Dogs refuse to eat vegan "meat"...

Dogs are omnivores, not carnivores.

In fact, one of the longest living dogs in the world, Bramble from the UK, was vegan from birth. She was in the Guinness book of world records at that time. She lived to be over 25 years.

Fast forward to 4:34

One dog is an anomaly.

It is not standard. And no, dogs are carnivores.
When was the last tie you saw a dog loping through a corn field and taking down a corn stalk to eat an ear of corn?
Well….dogs are opportunistic eaters

Dogs diverged from wolves and evolved to eat a wide variety of food. The prevailing theory is that they became domesticated through the process of hanging around and chowing on human’s garbage heaps. They really should still have some meat. Getting around that usually requires a meticulously designed commercial diet.
They are playing with the corn cobs. Not eating them. My girl does too. She never eats them. Just loves to play keep away with them as we are trying to make dinner!
Some of my dogs will eat them, but they don’t digest corn well. They also like carrots, peppers, apples…I’ll give them bits when I cut them up, and they make good low-value training treats. But, compared to a piece of hot dog or chicken gizzard? Forget it.

In one of my classes I had a person using apples and carrots for training treats. Everyone else had bits of hotdog, chicken, liver etc. Her dog paid no attention to her treats and focused only on the better treats. (Of course…there was also a lady with a toy poodle who used mini marshmallows!)
I haven't seen taking down a corn stalk, but I know a dog who has a hobby of finding figs that fell from the fig tree to snack on them. :D

But anyway, my point was simply that dogs are omnivores, not carnivores. And that they can thrive on a plantbased diet, as the story of Bramble shows (see the video I posted in my previous post.) And she's not the only one, there are many others who thrive on a plantbased diet.
Just because a dog eats something it doesn't mean he should! My dog eats his own shit!

Dogs are carnivores. They do not have the teeth to be omnivores.
Just because a dog eats something it doesn't mean he should! My dog eats his own shit!

Yes, and that goes for hotdogs and other crap.

Dogs are carnivores. They do not have the teeth to be omnivores.

Nope, dogs are omnivores, and it is silly to say they are carnivores at this point, when it has already been shown that one of the longest living dogs in the world was vegan, and there are plenty more dogs that thrive on a plantbased diet.
Yes, and that goes for hotdogs and other crap.

Nope, dogs are omnivores, and it is silly to say they are carnivores at this point, when it has already been shown that one of the longest living dogs in the world was vegan, and there are plenty more dogs that thrive on a plantbased diet.

Despite all your erroneous thinking, an omnivore diet is not natural, despite what you think.

My dog is genetically almost identical to a wolf. He displays some of the innate hunting characteristics seen in wolves. He is a carnivore.

He loves apples, but I have yet to see him climb a tree to pick one!
When was the last tie you saw a dog loping through a corn field and taking down a corn stalk to eat an ear of corn?

I had a dog who stole vegetables out of my garden. Uprooted a halfway mature broccoli plant and scarfed it. Every chance she got, she stole beans, peas, carrots and apples. When I'd harvest a cabbage and leave the outer leaves in a pile, she'd chow down on the cabbage leaves! Go figure!
Just because a dog eats something it doesn't mean he should! My dog eats his own shit!

Dogs are carnivores. They do not have the teeth to be omnivores.
They belong to the order Carnivora, so that classifies them as carnivores.


This gives a pretty good description:

Carnivores don’t all have to eat 100% meat, only obligate carnivores do, and vegan dogs only thrive because we artificially manipulate their diets.
They are playing with the corn cobs. Not eating them. My girl does too. She never eats them. Just loves to play keep away with them as we are trying to make dinner!
Your dog only represents herself. Good for them or not, dogs generally love corn on the cob. And peanut butter
Despite all your erroneous thinking, an omnivore diet is not natural, despite what you think.

My dog is genetically almost identical to a wolf. He displays some of the innate hunting characteristics seen in wolves. He is a carnivore.

He loves apples, but I have yet to see him climb a tree to pick one!
Well…maybe not for an apple….but a ball?

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Yes, and that goes for hotdogs and other crap.

Nope, dogs are omnivores, and it is silly to say they are carnivores at this point, when it has already been shown that one of the longest living dogs in the world was vegan, and there are plenty more dogs that thrive on a plantbased diet.
They only thrive on a plant based diet because we artificially manipulate that diet to make it nutritionally accessible for them. If you put a pile of beans, potato’s, kale and lettuce in front of them, they could eat it but probably not digest it well.
Some of my dogs will eat them, but they don’t digest corn well. They also like carrots, peppers, apples…I’ll give them bits when I cut them up, and they make good low-value training treats. But, compared to a piece of hot dog or chicken gizzard? Forget it.

In one of my classes I had a person using apples and carrots for training treats. Everyone else had bits of hotdog, chicken, liver etc. Her dog paid no attention to her treats and focused only on the better treats. (Of course…there was also a lady with a toy poodle who used mini marshmallows!)

My girl LOVES carrots. We mix carrots in with her kibble when she is eating that.

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