Does The Pope Want More Murder In The World!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is very disappointing that the Pope of the Catholic Church recently came out more forcefully against capital punishment not only did he make a public statement on the issue but he changed the Catechism of the Catholic Church the top authoritative writing on the teachings of Catholic Church. I was very disappointed because humanity is continually seeing growth of evil in the world especially in the form of murder whether it be terrorist murders or mass shootings and humanity needs to reverse this to give all people a good world which all people deserve! The Pope pursuing this course to take away a valuable tool in good peoples' fight against this terrible evil, the tool of capitol punishment, is heart-breaking and difficult to fully understand. The Pope's words on this topic seem to indicate that he views this issue as matters of whether society is putting mercy above justice and is society in carrying out capital punishment violating the dignity of the perpetrator. The Pope's perspective on topic is too narrow the perspective should be what kind of evil is going on here and what are the morally legitimate tools a society can use to stop it. When I hear about people coming out against capital punishment how it is absolutely wrong for our society or any society to have that reality, I think their wrong! A good society should be doing its best to protect the lives of police officers it is the least we can do for they put their lives on the line every day to protect us. We want people tempted on inclined to shoot or kill police officers to be thinking don't do it or you will forfeit your life the society has capital punishment and it will be carried out against you if you do it, I am sure this deterrent effect of capital punishment is effective. These anti-capital punishment people don't fully consider the harm to murder victims and their families especially for mass murder. A truly good person should think that the harm to the good, to these victims and their loved ones, cries out for the perpetrator to pay a commensurate price which is his or her life, in addition, common sense would call for the conclusion that capital punishment deters some people inclined to commit mass murder many mass murderers are not suicidal. But the heinousness of some murders really does cry out to an ordinary good person that capital punishment is warranted against the perpetrator. Take for instance the case of the DC sniper back in 2002 where ten people were killed over three weeks by these snipers primarily in the Washington DC area it traumatizesd people in the mid-atlantic region of the U.S. people had to use I95 the perpetrators target area to go to work to make a living for their families many of these people and their loved ones had to live in extreme fear until these perpetrators were caught; the leader, John Allen Muhammad, received a capital punishment sentence which was carried out and I submit that he deserved it one-hundred percent for the evil of this mass murder. With respect to the Pope on this issue I suspect in might not be distinguishing that for leaders there should be your virtue you choose personally and that which you follow as a leader of a group; if you as the Pope are committed to be a martyr a martyr for love and mercy that is wonderful may God bless you for it but you shouldn't be using your authority to compel other people to be martyrs you don't have that right! The world doesn't need a saintly Pope, the world just needs an outstandingly wise and good human being Pope!
It is very disappointing that the Pope of the Catholic Church recently came out more forcefully against capital punishment not only did he make a public statement on the issue but he changed the Catechism of the Catholic Church the top authoritative writing on the teachings of Catholic Church. I was very disappointed because humanity is continually seeing growth of evil in the world especially in the form of murder whether it be terrorist murders or mass shootings and humanity needs to reverse this to give all people a good world which all people deserve! The Pope pursuing this course to take away a valuable tool in good peoples' fight against this terrible evil, the tool of capitol punishment, is heart-breaking and difficult to fully understand. The Pope's words on this topic seem to indicate that he views this issue as matters of whether society is putting mercy above justice and is society in carrying out capital punishment violating the dignity of the perpetrator. The Pope's perspective on topic is too narrow the perspective should be what kind of evil is going on here and what are the morally legitimate tools a society can use to stop it. When I hear about people coming out against capital punishment how it is absolutely wrong for our society or any society to have that reality, I think their wrong! A good society should be doing its best to protect the lives of police officers it is the least we can do for they put their lives on the line every day to protect us. We want people tempted on inclined to shoot or kill police officers to be thinking don't do it or you will forfeit your life the society has capital punishment and it will be carried out against you if you do it, I am sure this deterrent effect of capital punishment is effective. These anti-capital punishment people don't fully consider the harm to murder victims and their families especially for mass murder. A truly good person should think that the harm to the good, to these victims and their loved ones, cries out for the perpetrator to pay a commensurate price which is his or her life, in addition, common sense would call for the conclusion that capital punishment deters some people inclined to commit mass murder many mass murderers are not suicidal. But the heinousness of some murders really does cry out to an ordinary good person that capital punishment is warranted against the perpetrator. Take for instance the case of the DC sniper back in 2002 where ten people were killed over three weeks by these snipers primarily in the Washington DC area it traumatizesd people in the mid-atlantic region of the U.S. people had to use I95 the perpetrators target area to go to work to make a living for their families many of these people and their loved ones had to live in extreme fear until these perpetrators were caught; the leader, John Allen Muhammad, received a capital punishment sentence which was carried out and I submit that he deserved it one-hundred percent for the evil of this mass murder. With respect to the Pope on this issue I suspect in might not be distinguishing that for leaders there should be your virtue you choose personally and that which you follow as a leader of a group; if you as the Pope are committed to be a martyr a martyr for love and mercy that is wonderful may God bless you for it but you shouldn't be using your authority to compel other people to be martyrs you don't have that right! The world doesn't need a saintly Pope, the world just needs an outstandingly wise and good human being Pope!
It seems to me that FRANCES is working hard to dispel the concept that
THE POPE IS INFALLIBLE-------lots of Popes, VERY EAGERLY supported
capital punishment---------what happened? did INFALLIBILITY VANISH?.
IMHO Frances prefers POPULARITY to being a "pope"
The Pope pursuing this course to take away a valuable tool in good peoples' fight against this terrible evil, the tool of capitol punishment, is heart-breaking and difficult to fully understand.


who would dare, it's so much a part of christianity, they simply will not stand for it !!!

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