Does the waitress deserve to be stiffed?

See the manager, argue the bill down, then tip the waitress what she should have been tipped in the first place. Let the business see the hit not her. Take their money and they work to improve service, take her money and they dont know people are getting pissed off, or the will try to blame it on her in the first place.
unless she just sucked and forgot about you.
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.

In a millisecond. I spent 10 years on the floor or behind the bar and I never once witnessed a server/cook fuck with a guest's food. Not once. The movie Waiting was not a documentary. lol.
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.
Agree. Any restaurant manager will do that but managers can't see everything.

That's what cameras are for. EVERY single square inch of our property is under video surveillance (excepting bathrooms of course)

And yes they are routinely monitored. You have to be proactive.
Why Are Christians Such Bad Tippers?

Why Are Christians Such Bad Tippers?
November 23, 2011|6:07 pm
A waiter expressed outrage after what looked to be a $10 tip turned out to be a Christian tract with no money left over.

Seeing the note sticking out from under the plate, he reached for it excitedly before he turned it over and read, "SOME THINGS ARE BETTER THAN MONEY, like your eternal salvation that was bought and paid for by Jesus going to the cross."

Christians don't tip very well," he wrote in 2009 for The Lutheran magazine. "As a matter of fact, we're pretty cheap. What makes this worse is that we paint 'cheap' with a religious-sounding veneer and call it 'being a good steward.' Nothing like hiding behind the Bible to camouflage your stinginess."

Many people wrote back to Wise and agreed with his passage.

"By leaving tracts and not tips, that person is saying to their waiter or waitress, 'You are not a person, but rather just a notch on my belt of evangelistic pride,' " wrote pastor of a Baptist church in Cleveland, Daniel Readle on his blog "Christ and Culture."

Read more at Are Christians Notoriously Bad Tippers?
One trick pony ain'tch...... We call that pathetic..... :thup:
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.
Agree. Any restaurant manager will do that but managers can't see everything.

That's what cameras are for. EVERY single square inch of our property is under video surveillance (excepting bathrooms of course)

And yes they are routinely monitored. You have to be proactive.
Agree but not all restaurants have cameras.
I travel a lot an hour wait is not unusual but most are very apologetic and try to compensate for the long wait. I always give good tips depending how nice is the waiter or casino dealer. Food and service makes customers comes back.
I don't own a restaurant but I have relatives that own seafood restaurant in west coast and one by New Jersey. One thing I learned about complaining to waiters is... Be very careful how you voice your complaint before they serve your food.
Ernie S. from Docs can add into this.

That's disgusting , I would at a minimum immediately fire anyone who tampered with a customer's food.
Agree. Any restaurant manager will do that but managers can't see everything.

That's what cameras are for. EVERY single square inch of our property is under video surveillance (excepting bathrooms of course)

And yes they are routinely monitored. You have to be proactive.
Agree but not all restaurants have cameras.

They should.
I would expect the waitress to be on top of the order, and to let us know if the kitchen was running behind. The waitress is not a passive observer - her job is to properly set expectations and to provide SERVICE.
From OP:
they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal.

And your point is? That's what I expect from a waitress. We only know the waitress' POV. "A bit busier than usual" is not code for "you're going to be waiting an hour until you get your food".

An hour wait after placing an order is excessive. If it were that long, I would also expect the hostess to let me know that before even being seated.
A bit busier than normal may have been quite true. Some places here on the Gulf are always running 100%. Expansion is nearly impossible due to cost of property and regulations, so they are stuck. A meal takes a finite time to prepare and if your place is at top efficiency, you can bet that if there are people waiting to be seated, a meal will take longer than normal to prepare.

It's like people don't understand. I mean in our particular town , in the summer, Olive Garden can have a 2 hour wait for a table. Fucking Olive Garden......

