Does the waitress deserve to be stiffed?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?

If I waited an hour for my food after ordering I doubt I'd leave a tip either. Sounds like the establishment needs to address wait times
Undoubtedly the fault of the kitchen and therefore the ownership - not the waitress.

OTOH, wait staff are stiffed every day with poverty level wages.
The wait staff has very little control when it comes to ticket times. Taking it out on the server is a lame excuse to not tip. I would have added gratuity to that party in a hot second.
you do know the wait staff or front of the house ...does not prepare the food.....the kitchen staff or back of the house does that....if she warned them that the kitchen was backed up...and they would be a wait they should have opted to leave not take it out on the wait people who have to pay taxes on their percentage regardless of you tipping or not..they basically stole money from her...she will have to cover the percentage on that tab....

and no you should never stiff a wait least cover their taxed percentage....hell if i waited an hour i am bitching for 45 minutes....
most wait staff dont make much....a friend of mine works at a high class place and racks up...when hubby was in the hospital she brought him food from where she worked...hell we tipped her well...and she is a pal...conservatives bitch about poor people as they do all they can do to make sure they stay poor
you do know the wait staff or front of the house ...does not prepare the food.....the kitchen staff or back of the house does that....if she warned them that the kitchen was backed up...and they would be a wait they should have opted to leave not take it out on the wait people who have to pay taxes on their percentage regardless of you tipping or not..they basically stole money from her...she will have to cover the percentage on that tab....

and no you should never stiff a wait least cover their taxed percentage....hell if i waited an hour i am bitching for 45 minutes....

A lot of restaurants have tip share where the servers pay the support staff a percentage of the sales. She lost a bit of money waiting on the party. People suck.
o hell yea i forgot tipping the bus boy and bartenders...fucking people damned entitled .....we didnt get our whatever fast....cause we are so not only do we fuck over the wait person but we mock her....i wished i could say karma but i know too many rich assholes
Big difference between a poor job done by a waiter or waitress, and I've experienced a few, and a slow kitchen.

Those people should have tipped the waitress and spoken to the manager about the long wait.

Cheap bastards.
you know my hubby may be a total nut sometimes but we ate out and the place was nice but empty with a new wait person who didnt do that well....yes we would like ice in our ice when it came to tip...he tipped well and we questioned it..he pointed out...we would be the only tip of the day and that we needed to be thoughtful....and those are the ahhh moments that i love him for...he is not a cheap ass con
If I waited an hour for my food after ordering I doubt I'd leave a tip either. Sounds like the establishment needs to address wait times
It does, but the waitress depends on tips to survive and can't control kitchen help, nor does she make management decisions.

A tip isn't about the restaurant, it's about the waitress.

Sorry, she's part of the business. If the kitchen was backed up she should have conveyed that to the customers, if it wasn't she should have found out why the order was taking so long. I'd never wait for an hour after ordering and probably would have left
Big difference between a poor job done by a waiter or waitress, and I've experienced a few, and a slow kitchen.

Those people should have tipped the waitress and spoken to the manager about the long wait.

Cheap bastards.

you know how fucked you are ...when claudette and i agree....
I put it all on management of the restaurant not the customers

You should not be expected to pay an additional $20 on your bill after waiting an hour for your meal

The waitress and management should be proactive if they can't keep up with the number of customers. They should be offered free appetizers or complementary drinks while they are waiting. The waitress should be taking her complaint to the owners not the internet. The owner should be making up the $20
hey irish stupidity try reading....

ven though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

A good front of the house manager would have brought the table a round or offered them dessert on the house.

This all could be a hoax as well.
I would expect the waitress to be on top of the order, and to let us know if the kitchen was running behind. The waitress is not a passive observer - her job is to properly set expectations and to provide SERVICE.

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