Does the waitress deserve to be stiffed?

Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


You do realize that the waitress can only serve the food the kitchen puts out

Seems to me the cooks were responsible.

If it were me I would have voiced my displeasure to the manager and would have demanded a reduced meal price and I still would have tipped the waitress if she was gracious and polite after all it wasn't her fault

The waitress is part of the establishment. She does well when the establishment does well and she does poorly when the establishment is doing poorly. She needs to go to management and tell them she is losing tip money because the serve times are so long

The customer is already having a bad experience, why should they have to hunt down a manager? Why can't the waitress say.....These people had to wait over an hour, what can we offer them?
An experience (I think) waiter would do that. They normally comes back and apologize again and the next drink is free. I've seen that many times.
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


Sometimes places get busy, an hour wait happens. At OUR place, if you order and an hour as gone by and your meal isn't ready, we provide a free appetizer of your choice.

Of course our waitstaff is also paid the prevailing wage and don't rely on tips as well.


It should be a common practice to take care of your customers. Do they need to stand up and scream to get satisfaction? A manager should know his kitchen is way behind. HE should be going to the tables to apologize and offer free drinks, appetizers or a discount on your bill

In the town we're in , in the summer wait time for a table can be 2 or 3 hours, I mean we take cell phone numbers and shoot people a text when their table is ready, it gets THAT busy, and yes sometimes , especially for a party of 8, it could take an hour to get someone their meal.

Our wait staff are fully authorized to hand out free appetizers if they need to. They don't even have to ask. They DO have to keep track and if we notice a trend someone's ass is in trouble, but that's it.

Also, some people in this thread are entirely correct, you are not automatically entitled to a tip just because you are a server.

When I go to other places to eat, I don't go in thinking "I'm going to leave $X as a tip" that is entirely dependent on the entire experience.

Oh , and if one of our employees bitched about our place or our customers on social media, they would be terminated , immediately.

And yes, we keep track. It's gotten so bad that our manager has told the employers that if they unfriend her or block her or otherwise attempt to hide things they are saying from her, they are fired.

I agree, no employee should ever post a receipt on the internet and gripe about customers. Even if they block out their name. Like it or not, these customers had a legitimate gripe about the service. It is not up to the customer do determine fault.
Posting on the internet and complaining shows future customers what you think of them and how they will be treated

We have a really good General Manager, she likes to rotate people around. All our wait staff have worked at least some time in the kitchen, and all our kitchen help have spent at least some time in the front of the house .

Seeing things from the other side can often times change a person's perspective.

The mom and pop bar I used to work for in college had that approach as well. I thought it was very smart. I would get pulled from my station and have to go on the line too many times to count. I didn't like doing that often b/c I made way more on the floor but a team player has to suffer all sorts of trials. lol.
An hour is fine by me. Good food is worth the wait. I would have tipped the waitress. On a $118 bill, she would have gotten $25 to $35.

If I thought the wait was too long I would have asked to speak to the manager and not taken it out on her.
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When my friends and I go out to dinner $118 would have been booze alone. lol
Come on down!

Doc Holliday's

Next time I am in Mobile I'll drop by for some cocktails. Cheers!
Docs Hollidays is in Foley, Alabama about 40 minutes from Mobile. Couple of my friends will be stopping by there this week. I heard it has good reviews. Not sure if they serve dinners.
No we don't serve food. I'm waiting on some very expensive kitchen equipment.
We are doing much better in our second year here and will soon be able to justify the investment needed to bring out kitchen up to code. Have you priced hoods with fire suppression, grills, ovens and friers?
No, they should be complaining to management to get the kitchen in order, or lose your wait staff.
Instead of complaining about bad customers whose only option for dealing with bad service is no tip, maybe the wait staff should do something about the rediculous $2.50/hour salary.
"in our particular town , in the summer, Olive Garden can have a 2 hour wait for a table." SB #69
You're living in the wrong town.
Move to Syracuse, NY, or Poughkeepsie.

It wouldn't occur to me to wait 2 hours just to strap on the feed-bag. I'd go to the supermarket and buy a can of Beefaroni, or a 10 pack of Jenny-O turkey dogs.

Waiting tables is exceedingly difficult. Wait staff deserve to be justly compensated.

BUT !!!

There are a few common blunders they should NEVER be rewarded for.

The most obvious, and perhaps most common is for them to handle dining implements such as flatware or drinking vessels by the surface that contacts the diner's digestive tract.
The sky-hook drinking glass move is classic, and entirely unacceptable.
These are the hands that just counted out change for a $50.oo bill at the adjacent table.

It would be conspicuously inappropriate for a waiter or waitress to insert her index finger into your mouth.
But handling your fork by the tines instead of the handle, or you glass by the rim instead of the way you hold it when you drink; it's tantamount to the same thing.

If they want to spit in your food, they should do it in the kitchen where they won't get caught.

A Taliban terrorist desperate for water was plodding through the sweltering Afghan desert, burned by the noon sun.
In the distance he saw the hopeful sign.
Drawing closer he saw a frail old Jewish man selling neckties. Out in the middle of the desert!
The terrorist in desperate need of water demanded, "Do you have water?"
The necktie seller replied: "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They're are only $5."
The Taliban shouted angrily: "Idiot Infidel! I do not need such an over-priced western adornment - I spit on your ties. I need water!"
"Sorry, I have none - just ties - pure silk - and only $5 ea."
"I curse your ties!" declared the Taliban.
"I should wrap one around your scrawny neck and choke the life out of you,
but I must conserve my energy and find water!"
"Okay" said the tie salesman." It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie, or that you call me infidel & threaten my life. I will show you compassion.
Continue over that hill. From the top of that hill you will see a restaurant. It has the finest food in the province, and all the ice water you can drink. Go In Peace."
Cursing him again, the desperate Taliban staggered away up the long, steep sand dune, in his quest for survival.
Several hours later the Taliban returned, weaker and more desperate than ever, and gasped:
"I found the restaurant, but they won't let me in without a necktie!"
I would have walked out of the restaurant after 15 minutes, done it a few times.

