Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

The people not in the workforce are never counted in the unemployment formula.
People choose not to participate in employment for a variety of reasons. You have no evidence that the participation rate is down soley because people cannot find work. You're assuming you know something you couldn't possibly know.

I never implied that at all. In fact, there are a lot of jobs out there. The problem is people have alternative means of living namely government.

You are correct, we have always included the people not working in our unemployment numbers. But as I stated, the lower the labor participation rate, the lower the unemployment numbers. With record low labor participation in this country, the unemployment numbers have to go down. But that doesn't mean it's because of all the great jobs out there and a strong working class.
Of course you implied as much. You're only denying it now because you've been educated on why the two rates are entirely independent from one another.
Do Republicans remember how the country was when Obama became president. The economy, the stock market, the wars, employment and so on? The car industry, the steel industry, the rubber industry and so on?

Credit card companies? Health care?

Do they wish he had done nothing?

How would things be different?

How can Democrats be upset at Republicans for showing Obama the same level of respect and decorum that Democrats showed Bush, when Obama departs January 2017 from Office?

This is about performance, not self esteem.....
Ice, when u post ur other job gdp chart, it show a climb srtight up from very bottom. I am word limited so...% gain vs. Other climbs vs. Debt etc, would be intersesting. Thanks

It is easier to turn a 220 hitter to 280 than 310 to 325. Right ohms? Dont shoot ever supply side huckster, u need us.


Have someone help you translate that into English and I'd be happy to see what I can do....
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Yes, that's why the market rallied when the job numbers were disappointing which lead the Fed to soften on raising interest rates. Interest rates were more important than economic data, at least in the short run.

Unfortunately, it's only good for the market in the short run. Because of the time value of money, short term positive profits due to low debt rates dominate long term profitability numbers which are not great because companies are investing so little, and what they do invest is largely overseas away from the malignant Federal government here
And companies are not investing domestically because they cite lack of demand. Why is there lack of demand? American workers can't afford much discretionary spending on what they're paid.

These same companies are sitting on trillions of dollars in cash. It's just sitting on the sidelines earning next to nothing. If they stopped hoarding that cash and gave their employees raises, several benefits would follow:

1) Americans could afford to buy American,

2) rising wages will stimulate inflation,

3) getting inflation back up to normal levels will make long-term debt more attractive, putting upward pressure on interest rates.

We'll get back to normal quicker if Big Business would just get off the dime. Government can't always solve all our economic problems. Sometimes the private sector has to step up to the plate and do the right thing, too.
Yes, that's why the market rallied when the job numbers were disappointing which lead the Fed to soften on raising interest rates. Interest rates were more important than economic data, at least in the short run.

Unfortunately, it's only good for the market in the short run. Because of the time value of money, short term positive profits due to low debt rates dominate long term profitability numbers which are not great because companies are investing so little, and what they do invest is largely overseas away from the malignant Federal government here

Many companies were afraid to invest thanks to Commie Care. There are so many if's, but's and maybe's in the bill that nobody knew what to expect from the federal government.

Businesses like to plan well in advance before making any financial moves. You can't do that with uncertainties like Obama Care.

Another thing is all this talk from the left giving DumBama credit for any advances we made in our economy. They fail to acknowledge that our numbers didn't start to really improve until after the cost of our fuel went down thanks to fracking which the Democrats fought (and are still fighting).

Some households are saving hundreds of dollars a month in energy costs between gasoline and natural gas. This is a widespread savings that gave most everybody more residual income at the end of each month. People used that extra money to pay down other bills, invest, or otherwise spend in our economy.
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.

You don't even need to go look anything up when it comes to labor participation and the work force. It's such common knowledge.

No matter what state the economy is in, baby boomers are retiring. That's just a fact everyone knows.

We knew there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. The highest in history as far as I know. Those jobs aren't filled because people don't have the skills.

Many younger adults are staying in college longer (probably not Republicans) so they can get a good and well paying jobs.

