Does This Mean Biden Is Going To Give Back / Stop Taking China's Money?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'More than 24 hours after US media declared Joe Biden victorious, China remains one of the few major countries yet to send a message of congratulations to Biden and his team on their defeat of Donald Trump'

Chinese government sidesteps US election question
The Chinese government on Monday sidestepped questions on when it would congratulate United States President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman saying only...

Is $1.5 BILLION enough for Biden to ignore this 'snub' / 'insult' by China?



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I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...
They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..

The Chinese are laughing at RUSSIA. Russia wasted all that money on Hillary for NOTHING, their 'investment' wasted the moment she lost to President Trump. China's $1.5 BILLION 'investment' paid off...
I'll bet Hunted has already smoked up most of it.... and those 10-year old Chinese prostitutes weren't cheap. Especially if they weren't very cooperative, which is the rumor.

The Xi'den Crime Family will laugh at Zero's grift if Plugs gets installed as POTUS. The Chinaman will end up with billions while the country goes to shit.
I'll bet Hunted has already smoked up most of it.... and those 10-year old Chinese prostitutes weren't cheap. Especially if they weren't very cooperative, which is the rumor.

The Xi'den Crime Family will laugh at Zero's grift if Plugs gets installed as POTUS. The Chinaman will end up with billions while the country goes to shit.
The Deadbeat-Dad's pole-dancing 'baby momma' got a few MILLION in overdue child support...
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..

The Chinese are laughing at RUSSIA. Russia wasted all that money on Hillary for NOTHING, their 'investment' wasted the moment she lost to President Trump. China's $1.5 BILLION 'investment' paid off...

Wow you are one fucking deluded fucker....

China just got very lucky... If Hillary got in US was going to get TPP done. This would have fucked over China big time... Simple fuckers just don't know how... But China know enough...

China won because Trump could only play Snap and the game was Chess... Well done China wins...

As for Russia, Read the fucking Senate report... You are just making yourself look like a deluded fool everyday...
This is how weak leadership is going to build China into the world number one super power. Instead of building a coalition of nations demanding retribution for their virus attack, they are bowing their heads and kissing Xi's ring.
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..

The Chinese are laughing at RUSSIA. Russia wasted all that money on Hillary for NOTHING, their 'investment' wasted the moment she lost to President Trump. China's $1.5 BILLION 'investment' paid off...

Wow you are one fucking deluded fucker....

China just got very lucky... If Hillary got in US was going to get TPP done. This would have fucked over China big time... Simple fuckers just don't know how... But China know enough...

China won because Trump could only play Snap and the game was Chess... Well done China wins...

As for Russia, Read the fucking Senate report... You are just making yourself look like a deluded fool everyday...
The news that the Biden's took $1.5 BILLION from China was just the exclamation point to the fact that Trump was the 1st President to stand up to China instead of keep the status quo and be their bit@h!

Before snowflakes sprain their wrists and develop carpel tunnel trying to scream 'nuh-uh', please remember, before you do so, Diane Feinstein was caught facilitating espionage from her own office with a Chinese spy on her team for DECADES....the spy was allowed to return to China, and there was not even a faked attempt to hold an investigation.....

So spare me the bullshit attempts to claim Democrats (like all politicians) are not dirty as hell and have NOT sold out their country to get rich!
This is how weak leadership is going to build China into the world number one super power. Instead of building a coalition of nations demanding retribution for their virus attack, they are bowing their heads and kissing Xi's ring.

Trump has already let China set up the largest trading bloc in the world... That is Trump's doing....

Trump for all his bluster was totally outplayed and TPP was the way to reign in China using alliances....

Trump was a dimwit when taking on China...
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...
They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..
Well they already own the Bidens
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..

The Chinese are laughing at RUSSIA. Russia wasted all that money on Hillary for NOTHING, their 'investment' wasted the moment she lost to President Trump. China's $1.5 BILLION 'investment' paid off...

Wow you are one fucking deluded fucker....