Those are some pretty high standards. Good food takes time to prepare unless you're into the whole 'slop and drop' type restaurants.
I'm referring to waiting on the wait staff to actually take out order, it's happened. If we go to a higher end restaurant I expect somewhat longer wait times but not waiting an hour, that's ridiculous. As for the 'slop and drop', not sure what you consider those.
I would have walked out of the restaurant after 15 minutes, done it a few times.

Those are some pretty high standards. Good food takes time to prepare unless you're into the whole 'slop and drop' type restaurants.

I think he's being facetious. I stopped by Long John Silver the other day and it took 15 minutes to get a meal.
No, I'm not being facetious, but then again I'm not talking specifically about the wait for the food after out order was taken though I have walked a couple of times when the wait for the food was over a half hour. Since then I've learned to gauge how busy the restaurant is and went somewhere else if it looked like the wait times would be excessive.
The biggest reason we leave any restaurant is if we walk in and the decibel level is near concert volume, we turn right around and head elsewhere.
I would have walked out of the restaurant after 15 minutes, done it a few times.

Those are some pretty high standards. Good food takes time to prepare unless you're into the whole 'slop and drop' type restaurants.

I think he's being facetious. I stopped by Long John Silver the other day and it took 15 minutes to get a meal.
No, I'm not being facetious, but then again I'm not talking specifically about the wait for the food after out order was taken though I have walked a couple of times when the wait for the food was over a half hour. Since then I've learned to gauge how busy the restaurant is and went somewhere else if it looked like the wait times would be excessive.
The biggest reason we leave any restaurant is if we walk in and the decibel level is near concert volume, we turn right around and head elsewhere.

Our place can get a little raucous in the fall on a Saturday, but we're not the bar scene.

Most people who are going to spend an average of $28 per person on a meal know how to behave appropriately .
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


I would have given her 5% and explained why.
When my friends and I go out to dinner $118 would have been booze alone. lol
Come on down!

Doc Holliday's

Next time I am in Mobile I'll drop by for some cocktails. Cheers!
Docs Hollidays is in Foley, Alabama about 40 minutes from Mobile. Couple of my friends will be stopping by there this week. I heard it has good reviews. Not sure if they serve dinners.
No we don't serve food. I'm waiting on some very expensive kitchen equipment.
We are doing much better in our second year here and will soon be able to justify the investment needed to bring out kitchen up to code. Have you priced hoods with fire suppression, grills, ovens and friers?
Must be a good place. Reviews are great compared to bars I've visited regularly.
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.
Agree. Any restaurant manager will do that but managers can't see everything.
I would have walked out of the restaurant after 15 minutes, done it a few times.

Those are some pretty high standards. Good food takes time to prepare unless you're into the whole 'slop and drop' type restaurants.

I think he's being facetious. I stopped by Long John Silver the other day and it took 15 minutes to get a meal.
No, I'm not being facetious, but then again I'm not talking specifically about the wait for the food after out order was taken though I have walked a couple of times when the wait for the food was over a half hour. Since then I've learned to gauge how busy the restaurant is and went somewhere else if it looked like the wait times would be excessive.
The biggest reason we leave any restaurant is if we walk in and the decibel level is near concert volume, we turn right around and head elsewhere.

Our place can get a little raucous in the fall on a Saturday, but we're not the bar scene.

Most people who are going to spend an average of $28 per person on a meal know how to behave appropriately .
Generally yes, those that are going to spend an average $100 per person on a meal generally know they're gonna be there for an hour and a half. As for rancorous there are many restaurants that cater to a younger crowd, the background music is near concert levels which means the conversation levels are about the same (yes, it's a little hyperbole). It's one of the reasons we won't go to Red Robin, like their food, hate the noise level. We also tend to not patronize restaurants during peak hours, we find people in large groups to be annoying at best.
Why Are Christians Such Bad Tippers?

Why Are Christians Such Bad Tippers?
November 23, 2011|6:07 pm
A waiter expressed outrage after what looked to be a $10 tip turned out to be a Christian tract with no money left over.

Seeing the note sticking out from under the plate, he reached for it excitedly before he turned it over and read, "SOME THINGS ARE BETTER THAN MONEY, like your eternal salvation that was bought and paid for by Jesus going to the cross."

Christians don't tip very well," he wrote in 2009 for The Lutheran magazine. "As a matter of fact, we're pretty cheap. What makes this worse is that we paint 'cheap' with a religious-sounding veneer and call it 'being a good steward.' Nothing like hiding behind the Bible to camouflage your stinginess."

Many people wrote back to Wise and agreed with his passage.

"By leaving tracts and not tips, that person is saying to their waiter or waitress, 'You are not a person, but rather just a notch on my belt of evangelistic pride,' " wrote pastor of a Baptist church in Cleveland, Daniel Readle on his blog "Christ and Culture."

Read more at Are Christians Notoriously Bad Tippers?

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