view it works.
Unless you are a terrorist or maybe a foreign agent, how does government surveillance affect your life?

Unless you are a criminal or maybe a foreign agent, how does government searching your house whenever it wants affect your life?

If you have nothing to hide then I am sure you would let them in without a warrant, right?

Only if they bummed me a cigarette first. Then, sure. The most interesting thing they would find is my exquisite collection of erotic art. Not a whole lot else.

people like you are the problem. you assume the government is begin and is acting in your best interest. every freedom and right you give up now for "security" against the latest boogieman is one that will never come back. Then once you are comfortable with these, more will go away.

I hope you do not claim to support the Constitution.

I'm assuming the government will find me as uninteresting as everyone else does. It's been working out great so far.

You seem like one of those people who doesn't yet realize that the U.S. government has complete and utter control (if they choose to seize it) simply because they have the world's most powerful military at their disposal. Even if there were no Patriot Act, they could change the rules in a single day, for no reason at all. Might still makes right; we just like to dress it up first. But at the end of the day, Patriot Act or no, we are at the mercy of the man with the gun, regardless of our personal wishes.

having been a part of the world's most powerful military for 20 years, I feel confident that the majority of them would not turn on the American people when given an unlawful order to do so. We take an oath to defend the Constitution, against all enemies.

Isn't that a bit naive? Oh well ... I won't hold it against you.

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