Does the USA have a problem with its prison population?

Hmmmm. Japan only executed 8 people in 2013.

They have an incarceration rate of 51 per 100,000.

Ours is 707.

So that does not support Vigilante's "hang 'em high" theory.

Consider our current population make up with ILLEGALS, and the criminal element, if found guilty of a class A felony, HANG THEM instead of incarceration! Back in the 1920'a if you were found guilty of murder, you were usually dispatched withing the year of the you can cheat death for almost 30 years with a creative lawyer!
There appears to be a correlation between poverty and crime.

Yet, we are one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. That means there are other countries which have a higher poverty rate than we do, but they have a lower incarceration rate.

What is the cause of this disparity?

One could hypothesize that a culture more attuned to poverty is less inclined to resort to greed driven petty crime.
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
Yeah, I do...Negroes are more prone to a criminal lifestyle than other races with Mexicans coming in 2nd best as criminals.

Why are negroes more prone to a criminal lifestyle?
DNA? Lack of upbringing by two parents? Lack of parenting leads to bad citizenship in schools, bad grades, bad attitiudes. They are just fucked up as a race. Next in line comes the Mejicans.
Simple way to reduce the prison population:

Free drugs.
All they want.
They, the inmates.
But no OD treatment.

Oh yeah, only American Made Drugs. At least a temporary boost in employment to meet the demand.
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
Minorities are twice as likely to be repeat offenders. That's one reason for their stiffer sentences.

I didn't say it was right that some people have inferior representation. I only implied that you get what you pay for.
Would you be all for everyone driving the exact same car priced according to income? Or are you OK with some people paying $200,000 for a Rolls and others paying $400 for a used Hundae?
The incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 5 percent of the world's population, it houses around 25 percent of the world's prisoners.

some links on this issue
Map 16 states have more people in prisons and jails than college housing - Vox

California Spending More On Prisons Than Colleges Report Says

The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here 8217 s a map of where those prisoners live. - The Washington Post
Yes! This is a major problem.
First I suspect some there are totally innocent, I was once put in jail for something that never occurred, and had to borrow $2000 to pay a lawyer to investigate this easily. It only took a few hours to get me out.

I also consider better solutions of correction than expensive use of jails that accomplish almost nothing. Even guilty, some men and women would probably prefer to do some public work for less tax cost, and if they did a good honest job can be released sooner. That is what I would try if I had authority. Yes, there may be some problems with it, but no more than we have now in jail.

Simple way to reduce the prison population:

Free drugs.
All they want.
They, the inmates.
But no OD treatment.

Oh yeah, only American Made Drugs. At least a temporary boost in employment to meet the demand.
I could go for legalizing all drugs. In fact, I would go as far as giving all heroin addicts a free year's supply, all at one time complete with free large bore needles.
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
Minorities are twice as likely to be repeat offenders. That's one reason for their stiffer sentences.

I didn't say it was right that some people have inferior representation. I only implied that you get what you pay for.
Would you be all for everyone driving the exact same car priced according to income? Or are you OK with some people paying $200,000 for a Rolls and others paying $400 for a used Hundae?
actually you did, you simply worded it differently.
You stated that if an individual was to receive competent, quality legal representation, that would require one to pay more.
Secondly, you are condoning afluenza, your post supports that.

I don't compare cars with a citizens rights under the U.S. Constitution.
One would assume that a public defender has passed his state's Bar exam and is competent. Now, "quality" legal representation" is not slogging along in a cubicle at city hall representing meth addicts and purse snatchers. They are the Cadillacs of the profession and, unfortunately, the city can't afford them and will not provide them to you.
You are free to demand quality lawyers, but when it comes down to reality, you get what taxpayers pay for.
Government jobs seem to be important and law and justice is a legitimate issue and there seems to be no problems in the prison what is the issue?
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.
The incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 5 percent of the world's population, it houses around 25 percent of the world's prisoners.

some links on this issue
Map 16 states have more people in prisons and jails than college housing - Vox

California Spending More On Prisons Than Colleges Report Says

The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here 8217 s a map of where those prisoners live. - The Washington Post

No we don't have a problem with the prison population, we have a problem with people that think they can get away with committing crimes and are wrong.
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

Last edited:
Yes. Its barbaric and unjust.

As long as its for-profit, people will get disproportionately long sentences.

As long as one's defense depends on the amount of money you have to spend, poor people will get disproportionately long sentences.

Even minor offenses can get solitary confinement for extended periods.
Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles

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