Doesnt the left use nutter

As a perjorative term for the right?

How hilarious is this, a lefty named Nutter....and he is a nut that doesnt know shit.

President Trump, we know what you're up to
President Trump, we know what you're up to -

So the MSM slugs are now threatening President Trump? He'll already have a plan to deal with the MSM slugs, they have been outwitted by him for a year already, he's always been ten paces ahead, they had him dropping out of the Republican Primaries countless times, they had him dropping out of the Presidential race even after he'd won the nomination, they had Hillary beating him in a landslide, they even had already prepared the front covers with Madam President on. They were wrong from day one about the effectiveness of Donald J. Trump.

This Michael Nutter Nutter and his fellow MSM slugs oddly didn't get on Barack Obama's buttocks when he spent eight years dividing the American nation, pitting one group against another group and Race Baiting on a near daily basis, yes well, people know why the MSM slugs didn't get on Barack Obama's buttocks about all of that.

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