Does the Republican base really think RW Billionaires are "on their side"?



American Crossroads Summary v. FEC

How Karl Rove's Billionaire-Backed Super PAC Will Be Election Game Changer - Forbes

American Crossroads has collected more money in a short time than John McCain's entire campaign spent. We know Scott Walker spent 7 to 1 over his Democratic challenger. Some right wingers dispute that, but over the next few weeks, as deadlines for reporting disclosure come due, we will find out the "truth". According to those living in Wisconsin, some have said nearly every other commercial was an ad for Scott Walker. Those numbers will also become available.

In Virginia, Crossroads GPS, which was formed with the help of Karl Rove, former political adviser to President George W. Bush, and the chamber have aired 1,980 ads, compared with the 380 spots run by the Democrat-backed Majority PAC on Kaine’s behalf.

Senate Democrats Outspent 3 to 1 on Ads by Super-Pacs - Bloomberg

The story is the same everywhere. And look at the Republican base. Sure, their leadership are all enormously wealthy, but look at the base. Look at conservatives in Mississippi, the most conservative state is also the poorest. The more conservative a state is, the more poor the majority of it's people. Some say, "look at Texas". Yea, look at Texas:

So the question here is, "Does the Republican base really think RW Billionaires are "on their side"?" You know these guys are buying up Republican politicians for a reason. Don't any right wingers wonder why? What is their agenda? Don't you care?
I don't need billionaires to be on my side...I'm enough of a handful on my own side all by myself.

What I certainly do know is that socialist assholes like Boiking and the DNC certainly aren't on my side.
Tell me, is George Soros really on your side? If so doesn't that make you a hypocrite? And if not, why on earth do you support the legislation his organizations write and pass to congress that are designed solely to make him richer?

The truth is you can tell where progressives are weak by what areas they attack us on.
It was cool when Obama out-spent McCain, though, wasn't it?!!!
Billionaires bought Obama in 2008, now they're buying Romney in 2012.

What, you don't like Freedom of Choice? Commie Bastard! :mad:
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.

Maybe Buffet should pay his own taxes before he ask others to pay more.
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.
Gates is a POS! He wants to push an ineffective Vaccine with deadly side effects on Africans:
Media pushes 'success' of experimental GSK malaria vaccine while ignoring deadly side effects

Buffet doesn't pay taxes!:
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Don't you bother to do any research? :confused:
There is a great article in the Rolling Stone about Republican Billionaires and what they want.

Right-Wing Billionaires Behind Mitt Romney | Politics News | Rolling Stone

This guy scares me. He's called the "Waste Barron", Harold Simmons:

What He Wants Plans to store radioactive waste from 36 states in an underground dump in Texas; has been sued repeatedly by the Justice Department for failing to clean up contaminated Superfund sites. Calls Obama "the most dangerous American alive, because he would eliminate free enterprise in this country."

And I wrote a REALLY good comment under the article:

Strange the way the Republican's base first reaction is "Democrats have billionaires too". It's like they don't have any morals or ethics above what they imagine the Democrats have. They think investing in America is a waste of money and if the government helps youngsters get an education, it's (gasp) "socialism". Besides, education is for "snobs" (according to Rick Santorum to HEAVY applause). What happened to the Republican Party that was under Eisenhower?
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.
Gates is a POS! He wants to push an ineffective Vaccine with deadly side effects on Africans:
Media pushes 'success' of experimental GSK malaria vaccine while ignoring deadly side effects

Buffet doesn't pay taxes!:
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Don't you bother to do any research? :confused:

You guys are perfect examples: Strange the way the Republican's base first reaction is "Democrats have billionaires too". It's like they don't have any morals or ethics above what they imagine the Democrats have.

Why don't you guys set your own standards and quit worrying about the standards of what you imagine the Democrats have. Is it a race to the bottom?
You guys are perfect examples: Strange the way the Republican's base first reaction is "Democrats have billionaires too". It's like they don't have any morals or ethics above what they imagine the Democrats have.

Why don't you guys set your own standards and quit worrying about the standards of what you imagine the Democrats have. Is it a race to the bottom?
Nobody has to imagine...The democratics have no standards whatsoever.

You revel in reminding us of that every day.
  • Thanks
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American Crossroads Summary v. FEC

How Karl Rove's Billionaire-Backed Super PAC Will Be Election Game Changer - Forbes

American Crossroads has collected more money in a short time than John McCain's entire campaign spent. We know Scott Walker spent 7 to 1 over his Democratic challenger. Some right wingers dispute that, but over the next few weeks, as deadlines for reporting disclosure come due, we will find out the "truth". According to those living in Wisconsin, some have said nearly every other commercial was an ad for Scott Walker. Those numbers will also become available.

In Virginia, Crossroads GPS, which was formed with the help of Karl Rove, former political adviser to President George W. Bush, and the chamber have aired 1,980 ads, compared with the 380 spots run by the Democrat-backed Majority PAC on Kaine’s behalf.

Senate Democrats Outspent 3 to 1 on Ads by Super-Pacs - Bloomberg

The story is the same everywhere. And look at the Republican base. Sure, their leadership are all enormously wealthy, but look at the base. Look at conservatives in Mississippi, the most conservative state is also the poorest. The more conservative a state is, the more poor the majority of it's people. Some say, "look at Texas". Yea, look at Texas:

So the question here is, "Does the Republican base really think RW Billionaires are "on their side"?" You know these guys are buying up Republican politicians for a reason. Don't any right wingers wonder why? What is their agenda? Don't you care?

