DOJ gives new reason for Trump Raid.... It never was about "nuclear paperwork".. Oh Really?

Lawyers aren't the authority to classify anything and other departments sent her emails not just her aids
The number of people who sent her emails to her account was very small. The address was not widely used in the government.

The emails were deemed classified by various government bureaucrats who reviewed them after she submitted them to government. They are authorities.
The emails on Clinton’s servers were discussions between her and her top aides. The lawyers who looked at those emails decided they were to be deemed classified because Clinton and her aides happened to discuss things that they deemed to be classified.

Classified information doesn’t just magically generate labels when it’s mentioned.
current hence why it’s not required to be labeled
The was nothing illegal about the server.

The custody of the emails is not what matters. It’s whether you can prove she knew they were classified.
we the State Dept IG said it was illegal.

Comey said she should have know additionally some were mark.
Mostly false.
False in what way, Marener? Every single thing I posted is factual. James Comey said as such when he testified. Hillary DID those things! She did them and she was allowed to skate.
So why is Hillary accorded that? Are we not a country who's justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law? If so then how can you call for Trump to be charged with a crime?
The number of people who sent her emails to her account was very small. The address was not widely used in the government.

The emails were deemed classified by various government bureaucrats who reviewed them after she submitted them to government. They are authorities.
Not true all of her government busy went through her personal server. All departments that sent her emails went to your personal account. And that includes her contacts of heads of states in other countries.
Now this comes as no Suprise... They found no nuclear paperwork... So now the reason has to change... Now it's that Trump was hording documents that cleared him of wrongdoing, and THEY WANTED THEM.

WTF??? Now declassified papers that prove Trumps innocence is a problem.??

This excuse makes no sense... It is his right to retain papers that prove his innocence. They just exposed that they had no PROBABLE CAUSE TO OBTAIN THE WARRANT> RELEASE THE AFFIDAVIT!!!!

Trump may have wanted the documents to use during his 2024 campaign to show just how dirty the FBI really was. He may also have papers proving how corrupt the Swamp actually is. Proof of how corrupt our government is would obviously be highly classified.

If he is smart he has copies and has set up a means to release those copies to news sources all over the world if he is Arkancided.
Trump talked about secret new nuclear weapons constantly, casually to anyone he was trying to impress with his status.
No one but nuclear engineers understand them, so he could talk about nukes until the cows come home, but no one is going to learn anything useful from such a speech.
Not true all of her government busy went through her personal server. All departments that sent her emails went to your personal account. And that includes her contacts of heads of states in other countries.
She was SoS and most of her work was through typical memos and meetings.

The email server was used by her close aide. Few people knew about it. She wasn’t emailing other heads of state.

You’re wrong.
No one but nuclear engineers understand them, so he could talk about nukes until the cows come home, but no one is going to learn anything useful from such a speech.

You're probably right. But blabbing incoherently is still a problem. Remember when Trump talked about the stealth bomber being invisible?
She was SoS and most of her work was through typical memos and meetings.

The email server was used by her close aide. Few people knew about it. She wasn’t emailing other heads of state.

You’re wrong.
No it wasn't this is from Comey press release
government e-mail accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton, including high-ranking officials at other agencies, people with whom a Secretary of State might naturally correspond.
No it wasn't this is from Comey press release
government e-mail accounts of people who had been government employees at the same time as Secretary Clinton, including high-ranking officials at other agencies, people with whom a Secretary of State might naturally correspond.
The FBI report said that there were thirteen individuals that maintained contact with her email address. Senior state dept officials, her executive staff and work related advisors.


This is directly from the FBI report on the server.
She was SoS and most of her work was through typical memos and meetings.

The email server was used by her close aide. Few people knew about it. She wasn’t emailing other heads of state.

You’re wrong.
Just more lies....even Obama emailed her on it....

“Once informed that the sender’s name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: ‘How is this not classified?’” the report says. “Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.”

Earnest: Obama, Hillary corresponded via her personal email​

The FBI report said that there were thirteen individuals that maintained contact with her email address. Senior state dept officials, her executive staff and work related advisors.


This is directly from the FBI report on the server.
Does that number count all of the foreign intelligence people who hacked Hillary's unsecured account, Marener?
Oh, and you forgot to mention Barry! Even Obama himself emailed Hillary at those secret email accounts! Of course he did so using a fake name...which you do when you're trying to keep things on the down low!
Does that number count all of the foreign intelligence people who hacked Hillary's unsecured account, Marener?
Oh, and you forgot to mention Barry! Even Obama himself emailed Hillary at those secret email accounts! Of course he did so using a fake name...which you do when you're trying to keep things on the down low!
There’s never been any evidence the server was hacked and given how hacked info on Clinton was leaked purposefully to harm her candidacy, it doesn’t seem terribly likely.

Anonymity is the greatest strategy against hacking. Thirteen people knowing the address is pretty anonymous.

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