Does the FBI have possession of Biden's tapes?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
The FBI didnt know exactly what Grassley had when he reported there was a whistleblower concerning the 1023 document. They originially denied the document existed, two weeks later they admitted it existed and then showed it to Raskin and Grassley. Raskin immediately came out to the press and lied about its contents which then forced Wray to show the ENTIRE Select Committee the 1024 form.

Here is where it gets interesting. The 1023 form that the FBI showed them was redacted fairly significantly. Unfortunately for the FBI, the original copy Grassley got from the whistleblower WASNT heavily redacted. Do you know what the FBI hid in their redacted version? They hid the existence of those supposed 17 recordings of the Bidens being bribed.

If there was nothing to those recordings, or if they found out that it was all bullshit, why did they redact it? Why wouldnt they just say "there was nothing there when we investigated it"?

It seems HIGHLY likely that the FBI has those tapes in their possession. My theory is that they are waiting until Biden is no longer president so they can indict him. The DOJ says that a sitting president cant be indicted, so he wont be. Wray knows this.
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The FBI didnt know exactly what Grassley had when he reported there was a whistleblower concerning the 1023 document. They originially denied the document existed, two weeks later they admitted it existed and then showed it to Raskin and Grassley. Raskin immediately came out to the press and lied about its contents which then forced Wray to show the ENTIRE Select Committee the 1024 form.

Here is where it gets interesting. The 1023 form that the FBI showed them was redacted fairly significantly. Unfortunately for the FBI, the original copy Grassley got from the whistleblower WASNT heavily redacted. Do you know what the FBI hid in their redacted version? They hid the existence of those supposed 17 recordings.

If there was nothing to those recordings, or if they found out that it was all bullshit, why did they redact it? Why wouldnt they just say "there was nothing there when we investigated it"?

It seems HIGHLY likely that the FBI has those tapes in their possession. My theory is that they are waiting until Biden is no longer president so they can indict him. The DOJ says that a sitting president cant be indicted, so he wont be. Wray knows this.
What tapes?
15 secretly recorded tapes of Hunter bribing the burisma guy and 2 of Joe himself bribing the Burisma guy. Grassley announced this last night.
Hunter bribed the Burisma guy, and it was not the Burisma guy bribing hunter???

WOW! That's completely different than what Congress has claimed.

What would Hunter or Joe bribe Burisma for???
Hunter bribed the Burisma guy, and it was not the Burisma guy bribing hunter???

WOW! That's completely different than what Congress has claimed.

What would Hunter or Joe bribe Burisma for???
Yeah, i guess i said that backwards, didnt i.
I do think it the FBI had anything on hunter,
That's EXACTLY why the "Trump tapes" became a "big story".
Classic PROJECTION from the demented LEFT!!!
so what's going on here?

Congress critters got all of this info on the FD 1023 from WHOM? Giuliani? How did Congress get all of this stuff they claim to have?

why do they want the FBI FD 1023 if they have it already and can begin investigating?
I do think it the FBI had anything on hunter,

so what's going on here?

Congress critters got all of this info on the FD 1023 from WHOM? Giuliani? How did Congress get all of this stuff they claim to have?

why do they want the FBI FD 1023 if they have it already and can begin investigating?
Read the OP. They got it from an FBI whistleblower. Not one of the ones who testified in Congress; its a different whistleblower.
Why would the corrupt Burisma executive or owner, confess on tape to the whistle blower/trusted informant, that he was crooked and bribed Joe Biden....what's in it for the Burisma executive to make such a claim about his own crookedness?

Why would the informant tell the FBI this a half decade after it happened and not when he got the info years earlier?

Something smells funny on all of this....
According to Raskin, the whistle blower claimed he did NOT KNOW THE VERACITY of what he HEARD from the Burisma guy....
Why would the corrupt Burisma executive or owner, confess on tape to the whistle blower/trusted informant, that he was crooked and bribed Joe Biden....what's in it for the Burisma executive to make such a claim about his own crookedness?

Why would the informant tell the FBI this a half decade after it happened and not when he got the info years earlier?

Something smells funny on all of this....
We dont know the basis of the conversation. It may have been a conversation about the walls closing in on the scheme so he told this guy in confidence that he was covered because he trusted the guy. Maybe he DIDNT trust the guy and wanted to make sure that word got back to Biden to ensure that Biden doesnt fuck him over, like Hunters partner got fucked over and lamented that Joe didnt pardon him. One guy has already fallen, he doesnt want to be next.
According to Raskin, the whistle blower claimed he did NOT KNOW THE VERACITY of what he HEARD from the Burisma guy....
Raskin lied, which forced Wray to show the entire committee the next day. Why would you reference anything from Raskin who was literally just busted for lying?
The tapes that MAGAts have started about four threads about here....and yet, can't provide anything for us to listen to.
How could we provide them? Are you not following along? Grassley is asking the FBI about them. He wants to know if they have them, or if not, what documented proof does the FBI have that shows they tried to get them, and if they failed to get them, why did they fail?

