DOJ is suing Gallup: No poll ever to be beleived now

Republicans are so cute when they all get the orders to parrot the same conspiracy theory. When it happens, you can see them all bleating the same thing in unison, all across the internet.

Let's look a the conspiracy theory. Axelrod, a campaign advisor who is paid to make political statements, made a political statement about Gallup. According to the kooks, Axelrod simply saying the poll was inaccurate somehow qualifies as "The Obama adminstriation is leaning on Gallup". And thus this proves an old minor lawsuit about overcharging, something that would only get Gallup fined, was really politically motivated. Crafty, those Democrats, to have started the plot all those years earlier.

Why can't the right come up with better conspiracy theories? I mean, what would even the point be of getting Gallup to report better polls, since polls don't win elections?

You've attempted to harpoon each thread on this topic but have apparently yet to find any importance in educating yourself to the facts.
Gallup had obama behind. Then they got sued by the DOJ and all of a sudden obama has a great leap forward. It's not rocket science.

So they were willing to sacrifice their credibility over a lawsuit.
You mean the people who refused to prosecute voter intimidation cause it was black panthers doing it?

You mean the case that Bush administration DOJ officials declined to pursue?

The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.
This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division.

A conservative dismisses right-wing Black Panther 'fantasies' - Ben Smith -

Three Republican poll monitors filed complaints of intimidation — itself a federal crime — but no voters attested to being turned away. The Justice Department, while Bush was still president, investigated the incident and later, after Obama took office, decided that "the facts and the law did not support pursuing" the claims against the party and against a second, unarmed man, Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said.

That case?
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Can't these right wingers come up with a better conspiracy? Maybe one involving birth certificates or being born in an African Country? Or maybe college transcripts? Something better. This is too "lame".
Can't these right wingers come up with a better conspiracy? Maybe one involving birth certificates or being born in an African Country? Or maybe college transcripts? Something better. This is too "lame".

Just wait, ACORN will come up any time now....
Can't these right wingers come up with a better conspiracy? Maybe one involving birth certificates or being born in an African Country? Or maybe college transcripts? Something better. This is too "lame".

Why, you have people's homes for crying out loud to show SOMETHING, wasn't sure what the hell it was, and bitch about someone couldn't possibly NOT have a HOUSECLEANER because she had MS and FIVE children
Can't these right wingers come up with a better conspiracy? Maybe one involving birth certificates or being born in an African Country? Or maybe college transcripts? Something better. This is too "lame".

Why, you have people's homes for crying out loud to show SOMETHING, wasn't sure what the hell it was, and bitch about someone couldn't possibly NOT have a HOUSECLEANER because she had MS and FIVE children

Well said.

Have you taken he time to thank your fellow forum members today?
Why should a polling organization be exempt from federal lawsuits?

Who the fuck said they should be exempt?

Carbuncle, your dishonest transparency is already quite clear.

No? Then why are you crying about it? If a legitimate investigation, by the appropriate authority, into a polling organization's suspected wrongdoing, can't be conducted without biasing the pollster in favor of the investigators,

how else can justice be pursued?
and some more background which explains it a bit further:
The Department of Justice’s decision to intervene in Lindley’s action and to assume primary responsibility for the case follows a two-and-a-half year federal investigation of Lindley’s allegations by the DOJ. Lindley filed a sealed complaint on October 21, 2009 under the “qui tam” provisions of the federal False Claims Act, a law that authorizes private citizens to bring suit on behalf of the United States against companies that are defrauding government agencies. Lindley’s lawsuit has now been unsealed.

Allegedly Defrauding the U.S. Mint and the U.S. Passport Agency
The U.S. Mint, which the complaint alleges was defrauded by Gallup, awarded a sole-source contract for approximately $2 million annually to Gallup in 2007 to conduct market research for the sale of newly issued coins. The Mint relied on Gallup’s estimates of labor and other costs to set the price it would pay Gallup for over 20 task orders under the contract, and eventually paid Gallup in excess of $5 million on the contract.

According to the complaint, Gallup would internally project how many hours it would take to complete a project, increase those hours -- sometimes by a factor of two or more -- and then submit cost estimates to the Mint that incorporated the inflated hours. According to the complaint, while the Mint was pricing the task orders using Gallup’s exaggerated cost estimates,

Gallup was directing Lindley to enter lower, more accurate numbers in Gallup’s internal case management system.

The complaint alleges that after Lindley started working at Gallup, he promptly reported Gallup’s practice of inflating cost estimates, along with other misconduct he witnessed, to Government Division Managers and other high-level officials. Lindley alleges that throughout his tenure at Gallup, he urged senior management to stop the company’s corrupt practices. Gallup, however, according to the complaint, had no intention of doing so.

Instead, Gallup rewarded the very partner whom Lindley reported for submitting inflated cost estimates by honoring him as the Government Division “Rainmaker of the Year.”

U.S. Department of Justice Joins Whistleblower Case Brought Against the Gallup Organization Charging that Gallup Defrauded U.S. Government

If that's true, and Gallup has been stealing our money, I want to know about it.

And every person here reading this who gives a damn about fraud with OUR money should too.

Any other time, I'd give a damn. Given the timing on this, it stinks of campaign buggery. They should have either published this shit sooner, or waited until after November. Isn't n'Obama still occupying the WH until Jan 2013? Anyone not seeing this is blind, at a minimum.
Stephanie this is the type of people you were talking about. :eusa_whistle:

what? morons? i agree.

You agree but told Stephanie too stop being a retard for once? How does that make you agree retard

sigh, i see i have to explain my post to you. Somehow i feel this will be a waste of time.

The what? Is me asking what you mean't.
The morons is asking did i call people morons?
the I agree is if i said you and stepth are morons.

you guys are like an std of message boards.

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