With such a large population and people retiring, of course there are more disabled than ever before. Disabled who aren't working.

Many liberal women have dropped out of the labor force to stay at home and raise their children because their well educated husband makes enough.

I've known three well educated women over the last couple of years who's husbands stay at home to raise the kids because the wife makes much more.

Then many of those youngsters Republicans sent off to Iraq have come back disabled.

And I'm sure there are many more reasons I never thought of. But I suspect I got the bulk.

You are just making up crap off the top of your head with no evidence to support any of your claims.

One: many college students have always worked, and should be working more than ever with the unaffordable costs of going to college today.

Two: Senior Citizens have always worked past retirement age. In fact they are now predicting a higher than ever labor participation rate from Seniors in the near future thanks to baby boomers.

Three: our welfare roles expanded under DumBama; he doubled the food stamp participation rate alone. Those welfare roles have not reduced very much in spite of this so-called great economy of ours.

I spend my working days in industrial areas. Those areas are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They can't find American workers willing to do the job. The ones that are willing to work can't because they are unable to pass a drug test. Smoking pot is more important than working for many younger people today.
Three: our welfare roles expanded under DumBama; he doubled the food stamp participation rate alone. was expanded in 2003, under a different POTUS.......and participation nearly doubled between 2001 and 2009.....It did NOT double thereafter...

More and more working people are eligible for benefits today. If only they'd get a raise...
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.


You're an idiot......
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


That's a lot of inbreeding right there....

You apparently have no idea what full employment means....

If you don't understand what he said, obviously you don't know what "full employment" means. He told you in his sentence both what it means and what's misleading about it
Stop kazzing. The labor force participation rate has nothing to do with full employment.
Your post proves the government can dupe you, and you don't even know it.

Do you believe "full employment" means a U3 at 0%?

A Labor Force Participation Rate of 100%?

People giving up looking for work is different than a mother staying home with her kids, Larry

Is it? Why? How is it counted or reported differently?
You don't even need to go look anything up when it comes to labor participation and the work force. It's such common knowledge.

No matter what state the economy is in, baby boomers are retiring. That's just a fact everyone knows.

We knew there are 5.8 million unfilled jobs. The highest in history as far as I know. Those jobs aren't filled because people don't have the skills.

Many younger adults are staying in college longer (probably not Republicans) so they can get a good and well paying jobs.

With such a large population and people retiring, of course there are more disabled than ever before. Disabled who aren't working.

Many liberal women have dropped out of the labor force to stay at home and raise their children because their well educated husband makes enough.

I've known three well educated women over the last couple of years who's husbands stay at home to raise the kids because the wife makes much more.

Then many of those youngsters Republicans sent off to Iraq have come back disabled.

And I'm sure there are many more reasons I never thought of. But I suspect I got the bulk.

You are just making up crap off the top of your head with no evidence to support any of your claims.

One: many college students have always worked, and should be working more than ever with the unaffordable costs of going to college today.

Two: Senior Citizens have always worked past retirement age. In fact they are now predicting a higher than ever labor participation rate from Seniors in the near future thanks to baby boomers.

Three: our welfare roles expanded under DumBama; he doubled the food stamp participation rate alone. Those welfare roles have not reduced very much in spite of this so-called great economy of ours.

I spend my working days in industrial areas. Those areas are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They can't find American workers willing to do the job. The ones that are willing to work can't because they are unable to pass a drug test. Smoking pot is more important than working for many younger people today.
Three: our welfare roles expanded under DumBama; he doubled the food stamp participation rate alone. was expanded in 2003, under a different POTUS.......and participation nearly doubled between 2001 and 2009.....It did NOT double thereafter...

More and more working people are eligible for benefits today. If only they'd get a raise...
Time to Retire GOP Talking Point
And companies are not investing domestically because they cite lack of demand. Why is there lack of demand? American workers can't afford much discretionary spending on what they're paid.