The fact that they redacted the possible existence of the tapes says an awful lot. It says that the FBI thinks there is something to that claim, or they KNOW there is something to that claim. I suspect they already have the tapes and thats why they redacted that part.
The FBI didnt know exactly what Grassley had when he reported there was a whistleblower concerning the 1023 document. They originially denied the document existed, two weeks later they admitted it existed and then showed it to Raskin and Grassley. Raskin immediately came out to the press and lied about its contents which then forced Wray to show the ENTIRE Select Committee the 1024 form.

Here is where it gets interesting. The 1023 form that the FBI showed them was redacted fairly significantly. Unfortunately for the FBI, the original copy Grassley got from the whistleblower WASNT heavily redacted. Do you know what the FBI hid in their redacted version? They hid the existence of those supposed 17 recordings of the Bidens being bribed.

If there was nothing to those recordings, or if they found out that it was all bullshit, why did they redact it? Why wouldnt they just say "there was nothing there when we investigated it"?

It seems HIGHLY likely that the FBI has those tapes in their possession. My theory is that they are waiting until Biden is no longer president so they can indict him. The DOJ says that a sitting president cant be indicted, so he wont be. Wray knows this.
I spent part of the morning watching a Republican Senator trying with no success to get information from an FBI leader who fully believes he does not have to account for any question Republicans ask even when they have 100% truth on their sides. Presidential appointees have to tell the truth to United States Senators whether they like them or not. It made the man look like he was worried whether or not he would get his Soros bonanza if he told the truth, so he hedged, hedged, and more hedged. Until the man comes clean with the truth, he should be placed on unpaid leave. The American people are fed up with Biden's lies, and they are fed up with lies from his appointed oligarches. WRONG COUNTRY!!!
The FBI didnt know exactly what Grassley had when he reported there was a whistleblower concerning the 1023 document. They originially denied the document existed, two weeks later they admitted it existed and then showed it to Raskin and Grassley. Raskin immediately came out to the press and lied about its contents which then forced Wray to show the ENTIRE Select Committee the 1024 form.

Here is where it gets interesting. The 1023 form that the FBI showed them was redacted fairly significantly. Unfortunately for the FBI, the original copy Grassley got from the whistleblower WASNT heavily redacted. Do you know what the FBI hid in their redacted version? They hid the existence of those supposed 17 recordings of the Bidens being bribed.

If there was nothing to those recordings, or if they found out that it was all bullshit, why did they redact it? Why wouldnt they just say "there was nothing there when we investigated it"?

It seems HIGHLY likely that the FBI has those tapes in their possession. My theory is that they are waiting until Biden is no longer president so they can indict him. The DOJ says that a sitting president cant be indicted, so he wont be. Wray knows this.
No silly. The whistleblower has them but then he died but then he came back to life and turns out he is a Chinese spy who used to work for Trump. He gave the tapes to the deep state who hid them under Obama's Kenyan birth certificate and Trump beautiful medical plan.

Stay tuned for more "bombshell" whistleblower coverage that inevitably will be churned out from gateway pundit.
I spent part of the morning watching a Republican Senator trying with no success to get information from an FBI leader who fully believes he does not have to account for any question Republicans ask even when they have 100% truth on their sides. Presidential appointees have to tell the truth to United States Senators whether they like them or not. It made the man look like he was worried whether or not he would get his Soros bonanza if he told the truth, so he hedged, hedged, and more hedged. Until the man comes clean with the truth, he should be placed on unpaid leave. The American people are fed up with Biden's lies, and they are fed up with lies from his appointed oligarches. WRONG COUNTRY!!!
What question would he not answer?
The FBI didnt know exactly what Grassley had when he reported there was a whistleblower concerning the 1023 document. They originially denied the document existed, two weeks later they admitted it existed and then showed it to Raskin and Grassley. Raskin immediately came out to the press and lied about its contents which then forced Wray to show the ENTIRE Select Committee the 1024 form.

Here is where it gets interesting. The 1023 form that the FBI showed them was redacted fairly significantly. Unfortunately for the FBI, the original copy Grassley got from the whistleblower WASNT heavily redacted. Do you know what the FBI hid in their redacted version? They hid the existence of those supposed 17 recordings of the Bidens being bribed.

If there was nothing to those recordings, or if they found out that it was all bullshit, why did they redact it? Why wouldnt they just say "there was nothing there when we investigated it"?

It seems HIGHLY likely that the FBI has those tapes in their possession. My theory is that they are waiting until Biden is no longer president so they can indict him. The DOJ says that a sitting president cant be indicted, so he wont be. Wray knows this.

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