Doesn't seem obvious that Snowden cares more about the lime light than anything else?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I'm not saying his revelations aren't startling and shouldn't be probed, but why does this guy bother with impassioned speeches on the sacredness of privacy? Doesn't the information he revealed speak for itself and is completely sufficient? These video blogs I'm sure give him cult status. The Pauls of course are jizzing their pants over him for sure and are taking full political advantage over the following Snowden is accumulating.

My opinion? Snowden is diva. He's a wanna be revolutionist. He cares more about his hero status than he does the well being of the country. I mean come on -- it's not like he took all that big of a risk. He releases the info and flies to a country that won't extradite him. It doesn't get simpler than that. If he was so courageous and altruistic, he would face the charges like a man.

While i do find these revelations alarming, I don't hold it against our government for seeking prosecution. Strictly speaking he did break the law. Let's not forget that. Should a murderer be spared punishment for saving another's man's life after the fact? No. That's not how our justice system works.
No, he's not a diva. He found himself in a situation where he discovered that our government was abusing power it gave to itself to investigate terrorism links.

He has basically risked his life to make a point to us all that what our government was doing was wrong.

I seriously don't think he did any of this just to be a star. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. We can debate that point all day, but I don't think he did this stuff for self-serving purposes.
No, he's not a diva. He found himself in a situation where he discovered that our government was abusing power it gave to itself to investigate terrorism links.

He has basically risked his life to make a point to us all that what our government was doing was wrong.

I seriously don't think he did any of this just to be a star. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. We can debate that point all day, but I don't think he did this stuff for self-serving purposes.

Ok then explain to me this video blog he has going. What is the point of it? Why is it so critical he drone on and on about the philosophy of privacy? They accomplish nothing. They are thoughts no more original than any die hard libertarian could come up with.
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No, he's not a diva. He found himself in a situation where he discovered that our government was abusing power it gave to itself to investigate terrorism links.

He has basically risked his life to make a point to us all that what our government was doing was wrong.

I seriously don't think he did any of this just to be a star. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. We can debate that point all day, but I don't think he did this stuff for self-serving purposes.

Ok then explain to me this video blog he has going. What is the point of it? Why is it so critical he drone on and on about the philosophy of privacy? They accomplish nothing. They are thoughts no more original than any die hard libertarian could come up with.

He has a video blog, so what? And yes, he sounds like a libertarian, which is fine by me. A libertarian-sounding person is better than a crazy-sounding person, and Snowden doesn't say crazy things. He doesn't act stupid. He doesn't act emotionally. He seems like a pretty smart guy who decided to be a whistle blower even though he knew there were no whistle blower laws to protect him, which I think there should be.

The guy is making his argument directly to us. There is no filter. That's better than us having to guess about him.

I'd say Julian Assange is more of a diva.
Not surprising at all. Been saying it since day one. And he hasn't proven anything yet.
No, he's not a diva. He found himself in a situation where he discovered that our government was abusing power it gave to itself to investigate terrorism links.

He has basically risked his life to make a point to us all that what our government was doing was wrong.

I seriously don't think he did any of this just to be a star. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. We can debate that point all day, but I don't think he did this stuff for self-serving purposes.

Ok then explain to me this video blog he has going. What is the point of it? Why is it so critical he drone on and on about the philosophy of privacy? They accomplish nothing. They are thoughts no more original than any die hard libertarian could come up with.

He has a video blog, so what? And yes, he sounds like a libertarian, which is fine by me. A libertarian-sounding person is better than a crazy-sounding person, and Snowden doesn't say crazy things. He doesn't act stupid. He doesn't act emotionally. He seems like a pretty smart guy who decided to be a whistle blower even though he knew there were no whistle blower laws to protect him, which I think there should be.

The guy is making his argument directly to us. There is no filter. That's better than us having to guess about him.

I'd say Julian Assange is more of a diva.

Well you really didn't answer my question. Why does he need the video blog. Yes, he sounds like a libertarian. That is my point. His philosophical lecturing is completely unoriginal and self serving.
I'm not saying his revelations aren't startling and shouldn't be probed, but why does this guy bother with impassioned speeches on the sacredness of privacy? Doesn't the information he revealed speak for itself and is completely sufficient? These video blogs I'm sure give him cult status. The Pauls of course are jizzing their pants over him for sure and are taking full political advantage over the following Snowden is accumulating.

My opinion? Snowden is diva. He's a wanna be revolutionist. He cares more about his hero status than he does the well being of the country. I mean come on -- it's not like he took all that big of a risk. He releases the info and flies to a country that won't extradite him. It doesn't get simpler than that. If he was so courageous and altruistic, he would face the charges like a man.

While i do find these revelations alarming, I don't hold it against our government for seeking prosecution. Strictly speaking he did break the law. Let's not forget that. Should a murderer be spared punishment for saving another's man's life after the fact? No. That's not how our justice system works.

So by your reasoning, our founding fathers were "divas"?
The man is the very definition of a patriot and people like that do have a message and wish for the people to hear it. Also the people who want him dead do not have a patriotic bone in their body and, in the terms used during our own revolution, are properly called loyalists.
Doesn't seem obvious that Snowden cares more about the lime light than anything else?

No, it doesn't.

I suspect he'd dearly love to not be a known quantity at all, actually.
I'm not saying his revelations aren't startling and shouldn't be probed, but why does this guy bother with impassioned speeches on the sacredness of privacy? Doesn't the information he revealed speak for itself and is completely sufficient? These video blogs I'm sure give him cult status. The Pauls of course are jizzing their pants over him for sure and are taking full political advantage over the following Snowden is accumulating.

My opinion? Snowden is diva. He's a wanna be revolutionist. He cares more about his hero status than he does the well being of the country. I mean come on -- it's not like he took all that big of a risk. He releases the info and flies to a country that won't extradite him. It doesn't get simpler than that. If he was so courageous and altruistic, he would face the charges like a man.

While i do find these revelations alarming, I don't hold it against our government for seeking prosecution. Strictly speaking he did break the law. Let's not forget that. Should a murderer be spared punishment for saving another's man's life after the fact? No. That's not how our justice system works.
If Snowden had released this information when Bush was President you would be calling him a hero.

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