Does Trump make people feel like they should do better..could that be why the Left hates him?

Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.
I think Trump has made many people think they can do better, lots of people who left the workforce have returned and wages are up and taxes are down. Maybe not a lot in both cases, but you can only do so much IMHO. I'll also say this, Trump has earned a 2nd term much more than Obama or "W" did. And NONE of the Dem candidates strike me as viable presidential candidates.
Trump is all mouth and if Presidents could get a 3rd term Obama would've beat him like a drum
could that be why the Left hates him?

Even the left can't answer that. Go ahead, ask one or 50. I been trying to get an answer why they hate him since he rode down the escalator.
Give me an hour Let me count up the reasons we hate the lying cheating perverting bully
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Infrastructure part of Gen Welfare??? Where the $$$ for that ?? Moron ignores it What about getting cheaper drugs?? AH doing anything about that ?? Or isn't that Gen Welfare?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Infrastructure part of Gen Welfare??? Where the $$$ for that ?? Moron ignores it What about getting cheaper drugs?? AH doing anything about that ?? Or isn't that Gen Welfare?

The party of free shit filth and foreigners has resisted and kept Trump preoccupied with bullshit....He's checking the boxes and working down the list of priorities, we had to handle the military and shut down wetbacks first...we're moving on to infrastructure and healthcare.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

How fucked up does your life have to be for the president to have such an impact on one’s life?
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
If you don't get why people despise him, there is something seriously wrong with you. He's a dishonest racist bigot, a misogynist, a pervert who molests women and brags about it, someone who supports white supremacists and someone who attacks immigrants of color; he has ruined US relationships with our allies and supports our enemies such as Russia. He is ruining the environment, and despite the fact you think the economy is doing great, the national debt is trillions more than it was under the previous administration and we are poised for another recession. He's a humiliation for this country and driving us into ruin.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

How fucked up does your life have to be for the president to have such an impact on one’s life?

Dude, you really are out of it're way off your game and definitely not paying attention...that or you're just flat out lying to yourself....It's those like your buddy Mac1958 who's always telling us that Trump hurts their feelings, alters their emotions and thought process with the things he says or doesn't say and his candid, concise and sometimes abrasive delivery. Come on man...get back on that horse....use your fucking head!
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
If you don't get why people despise him, there is something seriously wrong with you. He's a dishonest racist bigot, a misogynist, a pervert who molests women and brags about it, someone who supports white supremacists and someone who attacks immigrants of color; he has ruined US relationships with our allies and supports our enemies such as Russia. He is ruining the environment, and despite the fact you think the economy is doing great, the national debt is trillions more than it was under the previous administration and we are poised for another recession. He's a humiliation for this country and driving us into ruin.

"Trump hurts my feelings as he's obviously hell bent on governing on behalf of Americas best while making the pieces of shit among us feel like the pieces of shit they are."
Dude, you really are out of it're way off your game and definitely not paying attention...that or you're just flat out lying to yourself....It's those like your buddy Mac1958 who's always telling us that Trump hurts their feelings, alters their emotions and thought process with the things he says or doesn't say and his candid, concise and sometimes abrasive delivery. Come on man...get back on that horse....use your fucking head!

Why do you need the president to tell you that you should do better?

And what have you done "better" since Trump took over the center of your universe?

Are you some how now a better human being?

Have you ever done a damn thing for your country?
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.

Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Ha! General welfare! Good one. Somehow you have been convinced that making the elites more and more wealthy while the working man scrapes by is called “general welfare”.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.

All the tools that are there today were there 5 years ago. Why did you not use them then?

401k and IRA have been going up for a decade, 466% in the last 10 years. The slowest of those years was 2018 when the markets stagnated thanks to the trade war.

You are truly an uninformed person.
Dude, you really are out of it're way off your game and definitely not paying attention...that or you're just flat out lying to yourself....It's those like your buddy Mac1958 who's always telling us that Trump hurts their feelings, alters their emotions and thought process with the things he says or doesn't say and his candid, concise and sometimes abrasive delivery. Come on man...get back on that horse....use your fucking head!

Why do you need the president to tell you that you should do better?

And what have you done "better" since Trump took over the center of your universe?

Are you some how now a better human being?

Have you ever done a damn thing for your country?

Who said I need any of that? Again, you're losing your shit dude...Go back and re-read the OP and start over with a fresh take on the thread. CONCENTRATE...stay focused old man.
(I'd say this guy below summed it up quite well for you though huh?)

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.
seems to me that President Trump does not ever make people feel good about themselves...

he treats his administration like shit, and we the people... when he takes no one's advice and acts like and says all the time that only his own ideas are worthy of consideration and everyone else working for him know nothing.. only HE can fix it, I know more than my generals etc....

he makes all of them feel like shit... they are nothings, they are nobodies... just coffee boys.... or like dogs... or the deep state... etc etc etc.... he seems to do nothing for the moral of anyone... he only puts himself ABOVE everyone else, himself and only himself matters... not us. not country.

Dude, you really are out of it're way off your game and definitely not paying attention...that or you're just flat out lying to yourself....It's those like your buddy Mac1958 who's always telling us that Trump hurts their feelings, alters their emotions and thought process with the things he says or doesn't say and his candid, concise and sometimes abrasive delivery. Come on man...get back on that horse....use your fucking head!

Why do you need the president to tell you that you should do better?

And what have you done "better" since Trump took over the center of your universe?

Are you some how now a better human being?

Have you ever done a damn thing for your country?

Who said I need any of that? Again, you're losing your shit dude...Go back and re-read the OP and start over with a fresh take on the thread. CONCENTRATE...stay focused old man.
(I'd say this guy below summed it up quite well for you though huh?)

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.

You think of these things because you need these things. Just like your willingness to give up freedom for security.

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