DoJ attorney exposed himself, forced date to touch his genitals

Yes. Requiring some sort of evidence for an accusation like this does seem like high standards to some. I'm sure that is something else the GOP/trump party will work on eliminating if they ever get back in power. Eliminating the need for proof is a goal the trump cult has wanted for a long time. It's a well known fact that the right has plenty of theories, but no proof.
“Lacked candor”. Boy that’s a weasel worded way of saying the lawyer lied to the OIG. It reminds me of Bill Clinton trying to get out of trouble for perjury by saying “it depends of what the definition of is is”.
Really? The link in the OP did't say they found the accusations true. Where did you get your information, the voices in your head?
The story said they refused to prosecute because of the “preponderance of evidence” that sounds like they found enough to indicate guilt, but not enough for a slam-dunk conviction. The really interesting thing is the lawyer lied to the investigators, at least that’s how any reasonable person would interpret “lacked candor”. There was a time that was cause for termination all by itself.

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