Does Trump make people feel like they should do better..could that be why the Left hates him?

You liberals have short memories. When we were younger men we all dreamed of banging playmates and porn stars.

without a rubber? whilst married? bringing possible diseases home to your 3rd wife & newborn son?

Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

I’ll tell you what he does. He forces his idiot supporters to constantly come up with weird theories to explain why he has the support of 30% of the electorate.

He such a flawed man and is in so far over his head that you can’t just declare that he’s a good man and a competent leader. Which is why Obama had such strong support.
A self made man like Trump is a role model for us all.

& now for the truth:

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich

In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got rich, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire. It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader.

But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

In all, financial records reveal, Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire.

Here are four ways that Fred Trump made his children rich.
4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Rich
You don’t want to answer the question. I get it.

You’d rather go with the easy lie than the hard truth too.

How has the coal industry fared under Trump?

Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

Not everyone can live on an acreage like you. There simply isn’t space. What is your solution?
Destroyed your deflection and strawman.
Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

Not everyone can live on an acreage like you. There simply isn’t space. What is your solution?

I live in harmony with nature, while Dem's obliterate it killing the planet.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

I’ll tell you what he does. He forces his idiot supporters to constantly come up with weird theories to explain why he has the support of 30% of the electorate.

He such a flawed man and is in so far over his head that you can’t just declare that he’s a good man and a competent leader. Which is why Obama had such strong support.

bingo. president tinkles has never broke a 50% approval rating. his +/- 30% base is all he had from day 1 & has never gotten outa the basket..
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Destroyed? If anything you’re hiding. What straw man?

Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

Not everyone can live on an acreage like you. There simply isn’t space. What is your solution?

I live in harmony with nature, while Dem's obliterate it killing the planet.

What’s your solution? There’s over 7 billion people. We can’t all live like you, can we? Try to check your privilege.
Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

Not everyone can live on an acreage like you. There simply isn’t space. What is your solution?

I live in harmony with nature, while Dem's obliterate it killing the planet.

What’s your solution? There’s over 7 billion people. We can’t all live like you, can we? Try to check your privilege.

My solution = worry about yourself and your family and your country. You cannot save 7 billion people.
Guess another reason they like him is how he had to pay a $25million fine for his Trump U try at screwing young people and a $2million fine for taking money from his charity , ,the charity he didn't put a nickle in

& he hasn't paid the bills to the cities he had rallies in.......... & he tried to scew an old woman outa her home by using eminent domain for his private business............
Hey, coal is destroying the environment. It’s harming the work force. It’s bad. We have alternatives. Let’s move on from 19th century technology.

LMAO no liberals repeatedly spilling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF GALLONS of raw untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans are destroying the environment. So fouling the water with their filth beaches and swimming have to be banned.

My conservative carbon footprint is spread over acres of trees and plants. In Dem run cities they obliterated the environment, paving it over with concrete and asphalt. They pack humans together like sardines in a can. These Dem cancers on the planet generate billions of tons of garbage and pollution.

^^^ that's how you bitch slap these leftist tree huggers.

Not everyone can live on an acreage like you. There simply isn’t space. What is your solution?

I live in harmony with nature, while Dem's obliterate it killing the planet.

What’s your solution? There’s over 7 billion people. We can’t all live like you, can we? Try to check your privilege.

My solution = worry about yourself and your family and your country. You cannot save 7 billion people.
Sounds like a really short sighted solution. Not really a solution at all. Just bury your head in the ground.
Trump is a role model for us all.

Nope. Not in any way, shape, or form.
He represents very few, and you're NOT one of them, no matter how much you want to be.
I just realized recently, while in a conversation with one of the Trumpsters, that this is more than about politics. They actually wish they could be like him. They are living vicariously through him, and that's why this adoration is so intense. This is emotional and personal as much as anything else.

I'm not making this up.

