What kind of ‘American’ hates Trump and why do they hate him?

Normal everyday Americans don't like Con Men. Trumpyberra is the greatest Con Man America has ever produced.
Uhh no that would be Barack the magic Negro. Trump was trying to RESTORE America, dumbfuck.

A fine example of the a speedy member of the Lemming herd flinging himself off the cliff following the dear leader......

Apologies again to the Lemmings, they got a bad wrap.

Normal everyday Americans don't like Con Men. Trumpyberra is the greatest Con Man America has ever produced.
Don’t “Con Men” (the Big Guy) use their position of power to help their crackhead son extort foreign nations?
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
The left would say:

He beat Hillary and upset the progressive apple cart

He's mean and calls people names

He's not politically correct

He's not presidential

That's why he won in 2016 and in 2020 got millions of more votes than he did in 2016.
You are a libtard we know all there is to know about you....libs are carbon copies of each other since you all get your news from the same source...CNN....
If you exchange the word libtard for Con-sertive and change CNN for Fox news wouldn't you end up at the same place??
If you exchange the word libtard for Con-sertive and change CNN for Fox news wouldn't you end up at the same place??
Nope. Because unlike Commie News Network, Conservative outlets like Fox, OAN, and Newsmax all report the truth.
Does he come across in a way that invokes an expectation or a standard?
Does he seem too set on restoring law and order?
Does he come across as too demanding of a better citizenry?
Does he seem too patriotic and nationalistic?
Does he seem too rigid with his love for American principles, traditions, history and for the constitution?
He is an ignorant, arrogant, amoral, cowardly, hyperbolic, traitorous con-man who feeds White Folk what they want to hear, for a price... his power.

There is a certain kind of beetle-browed Neanderthal trailer trash that will swallow any kind of Kool-Aid that this Orange Baboon-God sees fit to pour-out.
He is an ignorant, arrogant, amoral, cowardly, hyperbolic, traitorous con-man who feeds White Folk what they want to hear, for a price... his power.
“White folk” like to prosper, white folk like law and order, white folk like to live in clean, safe communities among likeminded FOLK, white folk like lower income taxes….WHY DON’T YOU?
Look, I already have a pastor and a father…mentors….I needed a president.
Trump told me he would unite America’s best citizens, build a wall to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more dark people from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the filthy Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of that....how did you get fucked by his presidency? Mean tweets aimed at filth? Are you filth?
There is a certain kind of beetle-browed Neanderthal trailer trash that will swallow any kind of Kool-Aid that this Orange Baboon-God sees fit to pour-out.
As opposed to faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, fucked in the head degenerates, criminals, drug addicts, wetbacks…you know, the Dem constituency?
Shit, I’ll take Neanderthal Trailer Trash all day every day.
“White folk” like to prosper, white folk like law and order, white folk like to live in clean, safe communities among likeminded FOLK, white folk like lower income taxes….WHY DON’T YOU?
Oh, but I feel very much the same way... it's just that I see your Baboon-God for what he is... an amoral con-man playing on our White Folk sensibilities.

You find me a Republican that can advance much of the Rump agenda but who is sincere about it and competent and not power-crazed, and I'll vote Pub.

Look, I already have a pastor and a father…mentors….I needed a president.
Yep. A President who understands that the Presidency belongs to The People... not him.
Trump told me he would unite America’s best citizens, build a wall to stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more dark people from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the filthy Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of that....
Yep. Hitler eliminated unemployment and protests. Mussolini made the trains run on-time. But both of those bastards installed themselves as lifelong bosses.
how did you get fucked by his presidency?
DIdn't. He didn't have enough time to consolidate his power and set install himself as President-for-Life nor to establish a Family Ruling Dynasty. Thank God.
Mean tweets aimed at filth?
I expect my President to competently formulate and execute American policy, but I also expect him to manifest a modicum of grace and class and honesty.

Your Orange Baboon-God failed that test... Bigly.

Are you filth?
No. I did not support the violent Insurrection of January 6, 2021, nor its planners and inciters and beneficiaries, nor do I try to cover for it or make excuses.
As opposed to faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, fucked in the head degenerates, criminals, drug addicts, wetbacks…you know, the Dem constituency?
Yep. The goddamned Democrats have long-since lost their way, and I find much of their agenda and their most vocal minions to be utterly repulsive.
Shit, I’ll take Neanderthal Trailer Trash all day every day.
We are not all that far apart in this respect.

Find me a Pub - not Rump - who can advance much of the Rump agenda (and beyond)...

One who also understands Servant Leadership and the needs and dreams of the Common Man...

One who also understands Cincinnatus (someone who will humbly return to his plow peacefully when his time of service-leadership is completed)...

Do that, and I'll proudly vote Republican once again...

Fail to do that and you force me down the other road again...

One I truly do not want to go down...

Until that day...

En garde...
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