DOJ is suing Gallup: No poll ever to be beleived now

Sorry bout that,

The basic facts are that any corporation that does any contract work under a timeline allows for delays. Did Gallop actually overcharge the government? If so then the government has a case. If not then it's frivolous and the public should be aware of it.

I have noticed a certain strong arm tactic that this administration has upheld and both sides should pay strict attention to this sense the same can be administered in kind. The dems will not allows be in a position of power and what goes around, many time comes back around to bite you. Just my thoughts. Thank you

There were lawsuits on behalf of others before the DOJ got involved. You are duped, for the thousandth time.. JFC. Pub dupes. SOOOOO GD THICK.

Please try not to brandish your whip at the wrong person. I don't goosestep behind any political banner and I certainly don't wave the flag for any. I hold both parties to the same standard as those I care to have a decent conversation and none of them have met that stand for a very long time.

I vote for people not parties and the best man or woman will get my vote. I couldn't care less If they have a D or an R behind their names.

1. I think anyone who just votes for personality is a fool, just a un - principled idiot.
2. But what is crazy as shit, is America has fucking tons of non-affiliated voters, who end up deciding every election.
3. These fucking idiots decide who gets the Presidency.

Interesting. I thought Gallup was putting Obama ahead. If Holder is on the up and up, and Gallups methodology are questionable, then doesnt that mean we cant honestly believe gallups results?
I read the claim.

It smacks of "You didn't scratch my back, now I'm scratching your eyes out."

Why didn't Congress impeach Holder on the spot for lying his ass off about Fast and Furious?

Oh, wait. Harry Reid won't touch the criminal in charge of forking over heavy firepower to drug lords in Mexico to kill people with with a ten foot poll, because they're fellow Democrats and Holder does party uber alles. :rolleyes:
I simply stated the facts. It's now the obligation of the conspiracy theorists to refute them.

That is, please post your examples of the Obama administration "leaning" on Gallup, and your evidence that Gallup rigged polls as a result of such pressure. Note that "But it could possibly be true, and I want it to be true!" probably would not qualify as good evidence.

You didn't see Liability's link to that frivolous lawsuit waged by Holder? Why am I not surprised?

Call your DNC Party headquarters. Demand that they fire Eric Holder and put someone in there who is not of a criminal mind. It's the best thing you can do for your country right now.
Since rightwingers refuse to believe the polls they don't like anyway,

what's the big news here? What's changed?
Since rightwingers refuse to believe the polls they don't like anyway,

what's the big news here? What's changed?
We have such a disregard for people who cook the books, think getting out the vote means voting 30 times in an election, cheat, and lie their asses off.

And you people call us "you people," too.

Interesting. I thought Gallup was putting Obama ahead. If Holder is on the up and up, and Gallups methodology are questionable, then doesnt that mean we cant honestly believe gallups results?

You don't seem to be aware that this lawsuit has zero to do with the methodology or quality of Gallup's statistics. It's only about overcharging the tax payers. Amazing that you don't get that.
Holder is trying to save the tax payer from getting ripped off, and you bitches are complaining about him doing his job. You people have no shame.
This lawsuit was started by a former employee who says gallop overcharged our government. So we should just ignore a pollster breaking the law because an election is coming up soon?
My god the government getting pissed off for being overcharged? Holy hot damn I define that as a good thing.

Obama is still shit... But damn... RTM.
Sorry bout that,

There were lawsuits on behalf of others before the DOJ got involved. You are duped, for the thousandth time.. JFC. Pub dupes. SOOOOO GD THICK.

Please try not to brandish your whip at the wrong person. I don't goosestep behind any political banner and I certainly don't wave the flag for any. I hold both parties to the same standard as those I care to have a decent conversation and none of them have met that stand for a very long time.

I vote for people not parties and the best man or woman will get my vote. I couldn't care less If they have a D or an R behind their names.

1. I think anyone who just votes for personality is a fool, just a un - principled idiot.
2. But what is crazy as shit, is America has fucking tons of non-affiliated voters, who end up deciding every election.
3. These fucking idiots decide who gets the Presidency.

So much for having an adult conversation with people here. This place sounds like a bunch of adolescents screaming at eachother. I'm sorry I bothered you.
Holder is a disgrace.

from your link:

The United States has joined a whistleblower lawsuit against The Gallup Organization, the Justice Department announced today. The lawsuit was filed by Michael Lindley, a former Gallup employee, who alleges that Gallup violated the False Claims Act by making false claims for payment under contracts with the U.S. Mint, the State Department and other federal agencies to provide polling services for various government programs.

According to the whistleblower’s complaint, Gallup violated the False Claims Act by giving the government inflated estimates of the number of hours that it would take to perform its services, even though it had separate and lower internal estimates of the number of hours that would be required. The complaint further alleges that the government paid Gallup based on the inflated estimates, rather than Gallup’s lower internal estimates. The government intervened in the lawsuit with respect to Gallup’s contracts with the Mint and the State Department.

USDOJ: US Government Joins False Claims Act Lawsuit Against the Gallup Organization

you think it's ok for them to steal government money if the allegations are true?
Vote this administration out if you are already SICK of them suing EVERYBODY.

I've never seen a administration so sue happy, from guitars to pollsters, they are SUING US (states) and our businesses

come on people WAKE UP
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Why didn't Congress impeach Holder on the spot for lying his ass off about Fast and Furious?


Because that might bring up some questions about why any asshole can buy a gun at any time...

so the background check should include a ctaegory " is the buyer an asshole?"

How about..

Thorough psychological exams
Thorough background checks
Comprehensive training.

But, nope, because of bad syntax in the Second Amendment, nutbags think they have an unlimited right to buy a gun...

And if some of those people sell guns to Mexican Drug Gangs, well, gee, that's the governments fault.

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