DOJ/Govt Prosecutors Illegally Withheld Exculpatory Video Evidence From J6 Defense Attorneys


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats and the J6 Committee did not only create a political false narrative to attempt to 'get Trump' and to go after Americans who opposed Democrats, they also INTENTIONALLY BROKE LAWS ABD VIOLATED US CITIZENS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

THE US AG, Garland - who contributed to the proven false narrative by lying, drclaribg 5 police officers DIED ON J6 (NEVER HAPPENED) - and govt prosrcutors ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from the arrested/indicted protestors' defense teams!

For 2 years Garland and his criminal DOJ held arrested Americans in the DC gulag, beat tbem, kept them in solitary confinement, fed them poorly, withheld medical treatment, and perpetrated psychological warfare on them to wear them down to get them to accept plea deals.

Proving to be CRIMINALS THEMSELVES, the DOJ & prosecuting attorneys ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from these incarcerate protestors!

This is grounds for:

An immediate retrial for every individual who has been found guilty and / or sentenced so far.

Civil Lawsuits.

Censure and Immediate disbarrment of these prosecutong attorneys

Democrats and the J6 Committee did not only create a political false narrative to attempt to 'get Trump' and to go after Americans who opposed Democrats, they also INTENTIONALLY BROKE LAWS ABD VIOLATED US CITIZENS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

THE US AG, Garland - who contributed to the proven false narrative by lying, drclaribg 5 police officers DIED ON J6 (NEVER HAPPENED) - and govt prosrcutors ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from the arrested/indicted protestors' defense teams!

For 2 years Garland and his criminal DOJ held arrested Americans in the DC gulag, beat tbem, kept them in solitary confinement, fed them poorly, withheld medical treatment, and perpetrated psychological warfare on them to wear them down to get them to accept plea deals.

Proving to be CRIMINALS THEMSELVES, the DOJ & prosecuting attorneys ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from these incarcerate protestors!

This is grounds for:

An immediate retrial for every individual who has been found guilty and / or sentenced so far.

Civil Lawsuits.

Censure and Immediate disbarrment of these prosecutong attorneys

Democrats and the J6 Committee did not only create a political false narrative to attempt to 'get Trump' and to go after Americans who opposed Democrats, they also INTENTIONALLY BROKE LAWS ABD VIOLATED US CITIZENS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

THE US AG, Garland - who contributed to the proven false narrative by lying, drclaribg 5 police officers DIED ON J6 (NEVER HAPPENED) - and govt prosrcutors ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from the arrested/indicted protestors' defense teams!

For 2 years Garland and his criminal DOJ held arrested Americans in the DC gulag, beat tbem, kept them in solitary confinement, fed them poorly, withheld medical treatment, and perpetrated psychological warfare on them to wear them down to get them to accept plea deals.

Proving to be CRIMINALS THEMSELVES, the DOJ & prosecuting attorneys ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from these incarcerate protestors!

This is grounds for:

An immediate retrial for every individual who has been found guilty and / or sentenced so far.

Civil Lawsuits.

Censure and Immediate disbarrment of these prosecutong attorneys

Dupe...I guess we need a few roosters all crowing at the same time?

Fried chicken for dinner~


Bullshit, you lying troll.

The lawyer for the 'shaman' was on TV in an interview last night and made this clear.

Last week the media reported anorher J6 defender's lawyer submitted a legal motion requesting extra time to prepare based on the fact that it has been exposed that these videos exist and - despite the prosecutions' LEGAL MANDATE / REQUIREMENT to turn all exculpatory evidence over to defense attornies - prosecuting attorneys / the DOJ had withheld it from them.

These reports prove withholding this exculpatory video is NOT just a 1-time accident but is an INTENTIONAL, CRIMINAL TACTIC being used by the DOJ / prosecutors against the J6 protestors!
Dupe...I guess we need a few roosters all crowing at the same time?