I don't know what they think. If they are half as smart as I am they know no one is on there side.
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.
Gates is a POS! He wants to push an ineffective Vaccine with deadly side effects on Africans:
Media pushes 'success' of experimental GSK malaria vaccine while ignoring deadly side effects

Buffet doesn't pay taxes!:
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Don't you bother to do any research? :confused:

Funny, I was just reading the study your "health food" site, Natural News, linked to. Here it is:

MMS: Error

Each year, malaria occurs in approximately 225 million persons worldwide, and 781,000 persons, mostly African children, die from the disease.1 During the past decade, the scale-up of malaria-control interventions has resulted in considerable reductions in morbidity and mortality associated with malaria in parts of Africa.2,3 However, malaria continues to pose a major public health threat. A malaria vaccine, deployed in combination with current malaria-control tools, could play an important role in future control and eventual elimination of malaria in Africa.4

It's not nearly as "dangerous" as they make out. Even the polio vaccine was carefully studied and administered to young American children. Some became sick. Some died. Some ended up with huge scars on their arms. Took time to get it right, but Americans were so afraid of polio they willingly helped the government.

Today's Republicans believe in "Let him die", so why do they care if a few get sick to help the many. Oh, because that would be (gasp) "socialism".

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]
I want to know how the party that has been in charge during the economic downturns of the last 30 years plans to actually change their almost perfect record of fail. What did we get with the last 3 republicans, a recession. The only breaks we seem, to have was bill clinton and the small Obama recovery that has been fought at every point tooth and nail by the republicans in congress. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe another rich, dim, old white guy who cannot act is going to somehow do something different? really, Romney's plan seems to be to do the exact same things that were tried by both Bush's and reagan. there is so much evidence proving that the only thing you get when you toss rich people money with no strings you just get richer rich people. This has never worked, much like old republican plans like racism, hatred of women, the war on gays, abstinence only education, the war on drugs, the war on terror, embracing Donald trump as their saviour, and faith based science classes.

When was the last time the republicans made this country better for someone below the million dollar mark? Obama may not be the saviour he wants to be, but he does not have the long record of fail republicans have.
Of course Rdean thinks Liberal Billionaires are on his side.

Don't you bother to do any research?

Examples of "liberal billionaires" and what they do with their money:

Gates - wants to end malaria

Buffet - wants to raise taxes on other billionaires

Do you want me to link to a list of what Republican billionaires want? Always so worried about Democrats while getting buttfucked from behind. So tell us, what do Republican billionaires want. Be careful. I already know.
Gates is a POS! He wants to push an ineffective Vaccine with deadly side effects on Africans:
Media pushes 'success' of experimental GSK malaria vaccine while ignoring deadly side effects

Buffet doesn't pay taxes!:
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Don't you bother to do any research? :confused:

And I like the article you linked to for Warren Buffet. Some interesting points:

At a minimum, "United States corporations pay only slightly more on average than their counterparts in other industrial countries," according to The New York Times. Indeed, corporate tax revenues are now nearing historic lows as a percentage of GDP.

Even historically, corporate tax rates and capital gains are low. From the 1950s to mid-1980s, the top marginal corporate tax rate hovered around 50 percent, according to Visualizing Economics. The capital gains tax, lowered to 15 percent in 2003, previously hadn't been that low since the Great Depression.

It's not only rich corporations that are legally able to avoid paying taxes either. Some 1,400 millionaires paid no income taxes whatsoever in 2009, according to tax data from the Internal Revenue Service.

Wow, And Republicans are saying if they pay anything at all, it's too much. Read the article, no where does it say Buffet won't pay, it says he is working with the government. It is the 8th largest publicly owned company in the world. I suspect it's "business as usual".
I want to know how the party that has been in charge during the economic downturns of the last 30 years plans to actually change their almost perfect record of fail. What did we get with the last 3 republicans, a recession. The only breaks we seem, to have was bill clinton and the small Obama recovery that has been fought at every point tooth and nail by the republicans in congress. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe another rich, dim, old white guy who cannot act is going to somehow do something different? really, Romney's plan seems to be to do the exact same things that were tried by both Bush's and reagan. there is so much evidence proving that the only thing you get when you toss rich people money with no strings you just get richer rich people. This has never worked, much like old republican plans like racism, hatred of women, the war on gays, abstinence only education, the war on drugs, the war on terror, embracing Donald trump as their saviour, and faith based science classes.

When was the last time the republicans made this country better for someone below the million dollar mark? Obama may not be the saviour he wants to be, but he does not have the long record of fail republicans have.

The truth is the Republican Party is 90% white. When it comes to Obama, I suspect it's mostly about race. Republican scream it can't be, but talk to those uneducated Republicans in the poorest states which, of course, are conservative and you hear something different. Those people are the majority of the base. They vote against their own self interests. It's who Rick Santorum was pandering to when he said education is for snobs.
But of course left wing billionaires are.

How come right wingers are more concerned with others than with their own leaders. Perhaps Republicans could do better if they stopped imagining what Democrats are doing?

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