Does the USA have a problem with its prison population?

Should everyone get a Beemer? Or do we really expect the best when someone else is footing the bill?

Hint for you, fuddley: If you want quality legal representation, stay in school and out of jail and keep your dick in your pants so you can afford it.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.

Your first post was so ignorant and stupid that I chose not to address it, however , it is apparent that you want to ride the stupid choo choo into the horizon.

Some facts ( those things that confuse you)
More minorities are jailed for the same crimes that whites are given probation for.
More minorities are given harsher sentences than whites when the offenses are the same.
Minorities are given sentences two to three times as long for selling crack cocaine vs. cocaine sold by whites.
Minorities are given harsher sentences for first time offenses than whites.
Whites are sentenced to probation at a higher rate than minorities.

Those above facts have an overwhelming effect on the number of individual races incarcerated.

Now on to the stupidity you have typed on this post.

It's idiots like you that make defenses such as "affluenza" totally acceptable as a defense against any crime committed by the individual.

You have said that people with less money should not receive equal protection under the this some new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution by Conservatives?Repubs???

Do you usually try this hard to post opinions totally devoid of fact, law and precedent?
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
One reason for the disparities between the races as far as sentencing go is the higher rates of recidivism among non-whites, meaning they have priors. This is just one example your conspiracy of white "racism" in the justice is bunk.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
One would assume that a public defender has passed his state's Bar exam and is competent. r.

The public defender is a government employee.

In "Defective Assistance of Counsel " former Chief Federal Judge David L Bazelon stated that the Chief Public Defender would ask him if his public defenders were being to aggressive.

It's amusing that when the situation calls for it, you easily abandon all pretense of common sense.

Your attempt at some rebuttal failed to mention at least six other facts concerning the disparity in sentencing, mainly the incidents of first time Black offenders receiving prison sentences while whites receive probation and/or treatment.

Your response was the typical deflection from accepted facts that some whites choose to ignore...
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
Apparently willful ignorance is your meme for the night. Your choice to take a bite out of the ignorant apple is no concearn of mine.

Speaking of reading comprehension skill, you have made it abundantly clear that you lack those.

I stated that I could list each statement I made one at a time, the first one seems to be over your intellectual head so why should I waste my time on the disadvantaged.

  1. Does the USA have a problem with its prison population?


Poor counties depend on the Prison Industrial Complex for their revenue. So the more prisoners the better. Recently Texas received over 450 MMMillions from AT&T because prisoners like to call home.

But the police state allows its agents to shoot "suspects" nilly willy , so that may decrease the prison population.

Next question, please.


How do poor counties force cops in other counties to arrest people and juries to convict them?
List the "six other facts" with citation that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism in the justice system. Since your position is "common sense", the data should be readily available that verifies your position.

No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
Apparently willful ignorance is your meme for the night. Your choice to take a bite out of the ignorant apple is no concearn of mine.

Speaking of reading comprehension skill, you have made it abundantly clear that you lack those.

I stated that I could list each statement I made one at a time, the first one seems to be over your intellectual head so why should I waste my time on the disadvantaged.
Typical negro bluster and no substance.

Get back to me when you provide at least one of six examples of how disparities in sentencing exist as a product of "racism". I don't think you even know what you mean when you say that, not really. What you are saying is when controlled for ALL other variables(like prior record(recidivism), evidence of the crime, severity of crime etc), there exists a large disparity between blacks and whites when in reality no such disparity exists. In fact, the evidence is the contrary, that when controlled for the above, there exists little to no disparity. This means that the disparity is not the result of "racism" but the higher proclivity towards crime, and towards more severe crime, among blacks than whites. As shown in my previous link.
No problem, I can start with number one and continue, because there are those that lack the common sense to be aware of facts that are common.

Sentencing rates for black Americans, however, still exceeded their 12 percent proportion of the general U.S. population. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed distinct patterns in sentencing regarding racial categories. For most felonies minorities had a higher incarceration rate, especially those with prior arrest records. They also received harsher sentences for lesser crimes. Whites would often receive probation and blacks incarceration. In 1998 black Americans represented 35 percent of the adults on probation, 49 percent of the adults in prison, and 44 percent of the adults on parole.