China just got very lucky... If Hillary got in US was going to get TPP done. This would have fucked over China big time... Simple fuckers just don't know how... But China know enough...

China won because Trump could only play Snap and the game was Chess... Well done China wins...

As for Russia, Read the fucking Senate report... You are just making yourself look like a deluded fool everyday...
The news that the Biden's took $1.5 BILLION from China was just the exclamation point to the fact that Trump was the 1st President to stand up to China instead of keep the status quo and be their bit@h!

Before snowflakes sprain their wrists and develop carpel tunnel trying to scream 'nuh-uh', please remember, before you do so, Diane Feinstein was caught facilitating espionage from her own office with a Chinese spy on her team for DECADES....the spy was allowed to return to China, and there was not even a faked attempt to hold an investigation.....

So spare me the bullshit attempts to claim Democrats (like all politicians) are not dirty as hell and have NOT sold out their country to get rich!

Again Trump pulled out of TPP on his third day in office and China went behind his back and set up a massive trading block... All the while Trump just insulted allies...

Trump got played and America is going to pay... Do you see how fucking clueless ye are.... TPP was the best game in town to control China and Trump thought China were members (they weren't)

You are so partisan you can't see it... TPP was initially set up by Bush and it was a conservative policy... IT was to set up a trading block outside China, India and Brazil... You have no fucking clue how it would have worked...

China were desperate for TPP to fail.

This one is from Trump actual business school:
Again Trump pulled out of TPP on his third day in office and China went behind his back and set up a massive trading block... All the while Trump just insulted allies...

So you to prefer the US being China's bitch and doing so to keep allies 'happy' with us?

Got it...
China is gaming out the next century. Washington Establishment idiots like Bi-Dung have been selling America out to China for over forty years. They are getting a big laugh if Bi-Dung is sworn in.
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...
They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..
Well they already own the Bidens

Are ye still trying to sell that after Trump got owned....
Again Trump pulled out of TPP on his third day in office and China went behind his back and set up a massive trading block... All the while Trump just insulted allies...

So you to prefer the US being China's bitch and doing so to keep allies 'happy' with us?

Got it...

Do you know anything about TPP?

Trump by dumping TPP immediately became China's bitch....

You don't seem to grasp that getting rid of a coalition to deal with China and giving those countries to China to control was madness..

This is not Art of War, this is just common sense....

I know it hard for you to understand that you were wrong about Trump but the facts are there in front of you... China now has the trade bloc and US are on the outside...

Explain how this is a win for US...
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...
They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..
Well they already own the Bidens

Are ye still trying to sell that after Trump got owned....
Again Trump pulled out of TPP on his third day in office and China went behind his back and set up a massive trading block... All the while Trump just insulted allies...

So you to prefer the US being China's bitch and doing so to keep allies 'happy' with us?

Got it...

Do you know anything about TPP?

Trump by dumping TPP immediately became China's bitch....

You don't seem to grasp that getting rid of a coalition to deal with China and giving those countries to China to control was madness..

This is not Art of War, this is just common sense....

I know it hard for you to understand that you were wrong about Trump but the facts are there in front of you... China now has the trade bloc and US are on the outside...

Explain how this is a win for US...
President Trump slapped tariffs on China, which were decades overdue. China was not happy about that.
China is gaming out the next century. Washington Establishment idiots like Bi-Dung have been selling America out to China for over forty years. They are getting a big laugh if Bi-Dung is sworn in.

Again TPP was the US play and Trump failed...

China then stepped in and took the table....

You have to stop listening to Trump and look what actually happened...

I explained TPP a number times on this forum and told anyone who was listening that could have been a huge mistake...
China is gaming out the next century. Washington Establishment idiots like Bi-Dung have been selling America out to China for over forty years. They are getting a big laugh if Bi-Dung is sworn in.

Again TPP was the US play and Trump failed...

China then stepped in and took the table....

You have to stop listening to Trump and look what actually happened...

I explained TPP a number times on this forum and told anyone who was listening that could have been a huge mistake...