An hour wait isn't something that like "OMG I had to wait an hour to get my food"

75% of our customers order an appetizer KNOWING their meal won't be out in any big hurry. Appetizers however in < 20 minutes from the time you sit down.
And people can decide to leave if the wait is long.
i would never stiff a waiter or waitress like that...

i'm usually very generous, especially if it's a young person...

if i was in that same situation, i would have just convinced them to bring me some free apps and/or drinks.

if something was really upsetting, i'd just avoid the place next time...
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


The wait staff's job is to take orders, bring beverages, clear dirty plates and bring food.

It's not the wait staff's job to actually cook the food. It's not the waitress's fault that the food took an hour to get to them. That is the fault of the kitchen staff and management for not having enough workers in the kitchen.

I would have left a tip of at least 15% if not 20%.

I worked as a waitress in college so I always tip the wait staff at least 15% but it's usually 20%.
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


The wait staff's job is to take orders, bring beverages, clear dirty plates and bring food.

It's not the wait staff's job to actually cook the food. It's not the waitress's fault that the food took an hour to get to them. That is the fault of the kitchen staff and management for not having enough workers in the kitchen.

I would have left a tip of at least 15% if not 20%.

I worked as a waitress in college so I always tip the wait staff at least 15% but it's usually 20%.
That's why the tip should come out of the managers pocket.
Undoubtedly the fault of the kitchen and therefore the ownership - not the waitress.

OTOH, wait staff are stiffed every day with poverty level wages.
I agree. Why should they be blamed for all how it takes to make the food when they are not who makes the food and yeah, because of those who don't leave tips no matter how good the food and service is, the waiters and waitresses deserve more money an hour especially if the customers are going to jump all over them about things that they have absolutely no control over.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?

The waitress doesn't deserve to be stiffed (unless she's hot). Just kidding. She filled their drinks and kept them informed, so she should not have been punished. Customers were democrats more than likely.
Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?

The waitress doesn't deserve to be stiffed (unless she's hot). Just kidding. She filled their drinks and kept them informed, so she should not have been punished. Customers were democrats more than likely.

Belmar diners leave waitress taunting note and no tip

On Aug. 17, Jess Jones of Belmar, a 2013 Manasquan High School graduate, was waiting on a party of eight people at the landmark restaurant and night club on Ocean Avenue. After the $112.03 bill was paid for by credit card, Jones discovered that her customers had left her no tip. Instead, the texting acronym "LOL" — for laughing out loud — was written on the tip line of the receipt next to the words, "1 hour for food."

Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people," Jones wrote. "I would have preferred a '$0' tip than a 'LOL' tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I've worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers."

How is a patron supposed to show their dissatisfaction with waiting an hour for food?
Does a waitress deserve $20 for service that was unsatisfactory to the customer? Who should be accountable?


First of all, the table of customers were a bunch of fucking morons. It's not the waitresses fault that the kitchen is running slow. I hate people like this. They should all be bitch slapped to knock some sense into them. If the waitress had screwed up all night long with their food, that would be a completely different story.
If I waited an hour for my food after ordering I doubt I'd leave a tip either. Sounds like the establishment needs to address wait times

It's interesting how all the cons are lining up in agreement that the waitress should be punished because the kitchen isn't up to snuff. This does tell us a great deal about people, and it's really ugly.
most wait staff dont make much....a friend of mine works at a high class place and racks up...when hubby was in the hospital she brought him food from where she worked...hell we tipped her well...and she is a pal...conservatives bitch about poor people as they do all they can do to make sure they stay poor

Amazing, isn't it?
A good FOH manager would have taken the next table that paid in cash and removed all the sodas so the server would have at least got a little money or enough to cover tipping out.
If I waited an hour for my food after ordering I doubt I'd leave a tip either. Sounds like the establishment needs to address wait times
It does, but the waitress depends on tips to survive and can't control kitchen help, nor does she make management decisions.

A tip isn't about the restaurant, it's about the waitress.

One con here gets a pat on the back. Thank you. You should talk to some of your conservative friends here who said they would not have tipped her either.

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