C. Racially Disparate Sentencing Outcomes

One of the most thorough studies of sentencing disparities was undertaken by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, which studied felony sentencing outcomes in New York courts between 1990 and 1992. The State concluded that one-third of minorities sentenced to prison would have received a shorter or non-incarcerative sentence if they had been treated like similarly situated white defendants. If probation-eligible blacks had been treated like their white counterparts, more than 8000 fewer black defendants would have received prison sentences in that two year period, resulting in a five percent decline in the percentage of blacks sentenced to prison as a percentage of the entire sentenced population. In short, the study found, blacks are sentenced to prison more frequently than whites for the same conduct.

Other sentencing data is consistent with the New York findings. Nationwide, black males convicted of drug felonies in state courts are sentenced to prison 52 percent of the time, while white males are sentenced to prison only 34 percent of the time. The ratio for women is similar – 41 percent of black female felony drug offenders are sentenced to prison, as compared to 24 percent of white females. With respect to violent offenses, 74 percent of black male convicted felons serve prison time, as opposed to only 60 percent of white male convicted felons. With respect to all felonies, 58 percent of black male convicted felons, as opposed to 45 percent of white men, serve prison sentences.

Racial disparities can be found not only in the fact of incarceration, but in the length of prison or jail time served. According to a Justice Department review of state sentencing, whites who serve time for felony drug offenses serve shorter prison terms than their black counterparts: An average of 27 months for whites, and 46 months for blacks. These discrepancies are mirrored with regard to non-drug crimes. Whites serve a mean sentence of 79 months for violent felony offenses; blacks serve a mean sentence of 107 months for these offenses. Whites serve a mean sentence of 23 months for felony weapons offenses, blacks serve a mean sentence of 36 months for these offenses. Overall, whites in state prisons nationwide in 1994 served a mean time of 40 months, as compared to 58 months for blacks.
Chapter Three Race Sentencing and the Tough Crime Movement

A minority youth had a six times greater chance as a white youth for being arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail or prison. A study in California showed that whites charged with a felony were more likely than blacks or Hispanics to have charges reduced or dismissed. Of the first-time offenders in San Francisco, the courts sentenced 4 percent of the white offenders to state prisons, 7 percent of black offenders, and 11 percent of Hispanic offenders.

Efforts to make sentencing more consistent through stricter sentencing guidelines produced little change. Black offenders who murder a white victim are still more likely to be given the death penalty than for murdering a black victim. Prosecutors can still greatly influence sentencing outcomes by deciding what charges to bring against an offender.

Read more: Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black, Offenders, White, and Percent - JRank Articles Race and Ethnicity - Sentencing And Minorities - Black Offenders White and Percent - JRank Articles
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
Apparently willful ignorance is your meme for the night. Your choice to take a bite out of the ignorant apple is no concearn of mine.

Speaking of reading comprehension skill, you have made it abundantly clear that you lack those.

I stated that I could list each statement I made one at a time, the first one seems to be over your intellectual head so why should I waste my time on the disadvantaged.
Typical negro bluster and no substance.

Get back to me when you provide at least one of six examples of how disparities in sentencing exist as a product of "racism". I don't think you even know what you mean when you say that, not really. What you are saying is when controlled for ALL other variables(like prior record(recidivism), evidence of the crime, severity of crime etc), there exists a large disparity between blacks and whites when in reality no such disparity exists. In fact, the evidence is the contrary, that when controlled for the above, there exists little to no disparity. This means that the disparity is not the result of "racism" but the higher proclivity towards crime, and towards more severe crime, among blacks than whites. As shown in my previous link.

Typical lower rung white that believes the bell curve makes them smarter.

The articles weren't written in scientific jargon and were written for the average intelligence user.Your inability to comprehend these simply written articles pegs you as that segment of whites best left in the stone age.

Don't request proof written above a third grader's grasp in the future, you may be able to keep up then.
This isn't an explanation for the disparities though. I never contended the disparities didn't exist. I am asking you to prove that they exist due to racism. You said there were at least "six other facts" that show the disparity in sentencing between whites and blacks is due to racism. I am still waiting.


If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
Apparently willful ignorance is your meme for the night. Your choice to take a bite out of the ignorant apple is no concearn of mine.

Speaking of reading comprehension skill, you have made it abundantly clear that you lack those.

