Does Trump make people feel like they should do better..could that be why the Left hates him?

Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.
What you really want is a 3rd world country where pretty much all the money and power is at the top and poor people are diseased and begging in the streets.
How fucked up does your life have to be for the president to have such an impact on one’s life?
This is beyond politics for them. It's personal for them, because they want to be like him. To them, his behaviors are cool.

Do you remember actually wishing you were someone else? I don't. Maybe back in grade school, and that's the level of this.

This childish, pugilistic buffoon is literally a role model for them. That says a lot more about them than it does about him.

This is a load of crap. Yes, there are some who like what he's saying and doing, and there are some who don't but voted for him anyway because the Democrats offered us Hillary fucking Clinton in 2016 and a bunch of far left clowns this time. There are lot of people like me who don't really even like Trump but dislike the Dems even more. You got any surveys that show the % of Repubs who want to be like Trump, or think his behavior is cool, or think he's a good role model? Maybe it ain't them, maybe it you and your TDS that makes you hate anyone who voted for him last time and intends to vote for him this time.

I am going to vote for Trump this coming November and I don't give a flyin' fuck whether you like it or not. I don't like anything about him personally, but I think he's doing a better job than Hillary would have, way better. And I think he'll do way better than any of the asshats running on the Dem side would if they get elected.

Question: do you believe it is helpful in any way to denigrate those who voted for Trump last time? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? I guess you probably know what I think about that.
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Question: do you believe it is helpful in any way to denigrate those who voted for Trump last time? Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
Holy crap. Talk about irony.

The follower of a guy who has spent the last three years insulting and name-calling anyone and everyone on the freaking PLANET who dared to criticize him like the third grade bully, whining about being "denigrated".

Good gawd, you people. Blind obedience.
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Yeah Trump called BS on Climate change ,clean air ,clean water acts instituted by President Obama Trump is a moron ,,,your moron

Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
Hows your buddy Dump doing with the coal and steel industry?

They love Trump compared to the assholes in your party. You fools are going to get your ass handed to you in 2020 elections. :auiqs.jpg: Vote Biden 2020 if you want your jobs and lives destroyed brilliant strategy :21::21::21:
You folks did such a great job in 2000 with Bush Now you want to give another AH 8 years?? Don't you morons ever learn?

Your leaders and policies are unpopular with the people. Why don't you all move to Canada or communist China, go live your dream.
Yeah Trump called BS on Climate change ,clean air ,clean water acts instituted by President Obama Trump is a moron ,,,your moron

Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.
Yeah Trump called BS on Climate change ,clean air ,clean water acts instituted by President Obama Trump is a moron ,,,your moron

Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Is this some kinda joke?

I don't get it.
Yeah Trump called BS on Climate change ,clean air ,clean water acts instituted by President Obama Trump is a moron ,,,your moron

Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
Yeah Trump called BS on Climate change ,clean air ,clean water acts instituted by President Obama Trump is a moron ,,,your moron

Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?
I approve how Trump fights to make the US Economy better. The last guy did not do that. The last guy pushed policies that delayed recovery or he simply blamed the guy before him. How in God’s name can a US President look the American People in the eye with double digit unemployment and tell them energy prices must”necessarily increase”?
I approve how Trump fights to make the US Economy better. The last guy did not do that. The last guy pushed policies that delayed recovery or he simply blamed the guy before him. How in God’s name can a US President look the American People in the eye with double digit unemployment and tell them energy prices must”necessarily increase”?

Sounds like someone who cares about the future. This guy doesn’t.
Here's why Americans think Obama and Biden are assholes. Biden just announced that he's going to destroy the coal industry and that those working in the industry should learn to program computers instead because he's going to destroy their jobs, their communities and way of life. Yet another industry sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. This is nothing new, Clinton did the same thing to the timber industry to appease dickhead tree hugging liberals.

This is why we say rot in hell liberals, you worthless earthworm slime.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
The coal industry is dying. It’s not dying because of liberal policies. It’s dying because of market forces. The people in the coal industry need to find a new way to be productive. It’s not easy but that’s what happens when the economy changes.

I know people that are a part of the coal industry don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Trump told them comfortable lies. Biden is telling hard truths. Who is actually looking out for the people of the coal industry?

Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?
Stop spewing BS you sound like some tree hugging stupid shit liberal. Biden was quite clear why he intends to destroy the coal industry, its in the name of climate change it had nothing to do with market forces. Climate change imbeciles hate coal and want to destroy it, for that sole reason Biden is jumping on board. God you people and your spin.

Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

I vote for the candidate that triggers Leftists the most. Trump it is unless they can find one that triggers them more.
Trump campaigned on his intent to save the coal industry.

Do you know how the coal industry has fared in the last 3 years?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

Now you are deflecting, admit it market forces have zero to do with why Biden wants to destroy the coal industry.
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

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