The TPP had no real good impact for the US. Even Bernie Sanders said it would cost US jobs. To this day, only two countries have ratified it. We can make better deals one on one with each country.
I think they were too busy setting up the biggest trading block in the world which was meant to be headed by US... But now China are in charge...
They were probably laughing too much to get on the phone... Trump fell asleep on the wheel... He was playing snap when the game was chess..
Well they already own the Bidens

Are ye still trying to sell that after Trump got owned....
Again Trump pulled out of TPP on his third day in office and China went behind his back and set up a massive trading block... All the while Trump just insulted allies...

So you to prefer the US being China's bitch and doing so to keep allies 'happy' with us?

Got it...

Do you know anything about TPP?

Trump by dumping TPP immediately became China's bitch....

You don't seem to grasp that getting rid of a coalition to deal with China and giving those countries to China to control was madness..

This is not Art of War, this is just common sense....

I know it hard for you to understand that you were wrong about Trump but the facts are there in front of you... China now has the trade bloc and US are on the outside...

Explain how this is a win for US...
President Trump slapped tariffs on China, which were decades overdue. China was not happy about that.

Tariffs... So fucking what.... Consumers lost most from the tariffs...

Tariffs were temporary skirmish as China won the war with there trading bloc... Do you see how stupid you are sounding...

China totally outflanked US while Trump was messing in tariffs...

Xi is there for life, Trump is a joke to him....

"As the US election approaches, however, the evidence indicates that the deal is failing to live up to Trump's pledge.1 The latest official data show that China is falling short, reaching only 53 percent of the expected purchase target through September 2020. In fact, Chinese imports of US goods are now lower than they were before Trump started his trade war with a blitz of US tariffs on Chinese products in 2018."

And any way China will just buy American stuff and sell them on if they don't need them and kill US in other markets... Re-gifting....

Trump just doesn't understand trade.... Stuff gets resold all the time... Unless China actually wants US stuff they are not keeping it... Just dump it somewhere else... So if they get too much soya bean they will just dump soya bean in Europe and any US exporter of soya bean gets screwed...

The funny thing is ye expect China to stick to a deal.... That is fucking naive.. China never saw a deal they didn't thing of breaking...

Only way to deal with China is to cut them off and get them come begging to trade with anyone... If you have TPP and EU agreeing to hold China to deals they will be forced to listen as they need those economies to trade with... No one else to buy there stuff...

Another example China Steel industry, China gets 62 % of its Iron ore from Australia and 21% from Brazil... Clinton was negotiating with Australia to control that supply and either redirect some of it to US. Iron mining in US only employs 5000 people. Steel Workers are 140k.
But reducing supply to China could control the price better in favour of the US steel industry. That is how chess is played.

Australia probably wanted something in return but that is easy. Australia has need for many things which US has got but free trading with US is huge.


Sorry lads if you didn't know this but these trading blocs are how countries are going forward. Look at Germany's Economy, it has had a surplus from 2012 to 2019... A serious one as well... They done this by maturing a huge market for there goods...

The secret is everyone in the trading bloc have to have same human rights, Health and Safety, environmental rights, workers rights.... This makes competing on a level playing field but what also does is create markets for US products.

US is exporting more and more every year to Mexico. The better the Mexico economy the more stuff they buy from US and invest in the US. That creates jobs in US(much like it did in Germany).
Example: Mexico sells avocados in US. US producers of avocados were initially worried but Mexico paid for a huge advertising campaign and while increasing supply, the demand way outstripped it. US farmers are getting multiples more from avacados than before Mexico stared exporting to US. Mexico then bought US farm machinery from US thus creating jobs. That is NAFTA at work.
We are still waiting for Biden and the Democrats to hold CHINA accountable for the global pandemic, those killed, and the economic devastation. Instead Dems will probably invite the Chinese to Biden's inauguration.
Tariffs... So fucking what.... Consumers lost most from the tariffs...

Again, thank you for pointing out you prefer to be China's bitch with the only ones profiting are the traitors like the Feinsteins and the Bidens.

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