I stated that I could list each statement I made one at a time, the first one seems to be over your intellectual head so why should I waste my time on the disadvantaged.
Typical negro bluster and no substance.

Get back to me when you provide at least one of six examples of how disparities in sentencing exist as a product of "racism". I don't think you even know what you mean when you say that, not really. What you are saying is when controlled for ALL other variables(like prior record(recidivism), evidence of the crime, severity of crime etc), there exists a large disparity between blacks and whites when in reality no such disparity exists. In fact, the evidence is the contrary, that when controlled for the above, there exists little to no disparity. This means that the disparity is not the result of "racism" but the higher proclivity towards crime, and towards more severe crime, among blacks than whites. As shown in my previous link.

Typical lower rung white that believes the bell curve makes them smarter.

The articles weren't written in scientific jargon and were written for the average intelligence user.Your inability to comprehend these simply written articles pegs you as that segment of whites best left in the stone age.

Don't request proof written above a third grader's grasp in the future, you may be able to keep up then.
Yea, more bluster and insults. No substance. Why don't you just move along you asshole?

You are clearly out of your element here, when you can't even understand the difference between the disparity itself, and why said disparity may exist. The disparity itself proves nothing. One must look to variables and control for the variables. And the fact is, when controlled for the aforementioned variables, little to no difference in sentencing between the races exists. This is concluded by multiple studies studies by RAND Corporation, the National Academy of Sciences, and Harvard(the Sampson-Lauritsen study), among others. So you just don't know what you are talking about. You go based off raw emotion, not facts. You also have a deep seeded resentment for white people, which is sad and pathetic as well.

Get a life, and stop posting this garbage on the internet.
If articles are explaining to you the reasons and the facts that there is a disparity based solely on race and you are refusing to digest the articles, you are choosing to be willfully ignorant.
That's not my fault.
I never denied there was a disparity. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills. I am asking you for the "six other reasons" as to why the disparities exist due to "racism". Because I have given a reason why they aren't due to "racism". I said one of the reasons was due to a higher rate of recidivism among blacks, and this is documented across multiple studies. You have yet to give one example of how it was due to "racism".

Still waiting...
Apparently willful ignorance is your meme for the night. Your choice to take a bite out of the ignorant apple is no concearn of mine.

Speaking of reading comprehension skill, you have made it abundantly clear that you lack those.

I stated that I could list each statement I made one at a time, the first one seems to be over your intellectual head so why should I waste my time on the disadvantaged.
Typical negro bluster and no substance.

Get back to me when you provide at least one of six examples of how disparities in sentencing exist as a product of "racism". I don't think you even know what you mean when you say that, not really. What you are saying is when controlled for ALL other variables(like prior record(recidivism), evidence of the crime, severity of crime etc), there exists a large disparity between blacks and whites when in reality no such disparity exists. In fact, the evidence is the contrary, that when controlled for the above, there exists little to no disparity. This means that the disparity is not the result of "racism" but the higher proclivity towards crime, and towards more severe crime, among blacks than whites. As shown in my previous link.

Typical lower rung white that believes the bell curve makes them smarter.

The articles weren't written in scientific jargon and were written for the average intelligence user.Your inability to comprehend these simply written articles pegs you as that segment of whites best left in the stone age.

Don't request proof written above a third grader's grasp in the future, you may be able to keep up then.
Yea, more bluster and insults. No substance. Why don't you just move along you asshole?

You are clearly out of your element here, when you can't even understand the difference between the disparity itself, and why said disparity may exist. The disparity itself proves nothing. One must look to variables and control for the variables. And the fact is, when controlled for the aforementioned variables, little to no difference in sentencing between the races exists. This is concluded by multiple studies studies by RAND Corporation, the National Academy of Sciences, and Harvard(the Sampson-Lauritsen study), among others. So you just don't know what you are talking about. You go based off raw emotion, not facts. You also have a deep seeded resentment for white people, which is sad and pathetic as well.

Get a life, and stop posting this garbage on the internet. obviously allowed the bell curve to fool you into thinking you had more than a primitive brain.
The articles is elementary, to the point and factual, your inability to apply critical thinking is typical for someone with more lip than brain.

I could care less that you are stupid, just stop coming onto threads intellectuality ill equipped to read and then claiming your imaginary ability to string a coherent, logical thought together.

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