Mac it is only you LefTarded folks whom elect a president to be your personal mentor and savior.
I've only heard republican conservatives talk about Trumps policies and overall political impact...It has been you TDS'ers whom have watch his every move outside of his politics...the two scoops of ice cream, banging liberal whores, Melania's shoe color...etc etc
None of us elected a mentor or a pastor or anything other than a real leader committed to exposing the establishment, destroying the Left and wetbacks...that's all. We're winning on all three fronts right now....hahaha

Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
Trump is better at exposing commies than Mccarthy was, and lefties hate being exposed as the commies that they are. Everything about trump is the opposite of commie agenda, so lefties hate everything about him.
Tell him to stop kissing putins ass

donny is bending over & grabbing his ankles for vlad.
I vote for the candidate that triggers Leftists the most. Trump it is unless they can find one that triggers them more.

^^^ lol...ya, that's mature.

Leftists deserve neither maturity nor respect. I would have supported Tulsi Gabbard because she triggers them as well.

tulsi gabbard = jill stein 2.0. she is a coward who voted 'present' on impeachment & is being used as a tool just like stein was.
Like McCarthy, anyone who disagrees with y’all is a commie.

Disagrees with keeping America all that made it the greatest nation on earth?

Such a straw man. Sometimes all it takes is disagreeing with the right’s desire for corporate subsidies. But secretly we know y’all love your socialism. Just ask farmers.

"Corporate subsidies" "socialism"....huh, WTF?
Republicans take great pride in spending for the GENERAL WELFARE of our nation...We agree with public investment in our military, our food sources, those who drive commerce and America’s best, we like to see a fair ROi....Conversely, the party of free shit filth and foreigners prefers to throw cash in the trash and spend on those whom reside within the armpit of America, the dregs, ShaQuita and her litters, Guadalupe and her litters, criminals, foreigners and wetbacks, the filth loves their negative returns...Simple shit.
Infrastructure part of Gen Welfare??? Where the $$$ for that ?? Moron ignores it What about getting cheaper drugs?? AH doing anything about that ?? Or isn't that Gen Welfare?

The party of free shit filth and foreigners has resisted and kept Trump preoccupied with bullshit....He's checking the boxes and working down the list of priorities, we had to handle the military and shut down wetbacks first...we're moving on to infrastructure and healthcare.

everytime yur dotard prez goes golfing at mar a lago... you are paying him to stay at his own home.
Trump Golf Count: 239*

Cost to Taxpayer: About $115,000,000**
*Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 112 visits. Our last recorded outing was on January 1, 2020. Click on complete data table for a list of Trump's outings, or view our breakdown of total costs.

**Read about the new GAO report on the cost of Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago.

Just the Facts, the Real Facts
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Fun Stats

Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:


Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (26 so far):*


Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:


Cost of flights to Bedminster (23 so far):*


Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:


Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:


Projected visits in eight years:


Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency:

Trump Golf Count

you know who y'all remind me of when you defend yer leader?

^^^ that ^^^
It’s not really “should” as that would be guilt tripping.
Trump shows that it can be done and put in the effort and you will get it. Libs don’t want to put in the effort, they try and sell it as if they are being put upon to do so and that others have done wrong for their success. Being successful is a natural virtue. Being an angry finger pointing jealous resentful chirping do nothing is not
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Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?

Greatest president ever for a capitalist. He has given me all of the tools to succeed and my family is doing great. My IRA has increased so much that Ive made enough to build my 2nd home rental. I wish he would severely cut welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing and clamp down hard on illegals. I give money to charities but I dont want the government doing it.

trump ripped off charities meant for vets, children, meals on wheels, & others. he took the cash meant for them & spent it on himself & his campaign.

that's the dude you admire.
Are there things he says that implies this? Is there something about his body language or demeanor? Does he simply exude success and make others feel inferior with that?
We all know the Left hates the pressure of ‘measuring up’...they hate meeting a standard and personal accountability.
For eight agonizing years that Kenyan dude made people feel like all that was required of them was breathing oxygen...and that’s the only expectation the Lefts feels comfortable with.
Should a president expect anything of the it an act of fascist ‘authoritarianism’ if he does?
They hate Trump because he's MAGA.

Citizens of great countries don't vote Liberty away for free shit.

Citizens of shitholes do.

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