Does the Media Lie About Donald Trump?

Yeah, that’ll show them. As you’re being can take solace that you’re not alone.

What a small person you are.

No. I've accepted that I have no control or influence over it so I can only do my small part to share my opinion and analysis.

The media does have influence to some degree, as do leaders. Instead of seeking intelligent people, creative geniuses and patriotic people to highlight and ascend to a pedestal the world celebrates manufactured "leaders" such as the Cheneys and similar people who have deep pockets often earned by government contracts and corporate nepotism/lobbying.

Since I have no control, my point is that the Useful Idiots will suffer the same fate as the rest of us, they will be the ones who are incinerated with those last moments realizing that they KNEW what was right but didn't have the courage to say it when their position allowed for it. They were just happy to shop at nice stores and hang out with the real movers and shakers.

Those who are ignorant to the truth will simply perish with that ignorance in place. Never finding that enlightenment that might have brought a particular degree of peace.

We will all be judged in the next life regardless. It is in all of our interests, for that of our soul; to fall on the right side of the ledger.
They cant watch the video, because if they do, they will find out that their whole lives have been a lie, and then they must go out and kill themselves. At least that would be the honorable thing for being such retarded folks to believe what the Lame Stream Media tells them to.
Well, I certainly don't want anyone to kill themselves, but coming to a realization that they've been lied to would be a great step for them.

Sadly, too many would rather bitterly cling to the lies.
How can the media lie about Trump when Trump is the one constantly saying stupid shit?

Maybe Trump shouldn't say racist, stupid shit....ever thought of that???

Instead, your imbecile MAGA ass wants to blame the messenger, which is the media.
Oh, you mean the media which lies about him? That media? The media whose lies you believe without question, exactly as you're told?
Oh, you mean the media which lies about him? That media? The media whose lies you believe without question, exactly as you're told?
Trump is the one constantly saying stupid shit....the media doesn't have to lie, gomer. Trump is his own worst enemy.
No. I've accepted that I have no control or influence over it so I can only do my small part to share my opinion and analysis.

The media does have influence to some degree, as do leaders. Instead of seeking intelligent people, creative geniuses and patriotic people to highlight and ascend to a pedestal the world celebrates manufactured "leaders" such as the Cheneys and similar people who have deep pockets often earned by government contracts and corporate nepotism/lobbying.

Since I have no control, my point is that the Useful Idiots will suffer the same fate as the rest of us, they will be the ones who are incinerated with those last moments realizing that they KNEW what was right but didn't have the courage to say it when their position allowed for it. They were just happy to shop at nice stores and hang out with the real movers and shakers.

Those who are ignorant to the truth will simply perish with that ignorance in place. Never finding that enlightenment that might have brought a particular degree of peace.

We will all be judged in the next life regardless. It is in all of our interests, for that of our soul; to fall on the right side of the ledger.
That you don’t consider yourself a “useful idiot” is rich.

So when is this great extermination supposed to happen?
And yet, oddly, the media has lied, as proven in the media in the OP.
Your stupid video proves exactly jack and shit, Kleetus.

The only thing that is proven is that Trump constantly says stupid shit....and that is only Trump's fault, not the media's fault.
The video you didn't watch because you're a coward? That video?
I have no interest. Anyone with a brain sees Trump say stupid shit every single fucking day.

Your video is pointless.

If you were intelligent, you'd be embarrassed by Trump as an American. But you're not intelligent.
I have no interest. Anyone with a brain sees Trump say stupid shit every single fucking day.

Your video is pointless.

If you were intelligent, you'd be embarrassed by Trump as an American. But you're not intelligent.
Obviously, I'm smarter than you. But you don't set the bar very high.

So, in summary, you're a stupid coward. Or, in a single word, a leftist.
Obviously, I'm smarter than you. But you don't set the bar very high.
Empty rhetoric, gomer. All smart Americans are embarrassed by Trump. This is not a fair fight because you are radicalized and dirt stupid.

I dislike like you very much, but I'm also embarrassed for you....the way that you have been totally conned by this imbecile demagogue.
Thank you. Unfortunately, the very people who need to see it are covering their eyes and screeching LA LA LA I CANT SEE IT.
Or they're saying they won't waste their time listening to some rightwing 'weirdo' or whatever. I may try to transcribe it when I get some free time.

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