These same companies are sitting on trillions of dollars in cash. It's just sitting on the sidelines earning next to nothing. If they stopped hoarding that cash and gave their employees raises, several benefits would follow:

1) Americans could afford to buy American,

2) rising wages will stimulate inflation,

3) getting inflation back up to normal levels will make long-term debt more attractive, putting upward pressure on interest rates.

We'll get back to normal quicker if Big Business would just get off the dime. Government can't always solve all our economic problems. Sometimes the private sector has to step up to the plate and do the right thing, too.

No, no no. If every American doubled their salary today, they would still look for ways to save money. Walmart wouldn't lose one customer.

There are more things to spend money on today than there were let's say 40 years ago. 40 years ago, you had a color television set, an antenna, and if you were lucky, an antenna on your roof to get better reception. You had a stereo, furniture and one car for the family.

Look at all the crap we spend our money on today: cell phones for the family, cable or satellite television, computers, internet, video games, pay-per-view or NetFlix, satellite radio, fast food three times a week or more, a car for every member of the family with a drivers license.

These are considered necessities today, so it's not a wonder why we don't have much left after paying all these bills.
Part of Romney's problem was his gloom and doom outlook of America at the time. I feel the GOP does better when Americans are confident and are energized by our keep the government out-of-face rhetoric.
Under Trumps VP Mike Pence, Indianapolis, Indiana made its first appearance in the top 10 Most Dangerous Cities list.

Clinton reversed the skyrocketing all-time high crime rates Republicans caused. Crime fell every year under Clinton at the fastest rate in history.

Clinton is tough on crime. Clinton ballanced Republicans Record Deficit created a Surplus. Clinton created all-time high employment rate.
The people not in the workforce are never counted in the unemployment formula.
People choose not to participate in employment for a variety of reasons. You have no evidence that the participation rate is down soley because people cannot find work. You're assuming you know something you couldn't possibly know.

I never implied that at all. In fact, there are a lot of jobs out there. The problem is people have alternative means of living namely government.

You are correct, we have always included the people not working in our unemployment numbers. But as I stated, the lower the labor participation rate, the lower the unemployment numbers. With record low labor participation in this country, the unemployment numbers have to go down. But that doesn't mean it's because of all the great jobs out there and a strong working class.

Unemployment numbers have NOTHING to do with workforce participation as unemployment is only a measure of those IN THE WORKFORCE.

You are correct, we have always included the people not working in our unemployment numbers

That's not what I said in any way.
And companies are not investing domestically because they cite lack of demand. Why is there lack of demand? American workers can't afford much discretionary spending on what they're paid.

These same companies are sitting on trillions of dollars in cash. It's just sitting on the sidelines earning next to nothing. If they stopped hoarding that cash and gave their employees raises, several benefits would follow:

1) Americans could afford to buy American,

2) rising wages will stimulate inflation,

3) getting inflation back up to normal levels will make long-term debt more attractive, putting upward pressure on interest rates.

We'll get back to normal quicker if Big Business would just get off the dime. Government can't always solve all our economic problems. Sometimes the private sector has to step up to the plate and do the right thing, too.

No, no no. If every American doubled their salary today, they would still look for ways to save money. Walmart wouldn't lose one customer.

There are more things to spend money on today than there were let's say 40 years ago. 40 years ago, you had a color television set, an antenna, and if you were lucky, an antenna on your roof to get better reception. You had a stereo, furniture and one car for the family.

Look at all the crap we spend our money on today: cell phones for the family, cable or satellite television, computers, internet, video games, pay-per-view or NetFlix, satellite radio, fast food three times a week or more, a car for every member of the family with a drivers license.

These are considered necessities today, so it's not a wonder why we don't have much left after paying all these bills.
If every American's salary doubled today, Big Auto couldn't make trucks and cars fast enough. Extrapolate that throughout the economy.

So what's the benefit of hoarding by Big Business?
More and more working people are eligible for benefits today. If only they'd get a raise...

Are you willing to pay for those raises? Most Americans are not.

After all, if employers give employees an increase in pay, that money has to come from somewhere.

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