Fried chicken for dinner~

Are you a rooster or a hen or do you even know?
Democrats and the J6 Committee did not only create a political false narrative to attempt to 'get Trump' and to go after Americans who opposed Democrats, they also INTENTIONALLY BROKE LAWS ABD VIOLATED US CITIZENS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

THE US AG, Garland - who contributed to the proven false narrative by lying, drclaribg 5 police officers DIED ON J6 (NEVER HAPPENED) - and govt prosrcutors ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from the arrested/indicted protestors' defense teams!

For 2 years Garland and his criminal DOJ held arrested Americans in the DC gulag, beat tbem, kept them in solitary confinement, fed them poorly, withheld medical treatment, and perpetrated psychological warfare on them to wear them down to get them to accept plea deals.

Proving to be CRIMINALS THEMSELVES, the DOJ & prosecuting attorneys ILLEGALLY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY VIDEO EVIDENCE from these incarcerate protestors!

This is grounds for:

An immediate retrial for every individual who has been found guilty and / or sentenced so far.

Civil Lawsuits.

Censure and Immediate disbarrment of these prosecutong attorneys

Don't give up your day job dude.
I just don't see a career in constitutional law in the cards for you.
Soooooooooo, where are the members of the J6 committee? If Tucker cherry picked video to make the Shaman look peaceful and harmless, then THERE MUST BE counter-videos showing him harming people.

But we know there aren't.

Those bastards - both parties - are shameless.
Bullshit, you lying troll.

The lawyer for the 'shaman' was on TV in an interview last night and made this clear.

Last week the media reported anorher J6 defender's lawyer submitted a legal motion requesting extra time to prepare based on the fact that it has been exposed that these videos exist and - despite the prosecutions' LEGAL MANDATE / REQUIREMENT to turn all exculpatory evidence over to defense attornies - prosecuting attorneys / the DOJ had withheld it from them.

These reports prove withholding this exculpatory video is NOT just a 1-time accident but is an INTENTIONAL, CRIMINAL TACTIC being used by the DOJ / prosecutors against the J6 protestors!
Your spin isn't sticking. Anyone can see that the apologists are cherry-picking shots and creating a seemingly benign narrative, ignoring the actual violence that occurred.
Soooooooooo, where are the members of the J6 committee? If Tucker cherry picked video to make the Shaman look peaceful and harmless, then THERE MUST BE counter-videos showing him harming people.

But we know there aren't.

Those bastards - both parties - are shameless.
We have his guilty pleas on record.
That is enough.

Chansley, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding, was among the first rioters to enter the building. He has acknowledged using a bullhorn to rile up the mob, offering thanks in a prayer while in the Senate for having the chance to get rid of traitors and scratching out a threatening note to Vice President Mike Pence saying, "It's Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!"

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Because it's not exculpatory to them. Those convicted actually committed crimes and many admitted it.
We'll try this one last time, because you are operating under an extreme handicap, what with your mind having been aborted in public school, exculpatory means to clear of wrong(doing), and whether you like it or not, the government has no choice in the matter, they either hand over all exculpatory evidence or they have committed a crime, and then all they have charged with crimes, and denied access to that exculpatory evidence go free on a host of constitutional grounds, the naked violation of the 6th amendment chief among them.

So, with that in mind, why then was this irrefutably exculpatory evidence withheld from the American citizens fascist democrats had charged with crimes??? :banana:
We'll try this one last time, because you are operating under an extreme handicap, what with your mind having been aborted in public school, exculpatory means to clear of wrong(doing), and whether you like it or not, the government has no choice in the matter, they either hand over all exculpatory evidence or they have committed a crime, and then all they have charged and denied access to that exculpatory evidence go free on a host of constitutional grounds, the naked violation of the 6th amendment chief among them.

So, with that in mind, why then was this irrefutably exculpatory evidence withheld from the American citizens fascist democrats had charged with crimes??? :banana:
It wasn't witheld.
That is innacurate FAKE NEWS.
Do you folk see how the sociopathic fascists infesting the forums use the "fake news" emojis, see that, see how they are incapable of even on the most rudimentary level of defending their viewpoints? They are not capable of reasoning, its all either entertainment to them, or a provocation, they possess no ability to think for themselves!

Its stunning to behold such in real time....:eek-52:

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